Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
Check out's list of the top 50 SciFi shows of all time.
I'm giving up at this point. It's interesting that Star Trek DS9 hasn't yet made an appearance when it stomped ToS and TNG into the dirt overall. Yes, some of the first season of DS9 was pretty bad, but nothing in the series ever reached the nadir of the worst of the upchuck-inducing TNG episodes, and the best episodes of seasons 4 and 5 rocked, something I largely cannot say for most any TNG episode.Originally Appeared in the Turkey City Lexicon:
"For you see, we are all living in a jar of Tang!" or "For you see, I am a dog!" Mainstay of the old Twilight Zone TV show. An entire pointless story contrived so the author can cry "Fooled you!" This is a classic case of the difference between a conceit and an idea. "What if we all lived in a jar of Tang?" is an example of the former; "What if the revolutionaries from the sixties had been allowed to set up their own society?" is an example of the latter. Good SF requires ideas, not conceits.
Big, huge, strong, disagreement with you there. The new BSG, IMO, is the best scifi show ever to grace the airwaves. Better'n some movies, too.Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
BSG 2 as #2 I quite disagree. While the pilot and most of the first season was good, the whole value of the series went right down the tubes with the appearance of Caine at the end of season 1, she and her crew were quite simply unbelievable.
I should have added that I don't disagree with you on all counts, though.Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
These sorts of lists have begun to raise bile in my throat.
Farscape, Space Above and Beyond, Red Dwarf, Blake's 7, and STOriginally posted by far-trader:
Farscape? Or...
Space Above and Beyond? Or...
Doctor Who? (to stretch the concept of sci-fi less than some on there) (EDIT: ah, The Doctor did make the list) Or...![]()
Red Dwarf? Or...
Blakes 7?
I agree completely. This is exactly the point I was trying to illuminate.Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
This list also clearly shows that whoever stuck it together for a fluff piece doesn't give two s==ts for Sci fi. It misght as well be a "Top 50 Dog Breeds" list.
...and a couple of my own musings in sympathyOriginally posted by vegascat:
Here is their full list:
There are those who believe that NBSG is Soft-⌧ Yanks-in-space wrapped in a thin veil of Sci-Fi. The only thing it has going for it, IMO, is the visual imagery of theOriginally posted by Alik Morikan:
Most of what's on television, or ever has been, is crap. Scifi or otherwise. The current version of BSG is looking really good. Amazing, given that the original was such a flaming bag of liquid CR@P.
Best sci-fi on television right now? Maybe BSG2. CSI comes right after. Their depictions are a little off the mark for a modern millieu, but would be just perfect for, "CSI: Regina."