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TNE Sourcebook

Originally posted by Trader (CJ) Scott:
why can we not have rules, gear, deckplans and plot??? :confused:

i for one would not buy something that was just full of fluff :rolleyes: ........give me some of the crunchy stuff too. :D
Please note that I want the full situation in 1248. That includes plot, adventure hooks, personality descriptions, etc.

Also, I don't see how history and background equate to "fluff". That history and background IS plot and adventure hooks. How is that "fluff"?

The reason I don't want ships and rules is that they take up space (i.e. page count). (Besides which, the TNE sourcebook is supposed to be "systemless".) In the case of ships, lots and lots of space. And, if for some reason, you actually include floorplans, each ship will take up MULTIPLE pages. (If you provide "floorplans for each ship" as requested earlier, that would end up filling the entire supplement by itself!)

Remember, we already have lots and lots of ships, tons and tons of rules, and entire supplements filled with weapons (TA1?). What we don't have is the real (i.e. new) situation in 1248 (including plot, adventure hooks, history, etc.) and the real (i.e. MJD revised) history that gets us there.

I just don't see how the history from 1130 (if not 1117) to 1248 can possibly fail to suck up vast quantities of pages. Remember, this is not just the RC and not just the Regency. It is ALL of them. And to cover all of that (even at a fairly high level) will require a large investment of pages.

Again, to me, the history (which includes the adventure opportunities and plot) IS the crunchy stuff. Any rules or weapons or ships would be the fluff.
Also, please let me make one clarifying remark here:

There probably will have to be some high-level rules to deal with specialized government types and Virus, at the very least. I understand that, and think that is a good thing.

I just want whatever rules there are serving the story, not the other way around.
Originally posted by daryen:
Also, please let me make one clarifying remark here:

There probably will have to be some high-level rules to deal with specialized government types and Virus, at the very least. I understand that, and think that is a good thing.

I just want whatever rules there are serving the story, not the other way around.
Agreed, a systemless approach seems the best for keeping it down in page length, though I must concur the UWP govt. types in the TNE era for the Wilds, and Pocket Empires (organic/ Virus) need some tweaking/ inclusion.
I think by then, we'll be using whatever system we're comfortable with anyways. For some of us, thats T20, others, the TNE, and then the Ct/Mt folkses..YMMV
I agree it should be systemless, or at the very least include as few rules as possible. The only way to make it work with rules is to include stats for ALL versions of TRAVELLER which just isn't pratical. Besides, historicial essays, maps, and profiles on improtant persons is very crunchy, since it all serves as fuel for countless hours of TRAVELLER fun. One of my all time favorite TRAVELLER supplements was SURVIVAL MARGIN for TNE. It had little actual game system material in it but was full of TRAVELLER timeline from 1116 to 1200 with news articles and some essays about Virus and the RC. The 1248 sourcebook should be written in much the same manner. Give us the info and let each group plug it into their rule system of choice.
Originally posted by Secrect Cow Level:
I agree it should be systemless, or at the very least include as few rules as possible. The only way to make it work with rules is to include stats for ALL versions of TRAVELLER which just isn't pratical. Besides, historicial essays, maps, and profiles on improtant persons is very crunchy, since it all serves as fuel for countless hours of TRAVELLER fun. One of my all time favorite TRAVELLER supplements was SURVIVAL MARGIN for TNE. It had little actual game system material in it but was full of TRAVELLER timeline from 1116 to 1200 with news articles and some essays about Virus and the RC. The 1248 sourcebook should be written in much the same manner. Give us the info and let each group plug it into their rule system of choice.
As I understand the ancients here,(MJD) there will be a lot of gray area open to Gms to use. Whether or not it follows the Survival margin outline in format & text..wellllll..I think not, judging what T20 & coy have done thus far.
Yes, there will be some TNS/ time line thingys in there, but I don't think the WHOLE book/ supplement will assume that guise. (I await the thunderbolts from on high to strike me down if any of this is false)
Posting the rules largely systemless, will only attrack more people into TNE, as one of the most common complaints about Traveller is that the rules keep changing. (these people usually have stopped playing AD&D or CofC or Champions)

I think a really attractive product, will always win over new players. Afterall, I started to play Fading Suns, because I wanted something different for my Traveller universe and found there is no conflict.
Originally posted by Captain Jonah:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MJD:
The declaration of the New Era will be the first day of the new period - the day that (deleted) ascends the Vacant Throne to lead the Fourth Imperium. This is 1248.

All Hail his Imperial majesty Deleted the first
</font>[/QUOTE]Wild guesses, anyone? Strephon "the Robot" the First. :D
Speaking of that, Carlos, will ya be sending yer Geonee stuff into MJD? (for Inclusion's sake in the humaniti's alliance versus the BC, and later the Dominate?)??

Liked yer stuff on line! Have utilized it in a broad spectrum IMTU once the RC contacted Sufren, and Sufren contacted yer PE of Geonee...(More than a way stop towards the Hub Worlds PE)..

heretically yours,
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Speaking of that, Carlos, will ya be sending yer Geonee stuff into MJD? (for Inclusion's sake in the humaniti's alliance versus the BC, and later the Dominate?)??
Erg... didn't think of that. I don't know, my TNE Geonee stuff got included in the BARD Archives, and recently I found out the world write-ups ended up even in Galactic 2.4! So I guess it all became Public Domain, right?

Wouldn't mind doing a short summary and taking it to 1248, though... although I am afraid I somehow lost track of TNE-related events at some point. Blame RL.

Liked yer stuff on line! Have utilized it in a broad spectrum IMTU once the RC contacted Sufren, and Sufren contacted yer PE of Geonee...(More than a way stop towards the Hub Worlds PE)..
Thanks. Glad you found it useful.