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Toys 3


Grav assisted jumper suit
The ultimate light weight in the powered armor division. This skeletal A-frame is small enough to be worn underneath (loose fitting) casual clothing. It comes in two models combat and infiltration. It gives the wearer a +2 on strength checks and -2 on dexterity check. Note, if the character has the Armor Proficiency Battle Dress feat the -2 Dex penalty is waved. The suit incorporates two to four null-gravity modules similar to the ones found in grav belts. These however are not powerful enough for full fledged flight. The jumper grav units, located just below the knee, are used to give the character a boost on high jumps and cushion long drops. Note the grav unit must be exposed to take advantage of this ability, button up pants work well. The max jump is approximately twelve meters strait up, give or take a meter depending on body weight.
The combat model comes equipped with two brass knuckle style grav pulsers called pulse fists. They work something like a hand mine, except safer to use. Each one does 1d8 (20) damage. Gravitics are difficult to use as weapons because they deliver a recoil equal to their damage yield. To avoid taking d8 damage, the suit acts as a recoil carriage for the pulse fist. Note this dose not allow a character to fire the PGMP-13 or FGMP-14 as if he were wearing Battle Dress. The Jumper suit is not built to handle that kind of recoil. A character with strength 14+ may turn the pulse fist up a notch so it does 1d10 damage. A character attempting to do this with out strength 14+ will take the same damage he deals to his own stamina points.
The infiltration model comes equipped with spider gloves and boots. This allows the wearer to cling to walls. Pulse fists can be added to this model at the expense of concealability.

Combat model TL 13 cost Cr 200,000 weight 18kg
Infiltration model TL 13 cost Cr 150,000 weight 6kg
Pulse fist TL 13 cost Cr500 weight 2kg dmg 1d8/1d10 (20)

Grav riot cannon
Just as effective as a regular riot cannon except that it holds thirty five shots. To ovoid a recoil that will send the user flying backwards the gun sends the blast out both ends. This means you should never brace the cannon against you own body and all ways make sure that none of your own men are standing directly behind you. :rolleyes:

TL 11 cost Cr300 weight 1kg dmg 3D8 (x2) stun range 4m size M type B recoil Y rounds 35

Web coil
A modification to my Web line, used mainly for wilderness survival. This unit produces a thicker more durable strand. The webs from the original Web line launcher will become brittle and turn to dust about an hour after use. Webs produced from the coil will last as long as your typical nylon rope. Rope has unlimited uses, from constructing a shelter to setting snares and hanging your food out the local wildlife`s reach. In other words, you`er going to need a lot of it. The coil has enough web compound to produce thirty meters of line. Notes, the web is strong enough to be used as a bow string but it will only last for eight +1D6 shots. The coil can be adjusted to produce a finer line better suited for fishing. The coil is equipped with a counter so you`ll know when your running out.

TL 12 cost Cr200 weight 600g rounds 30m of line spare cartridge cost Cr30 weight 50g

Water Purification Unit
A small metallic cylinder with a color changing indicator light on one end and all the purification stuff on the other. Dip the purifier end in a container of water. If the light end turns green then you don`t need to worry the water is perfectly safe. If it turns red then the water is contaminated and you need to set the purification process. The indicator light will turn blue when it`s working. If the light ever turns black then the water will probably kill you and it is beyond this units ability to clean. Note, be sure to get one that`s calibrated to you race. If you bought one from a K`Kree the light could be green but the water will have you in the fresher for the next two hours. :(

TL 12 cost Cr100 weight 0.5 kg

Viper Unit
Nicknamed after the venomous Terran snake, the Viper is a compact poison detection unit. With a small needle like probe it can tell you if an unknown plant or animal is safe to eat. Note`s, be sure to check the whole thing. Some plants have poisons leaves but the roots are safe to eat. Likewise some animals are delicious and nutritious but the liver will kill you. And once again be sure it`s calibrated to you races chemical make up.

TL, 12 cost Cr100 weight 0.5 kg

Psi bomb
An almost practical application of artificial Psionics. Any one within the nine meter blast radius will suffer the effects of a telepathic assault. Shielded minds are unaffected. Note, artificial Psionics are very unreliable, roll 1D6 to seen how effective it is. A roll of 1-3 means that the has failed to go off, 4-5 means it worked but only partially, a roll of 6 means no problems and the bomb has worked perfectly. If a 4 or 5 was rolled then roll a D10 percentage die to seen how many in the blast radius have bee effected. The minds farthest away from the grenade but still in the blast radius are more likely to be effected. If the grenade failed to go off it may still explode at minimum efficiency in a later round. Roll 1D20 DC 10+1 per round after initial activation. If the DC ever reaches 20 (ten rounds) the grenade will then be very useful as a paperweight. :D Only available on Zhdant or other worlds with a high psionic population.

TL 14 cost Cr 250 weight 1kg dmg all stamina and 2D6 lifeblood blast radius 9m
These new toys are fun! I wish they were real so I could play with them

Wait a minit! Zanrain, I'll have to buy your company up as a subsidiary, and make you my primary arms designer! State any terms, and they're yours (but you can't leave service for five years...).