You want to pull some tech miracle out of you hat? Fine, your idea still doesn't work and for the same operational and economic reasons that have been repeatedly explained to you.
Why do you think it takes a tech miracle? I really don't see that a miracle is necessary. Perhaps I am missing something, but the technology to save the data from an entire planetary network and transport it at light speed with available ships doesn't sound that implausible to me, especially when we are in the "far future" and there is already an x-boat system that does something very similar. Storing data in crytals or someother medium will surely be possible by then there are already countless theories about how it can be done.
I am not proposing the disolution of the existing X-boat/courier network as its described in canon nor am I saying that extra ship's are going to be built or extra jumps are going to be made.
Your idea doesn't work in the Official Traveller Universe. It can work in Your Traveller Universe. And YTU is all that matters.
The horse is dead and it's corpse has been removed. Flogging the dried stains in the road does you no good.
And I think we are still missing each other somehow.
Of course my idea doesn't exist in the official traveller universe. No one wrote about it. I am not authorized to change official traveller history. That is not the issue here, because that is not what I am trying to do. I couldn't do that. I am not authorized to do it.
The question is whether the idea is a plausible one and whether it could fit into the existing CT environment or not. Thats all.
I still don't understand your objections. What is the issue exactly?
Is it the technology? That shouldn't be a problem.
---The necessary protocols and ablility to filter, sort and query exist already.
---It is possible to take all the data from a planetary net and put it on a ship. We could do this now with a bit of work although not as elegantly or efficiently.
---The capacity for data storage and transmission almost exist now and will surely be possible in the far future.
What is the economic objection? The basic idea is a solid one. I can see from your previous economic arguments that the complex system of paying for commerically classified pieces information might not be possible. I'll concede to you on that point if it will help.
---I am not talking about building more X-boats and making more jumps.
---I am not talking about building a parallel fleet of jump5 or jump6 courriers to replace or supplement the X-boat network.
---I am not talking about investing billions in expanding infrastructure. The infrastrucutre is already there. The infrastructure already exists on most planets and in most systems. That is how the X-boat network functions.
---I am talking about piggybacking a informational update from a planetary network on every outgoing ship (they are going somewhere else anyway) as part of standard procedure and paying the carrying ship a small bonus payment for carrying the information.
Ships are not making extra information dedicated jumps they are just getting the info and piggy-backing it as they go about their normal routes or wherever they are jumping to.
---The payment of of a carrying bonus already exists in todays networks, if not in complex the way I am suggesting at the very least in the form of a flat fee that is passed to the buyer.
Is it security?
---There are security problems on the internet today, but that doesn't stop people from using it to do business.
---The data can be stored in the ships data banks, a portion of which can be de-coupled from the ships' vital systems to avoid any Queering or one way or the other.
---There are encryption capabilities that make private information private and although nothing is hackproof just like on the internet in the majority of cases the average hacker will not be smart enough or have the time or dedicated resources to hack into your information.
Does the idea destroy some key element of the game from your point of view?
If you just look at the technology and the economics of the idea you can see that it will work regardless of the concept is applied. It works just like a sneakernet.
The traders moving the information along do not necessarily have to look at or process that information just as your ISP does not look at or process every data packet that comes flying its way over the telephone lines. They don't have to handle it, just transport upload and download.
Think of it like your ISP. Make a product out of it. You accept the terms and you carry the data everyone subscribes and pays their fees. They get the data they want, the news and etc. and you as the captain get a carriers fee that you can use to offset some of your operating costs.