Given: Tramp freighter subject to some sort of regulation, be it Imperial or port of registration or whatever. That isn't the issue.
Not what you want to hear, but I've never had the impression that there was enforced regulations for escape pods or other emergency items like survival balls on tramp freighters or any other sort of starship. I get this impression because it never seemed to be spoken of much in all the Traveller materials that speak to such things.
I'm guessing that it doesn't happen that often that things like this are needed? Or maybe, because of distances and travel time, even within a star system, that nobody in a Survival Bubble or escape pod will last long enough for rescue to be mounted?
What should the regulations (if any) be so far as carriage of Emergency Low Berths and Escape Pods? (Assuming ships are usually too small for lots of Life Boats such as Liners may carry.)
1) Enough of each for all crew plus max full load of passengers?
2) Enough of each for all crew plus usual passenger load?
3) Enough of either (or combined mix) for crew and passengers?
4) Give up cargo space for WHAT??? :rofl:
Since I think this is totally a YTU question, I'd say go with what you think is correct. Option 1 looks good.
Maybe the regs are system based? Jurisdiction changes? It depends on the noble the governs that star system? Or, maybe it depends on the Law Level of the main world?
And, therefore, although there are no Imperial regs that maintain survival apparatus must be carried, a skipper that operates close to a world or star cluster where the local regs on this are enforced will carry what he needs to meet those regs since he does so much business in that area?
Plus, I think it would be a neat encounter to have customs board the PC ship and then dock 'em/fine 'em/imprison 'em/whatever for not meeting the local regs.
"Sir, Allel cluster law states clearly that each passenger must have access to a TL 9 or better vacc suit or Survival Bubble with 10 hours of life support, and YOU don't even have one aboard this ship! You will be escorted dirtside where...".
Another idea, probably more practical, is that every person aboard the ship must have access to a Vacc Suit with a minimum amount of life support, plus there must be one Vacc Suit per air lock...or something like that.
Just brainstorming...