Ok for years now I've bean running a periodic campaign for a ship-less solo traveller, the character has bean living a little better than hand to mouth for many game years trying to save for their own ship, the character is carrying around Millions in various Currencies, Negotiable Bonds and Precious Stones they have around 25-30% the total price of a Type-S or some other 100 ton Scout.
last game played at the start of this year the character was called up to do a job for their old service, in the process they crashed around 30MCr worth of Assault Boat to save the day, they then liberated a scout craft that no longer has a legal owner (unless you count the totalitarians that staged a coupe when a neutral goverment tried to transition to friendly) to get their boat crew and passengers back up the well to a waiting fleet for Evac, Navy doesn't have a prize crew on station for the scout or hold space to bring it as cargo, as we left things the fleet was burning to jump point, the options where to dump the scout in to a passing asteroid, set the autopilot to return it to it's home world and go for a terminal re-entry, or give the PC a copy of the jump destination and meet up at the rally point.
thing is should I give the PC the ship, make them give it up as a penalty for crashing the Assault Boat or just abandon it.
ATM I've got good control over the characters travels without making it look like I'm running a railroad, if I give them the ship the sand box becomes more free-form and gets limited to J-2, also one of the players main goals has bean a ship thus eliminating a pull and the player ends up with a large pool of disposable cash (give up Travelling big) thus killing an other pull, the campaign has other pulls, but they may not be big enough to keep things going without the two big ones.
So give them a ship or stay the course?
last game played at the start of this year the character was called up to do a job for their old service, in the process they crashed around 30MCr worth of Assault Boat to save the day, they then liberated a scout craft that no longer has a legal owner (unless you count the totalitarians that staged a coupe when a neutral goverment tried to transition to friendly) to get their boat crew and passengers back up the well to a waiting fleet for Evac, Navy doesn't have a prize crew on station for the scout or hold space to bring it as cargo, as we left things the fleet was burning to jump point, the options where to dump the scout in to a passing asteroid, set the autopilot to return it to it's home world and go for a terminal re-entry, or give the PC a copy of the jump destination and meet up at the rally point.
thing is should I give the PC the ship, make them give it up as a penalty for crashing the Assault Boat or just abandon it.
ATM I've got good control over the characters travels without making it look like I'm running a railroad, if I give them the ship the sand box becomes more free-form and gets limited to J-2, also one of the players main goals has bean a ship thus eliminating a pull and the player ends up with a large pool of disposable cash (give up Travelling big) thus killing an other pull, the campaign has other pulls, but they may not be big enough to keep things going without the two big ones.
So give them a ship or stay the course?