The ship wouldn't get paid for it.
They don't get paid? Tell me why they're carrying the information again?
Maybe not, but I am as equally unsure that you follow what I am getting at.
I think I have a very good idea of what you're suggesting.
You want every ship flying in the Imperium to be carrying an atuomatic "handshake" comm system of a sort. As it leaves a system, it automatically uploads the latest data packet available and as it enters a system it downloads the packet it's carrying. It's all completely automatic with computers doing all the bit checking and time stamp vetting beneath everyday human notice.
I think it is more of an inability on my part to be able to explain the idea in a way that it can be understood.
In my 30+ years of professional training experience ranging from nuclear power to microchip clean rooms to statistical process control, I've learned that if you can't explain an idea in a way that can be understood you don't understand the idea well enough yourself.
If a system like the Internet can work then so can this system. The only difference is the jump drive.
Jump drive is the reason it won't work. Jump drive and human nature.
When an X-boat comes into a system what is it carrying and what does it do? As far as I understand it...
The data transfer isn't said to require docking. It's generally assumed the 'boat squirts it's data to the tender who then repeats the data via a more powerful signal to the mainworld.
If this system works in the Imperium for the transfer of information then so does mine. In fact my system merely serves to supplement the X-boat system.
You're failing to realize that there are already other systems supplementing the x-boat system. Messages don't only flow along those few lines on the subsector maps.
Do yourself a favor, google "Anthony Jackson Traveller trade maps" and take a look at the myriad routes merchant shipping flies in the Imperium.
Scheduled and
subsidized ships belonging to
trusted and
reputable firms fly those routes on
published timetables. Those are the ships that
already carry the message traffic you want every Tom, Dick, and Eneri to be wired for.
The technology and the infrastructure would already be there on most worlds.
I wouldn't be so sure.
Sure there would be frontier worlds and low population worlds that maybe wouldn’t be hooked up, but that is life isn’t it.
Guess what? The same worlds your Interstellar ISP system skips because they're too poor or unskilled? They're on trade routes, minor routes, but routes all the same. So the setting's already existing message system serves more worlds at essentially the same speed that your suggested one does.
So why are should they pay for your system again?
The cost is not an issue as it is already part of the standard communications infrastructure. Ships need to be able to transmit and receive data from the system anyway.
Already part of the standard comm system? Sez who?
Ships to need to transmit and receive data. Do they also need to transmit and receive at the speeds, volumes, and accuracies your automatic, beneath-human-notice, system requires? Squirting an ETA is a bit different from accurately receiving, storing, and broadcasting huge data packages.
No one looks at this system it just runs in the background. Millions of transactions are handled by the computers each jump.
Yeah, no one looks at it. That's a biggest part of the problem. It's all just automatic, everyone has to be part of the system, it normally runs beneath everyone's notice, and anyone can "spike" or "queer" the system before anyone realizes what is going on. The system uses your memory and processing power, the data arrives automatically, but there's a good chance you won't even get paid for hosting the files. You've got to automatically download the packet, don't even have choice in the matter, but no one checks it for malware.
TNE talked about how the Deyo transponders were a disaster waiting to happen. Your proposed system is an even bigger disaster because it won't rely on Deyo chips or Virus to blow up.
Summing up, message traffic in the Imperium is handled by more than just IISS X-boats. Merchants, subsidized or corporate, carry message traffic, as do couriers both military and civilian. This system is robust, safe, trusted, and covers every system on a trade route no matter how small.
Your proposed system doesn't cover as many worlds as the already existing systems do, imposes an additional financial burden on all ships and the few worlds serviced, has little or no security, and thus is wholly unnecessary.
Of course, this all applies to the
OTU. What you do
IYTU is your own call.