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TNE Survey


I am undertaking a survey of TNE titles and I invite players and owners to provide their individual ratings for the titles in the series.

I plan to use them in conjunction with ebook and hardcopy reprints. This same type of survey was used with the Twilight: 2000 series, and it helps new players understand the relative strengths of the component titles.

The final results will have a header something like this:

"The ratings for TNE modules are based on a survey of ___ players and owners who were asked to rate each module on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is best). No specific criteria was specified; the assumed criteria being "general satisfaction." The responses were tabulated to create a set of uniform ratings for the modules."

[Please insert your individual rating for these titles per the example (it makes it easier to process the data if I can cut and paste).]
[Please insert 0 if you do not have an opinion on the module.]

[Please email your response to: TNEsurvey@farfuture.net ]

5 ___ Traveller: The New Era [example]

Thanks for your help.

Marc Miller

___ Traveller: The New Era
___ Survival Margin
___ Deluxe Traveller: The New Era Box
___ Brilliant Lances boxed set
___ Fusion, Fire & Steel
___ Smash & Grab
___ Traveller Player's Forms
___ Traveller's Referee Screen
___ Battle Rider boxed set
___ Path of Tears
___ Reformation Coalition Equipment
___ World Tamer's Handbook
___ Vampire Fleets
___ Striker II
___ Keepers of The Flame
___ Star Vikings

Avery didn't mention my two favorites to cite ffrom/gripe about:
Hiver & Ithklur, and Regency Sourcebook!
Does this mean that we can expect a CD containing the TNE cannon? If the artwork is copyable and the text is searchable...count me in as a buyer!

TNE had some of the most interesting art of all versions of Traveller.
Damn it - I hate to admit it, but it would make sense to reprint it (I have it all, so no bucks for me to spend ner ner ner!)

As to score this is what I say:

7 ___ Traveller: The New Era
9 ___ Survival Margin
0 ___ Deluxe Traveller: The New Era Box
7 ___ Brilliant Lances boxed set
6 ___ Fusion, Fire & Steel
8 ___ Smash & Grab
5 ___ Traveller Player's Forms
6 ___ Traveller's Referee Screen
6 ___ Battle Rider boxed set
6 ___ Path of Tears
5 ___ Reformation Coalition Equipment
5 ___ World Tamer's Handbook
8 ___ Vampire Fleets
3 ___ Striker II
6 ___ Keepers of The Flame
2 ___ Star Vikings
There are several missing items from the list:

Aliens of the Rim ([0318])
Regency Combat Vehicle Guide ([0320])
The Guilded Lilly ([0330])
The Death of Wisdom (Book 1 of 3 [380])
To Dream of Chaos (Book 2 of 3 [0381])

Though perhaps the books might not be relevant to the reprint process.
- Joseph
6___ Traveller: The New Era
7___ Survival Margin
0___ Deluxe Traveller: The New Era Box
8___ Brilliant Lances boxed set
9___ Fusion, Fire & Steel
7___ Smash & Grab
6___ Traveller Player's Forms
6___ Traveller's Referee Screen
8___ Battle Rider boxed set
7___ Path of Tears
7___ Reformation Coalition Equipment
8___ World Tamer's Handbook
7___ Vampire Fleets
8___ Striker II
7___ Keepers of The Flame
6___ Star Vikings
7___ Aliens of the Rim
7___ Regency Combat Vehicle Guide
7___ The Guilded Lilly
7___ The Death of Wisdom
7___ To Dream of Chaos

I didn't get the Deluxe version in the box, figuring I had the individual books already. My biggest complaint on the core rule book was (and is) that it lacked a ship design sequence. FF&S more than made up for the lack, but came out far too much later for my taste. I included my responses to the items in the TNE line that you didn't list.
- Joseph

(emailed to Marc, copied here)
Joseph Kimball rated:

"7___ Survival Margin" and

"7___ The Death of Wisdom"
"7___ To Dream of Chaos"

Mr. Kimball,

You gave Survival Margin; arguably the best written Traveller supplement ever, the same rating as those two pieces of wood stove fodder?!?

Sweet Suffering Santanocheev!

I realize that tastes vary from person to person, but Burnette's two TNE novels (Egads, just referring to them as novels makes my flesh crawl) are quite possibly the worst books I've ever read.

Say it ain't so, Mr. Kimball! ;)

8___ Traveller: The New Era
10___ Survival Margin
0___ Deluxe Traveller: The New Era Box
4___ Brilliant Lances boxed set
10___ Fusion, Fire & Steel
0___ Smash & Grab
0___ Traveller Player's Forms
0___ Traveller's Referee Screen
0___ Battle Rider boxed set
8___ Path of Tears
5___ Reformation Coalition Equipment
7___ World Tamer's Handbook
7___ Vampire Fleets
0___ Striker II
10___ Keepers of The Flame (Regency Sourcebook)
0___ Star Vikings
(4___ Aliens of the Rim)
(3___ Regency Combat Vehicle Guide)

I'd give Keepers of the Flame and FF&S an 11 if I could...

I'll email that too, of course. Everyone posting here is remembering to email their results to TNEsurvey@farfuture.net , right?

7 ___ Traveller: The New Era
10 ___ Survival Margin
0 ___ Deluxe Traveller: The New Era Box
8 ___ Brilliant Lances boxed set
9 ___ Fusion, Fire & Steel
9 ___ Smash & Grab
0 ___ Traveller Player's Forms
0 ___ Traveller's Referee Screen
8 ___ Battle Rider boxed set
10 ___ Path of Tears
7 ___ Reformation Coalition Equipment
9 ___ World Tamer's Handbook
8 ___ Vampire Fleets
7 ___ Striker II
10 ___ Keepers of The Flame
9 ___ Star Vikings

As you can see, I liked a lot about TNE. Didn't particularly care for the system or setting, but I liked the materials. Path of Tears is a marvel, you find new things in it every time you read it. WTH is good too, always wanted a guide like it. RSB, or Keepers, is superb too.

That is because it is set in the MT era

Although I would agree with the sentiment that coupled with Survival Margin it makes an excellent end of days sub-era traveller era in its self!
Being a vocal proponent of TNE since it's the only version I play I guess I'd better post on this. (And email too)

8-Traveller The New Era
8-Survival Margin
0-Deluxe Traveller The New Era Boxed set
9-Brilliant Lances
10-Fire Fusion & Steel
9-Smash & Grab
3-Traveller Players Forms
8-Traveller Referees screen
6-Battle Rider Boxed set
10-Path of Tears
7-Reformation Coallition Equipment Guide
9-World Tamers Handbook
10-Vampire Fleets
6-Striker Two
7-Keepers of the Flame RSB
7-Star Vikings
and the missed ones...
6-Aliens of the Rim Hivers & Ithklur
8-Regency Combat Vehicle Guide

Any game system, especially one with a sci fi setting that gives you the tools to design almost every piece of equipment your player's will ever see let alone use gets my vote. :cool: Striker One allmost had this for CT but apparently it doesn't integrate with High Guard. My only gripe with FF&S is that I suspect US authors had difficulty understanding metric weights because everthing is so friggin heavy :eek:
Path of Tears is just simply a masterpiece of infinatly useable material well put together. No other system for gaming I've seen gives you in one supplement such a rich area to campaign in yet doesn't get so detailed that you can't alter it here and there.
And speaking of altering it, World tamers handbook has really changed my traveller universe.
No longer are all 867xxx-? earthlike worlds earthlike. Some are too cold or two hot, some have habital zones and unhabitable zone.The devil is in the detail.

As for the rules system themselves, well I was a Twilight2000 Ref before I became a TNE ref and since I have the original print not the updated "mark 1 mod 1" second print I can see the chunks of cut and paste T2k rules and cut and paste MT equipment so it was nothing new to me that I had to learn or adapt to. ;)
_4_ Traveller: The New Era
_9_ Survival Margin
_0_ Deluxe Traveller: The New Era Box
_0_ Brilliant Lances boxed set
_1_ Fusion, Fire & Steel
_3_ Smash & Grab
_4_ Traveller Player's Forms
_4_ Traveller's Referee Screen
_0_ Battle Rider boxed set
_7_ Path of Tears
_3_ Reformation Coalition Equipment
_2_ World Tamer's Handbook
_4_ Vampire Fleets
_0_ Striker II
_6_ Keepers of The Flame
_5_ Star Vikings

_2_ Gilded Lilly
_2_ Regency Vehicles
_4_ Aliens of the Rim
Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
Joseph Kimball rated:

"7___ Survival Margin" and

"7___ The Death of Wisdom"
"7___ To Dream of Chaos"

Mr. Kimball,

You gave Survival Margin; arguably the best written Traveller supplement ever, the same rating as those two pieces of wood stove fodder?!?

Sweet Suffering Santanocheev!

I realize that tastes vary from person to person, but Burnette's two TNE novels (Egads, just referring to them as novels makes my flesh crawl) are quite possibly the worst books I've ever read.

Say it ain't so, Mr. Kimball! ;)


It's been some time since I actually read through these, so perhaps my rating for Survival Margin is not as high as it could be. On the other hand, I don't remember it containing any design sequences which is what I rate the highest.

I liked the two TNE novels better than the one T4 novel. _The Death of Wisdom_ and _To Dream of Chaos_ were much more true to the OTU than _Gateway to the Stars_ in my opinion. I have read worse sci-fi than any of those three (though I can thankfully not remeber them at the moment).

- Joseph
Joseph Kimball wrote:

"It's been some time since I actually read through these, so perhaps my rating for Survival Margin is not as high as it could be."

Mr. Kimball,

My apologies, sir. I was trying, and failing, to make a joke.

"I liked the two TNE novels better than the one T4 novel."

Oh. My. God. I'd forgotten that there was a T4 novel. Imagine the 'ratio' involved; the TNE novels are to the TNE materials as the T4 novel is to the T4 materials. Oh. My. God.

I'm surprised the T4 novel made it out of the printing plant without being identified as a dangerous carcinogen and quickly disposed of.

Catpulted into the Sun perhaps?


P.S. Just kidding!
Fair warning: I was never a big fan of TNE

7___ Traveller: The New Era
8___ Survival Margin
7___ Deluxe Traveller: The New Era Box
5___ Brilliant Lances boxed set
7___ Fusion, Fire & Steel
0___ Smash & Grab
7___ Traveller Player's Forms
7___ Traveller's Referee Screen
0___ Battle Rider boxed set
7___ Path of Tears
0___ Reformation Coalition Equipment
0___ World Tamer's Handbook
0___ Vampire Fleets
0___ Striker II
0___ Keepers of The Flame
0___ Star Vikings
6___ Traveller: The New Era
7___ Survival Margin
0___ Deluxe Traveller: The New Era Box
0___ Brilliant Lances boxed set
0___ Fusion, Fire & Steel
0___ Smash & Grab
0___ Traveller Player's Forms
0___ Traveller's Referee Screen
0___ Battle Rider boxed set
8___ Path of Tears
0___ Reformation Coalition Equipment
6___ World Tamer's Handbook
0___ Vampire Fleets
0___ Striker II
8___ Keepers of The Flame
6___ Star Vikings

I will also submit via e-mail.