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Trade map updates for the Wiki


SOC-14 1K
Staff member
Admin Award
After long last I've completed several updates to the PyRoute program. Many of these updates are internal (Python 3!, Jinga Templates!, Json output!) the most visible changes are in the wiki formatted output. This information will be split across several pages in the wiki by an automated upload process:

  • The top level summary section and allegiance table will be posted to the Trade Map Summary page
  • The sector and subsector information are uploaded to the <sector>/summary and <subsector>/summary pages (respectively)
  • The sector economic and generated sector data are uploaded to the <sector>/economic and <sector>/sector pages (respectively).
  • Where the global allegiance information is uploaded is not been determined at this time.

The newly generated PDF trade maps have also been generated and uploaded.

Any feedback, requests, insights, things missing, spelling errors, bad grammar, or random comments are appreciated.
After long last I've completed several updates to the PyRoute program. Many of these updates are internal (Python 3!, Jinga Templates!, Json output!) the most visible changes are in the wiki formatted output. This information will be split across several pages in the wiki by an automated upload process:

  • The top level summary section and allegiance table will be posted to the Trade Map Summary page
  • The sector and subsector information are uploaded to the <sector>/summary and <subsector>/summary pages (respectively)
  • The sector economic and generated sector data are uploaded to the <sector>/economic and <sector>/sector pages (respectively).
  • Where the global allegiance information is uploaded is not been determined at this time.

The newly generated PDF trade maps have also been generated and uploaded.

Any feedback, requests, insights, things missing, spelling errors, bad grammar, or random comments are appreciated.

Mazel Tov! Looks great.

No errors spotted after going through it several times.

Shabbat Shalom,