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Traveller Interstellar Governments


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
Using TravellerMap.com, or other sources, can we come up with every interstellar government descriptor?

W - weak government        R - representative
S - strong government      O - oligarchic
D - dependent government   H - hereditary
L - cultural identity      T - totalitarian
C - cosmopolitan           M - meritocracy

Weak Governments

"Weak" means the government is easier to circumvent than other classes.

WR - Accord/Concordance/Harmony(ies)/Pact - agreement, harmony - an agreement between worlds
WR - Assemblage/Assembly - a group of worlds united due to location and situation
WO - Consortium - two or more companies or governments associated for a common purpose
WR - Confederation/League/World League/League of Worlds etc - major subdivisions have their own governmental organizations and retain independent rights of policy making and decisions that cannot be overridden by the main government
WT - Hierate - confederation of powerful rulers
WH - Signatorate - assembly of hereditary rulers

Strong Governments

"Strong" means the government gets its way more often than other classes.

ST - Biumvirate/Triumvirute et al - a small set of powerful individual rulers/worlds
SO - Consulate/Council - representative oligarchy
SR - Cooperative/Communality/Community - jointly owned for common purpose and benefit
S? - Conquest
SH - Duchy - domain controlled by a duke or duchess
ST - Dominate - government by superior authority or power
SH - Empire/Imperium - domain controlled by an emperor or empress
SR - Foederate/Federation - major subdivisions have their own governmental organizations and retain independent rights of policy making and decisions that can be overridden by the main government
ST - Hegemony/Primacy - the dominance or leadership of one world over others
SH - Principality - domain controlled by a prince or princess
SH - Regency/Kingdom/Monarchy/Regnum etc - domain controlled by a monarch
SR - Republic - a state that is not led by a hereditary monarch
SM - Technocracy - A system of governance where people who are skilled or proficient in their respective areas of expertise govern. A type of meritocracy based on people's ability and knowledge in a given area.
SR - Trade Association - organization founded and funded by businesses for the purpose of government

Dependent Governments

"Dependent" means the government is more beholden to external influences than other classes.

D? - Client State - formally independent but is under the "sphere of influence" of another
D? - Protectorate - a state or territory partly controlled by (but not a possession of) a stronger state but autonomous in internal affairs
DR - Union - an organization of employees formed to bargain with the government

Culture-based Governments

"Culture" means that government is related to origin, caste, race, sophont, or other broad-based genetic or sociological construct.

L? - Colonies - remote to but descended from another state
L? - Corporate - individuals joined by purpose, or identity, et al
LT - Unity - an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting

Cosmopolitan Governments

"Cosmopolitan" means that genetics or sociology have no bearing on society or government policy.

C? - Administrative District - a region marked off for management
CR - Concourse - a multitude, a large coming together of people
CT - Conglomerate - a group of diverse companies under common ownership and run as a single organization
CR - People's Assembly - groups of people/sophonts united due to context
CR - Trade Conglomerate - a trade association run by a central organization

Generic Hereditary Government

"Generic" just means this class has no specific primary government code.

?H - Domain - controlled territory
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Clarification: Is this to define in some way the governmental structure/character of the "overgovernment" of a multi-world polity, as distinct from the governmental structure/character of the constituent worlds?
Clarification: Is this to define in some way the governmental structure/character of the "overgovernment" of a multi-world polity, as distinct from the governmental structure/character of the constituent worlds?

Yup, that's the goal. (Has Freelance Traveller done something like that already?)

Hey, your sig should make "Freelance Traveller" a link to Freelance Traveller...
Yup, that's the goal. (Has Freelance Traveller done something like that already?)

No, but Glenn Grant and I put together an expanded Government Profile for individual worlds - see Expanding the UWP: Governments.

Hey, your sig should make "Freelance Traveller" a link to Freelance Traveller...

If I knew how to do that, I would - I thought I tried bbcoding it, and got ucky bbcode in the sig instead of a link.
Admin. Dist.


I think that the first of the Dependent worlds should be DM. Good management stays in power, gets promoted and bring up other younger managers.
No, but Glenn Grant and I put together an expanded Government Profile for individual worlds - see Expanding the UWP: Governments.

If I knew how to do that, I would - I thought I tried bbcoding it, and got ucky bbcode in the sig instead of a link.

Did you try this format:

Edit: Yes, obviously you did - it's in your quote here. :rolleyes: Teach me to read before I post. :nonono:
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Last edited by aramis; Today at 09:33 AM.. Reason: added tags for ya.

Cheers Aramis. Took me a minute to figure what you'd done and what effect it had, but I've got it now. :)
Still dunno why Jeff's link won't work in his sig though. :(