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Simply because Helo makes a pseudobiological's spine glow red when doing the dirty and she says she's bearing his child, that makes it ok they annihilated his species and civilization?


Then despite still being pursued and under severe threat, they get a chance to use the virus on them, they still disregard that amidst their petty angst and the odious equivocation of "enhanced interrogation" with the rape and 'real' torture being visited on the Pegasus Six.

Well, I thought that was one of the strengths of the show, that people like Helo really did find a line inside themselves, "if it's wrong when they do it, it's wrong when we do it," and try to live by that. I thought that was worthwhile exploration, it just went sour when it always ended with everyone changing sides again and holding pistols to each other's foreheads some more. This is why ships keep their weapons locked up.

I thought that the opportunity to use the virus was the most powerful plot point, but as I recall it just got drowned out in soap opera and people pulling back the slides of their pistols.
Well, I thought that was one of the strengths of the show, that people like Helo really did find a line inside themselves, "if it's wrong when they do it, it's wrong when we do it," and try to live by that.

I get that and could even agree with it. Except that's not when Helo found that line. He's told one of the beings that knew and participated in the destruction of his species and civilization says she's bearing child and not only does he just take her word for it, but it makes the death and destruction of any family and friends and life outside of military service he ever had all right? That should apply to everyone else, as well. I'm not saying they need to go total war since they're supposedly trying to escape, but it's a bit of perspective noone seems to have when equivocating over relatively minor comparative abuses the other direction.

By the point of the virus, it could be reasonable. Flipping a switch on nuked Caprica didn't seem like it made any sense to me.

I thought that was worthwhile exploration, it just went sour when it always ended with everyone changing sides again and holding pistols to each other's foreheads some more. This is why ships keep their weapons locked up.

lol so funny to summarize it like that, especially when it's accurate. It's the soap opera effect. :D