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Traveller Miniatures

Vargr Breath

Peer of the Realm

With all the new Traveller stuff coming out (T-20, GURPS, hopefully T-5), is there any chance that anyone is going to come out with a line of Traveller miniatures again? I'm not talking about the 15mm space fleas, I mean the 25mm ones that you can get a paw around.

With an absence of Traveller minatures now, what miniatures are you using for your Traveller games? Adventurers are not really too hard, but Imperial Marines and aliens are kind of rough.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vargr Breath:

With all the new Traveller stuff coming out (T-20, GURPS, hopefully T-5), is there any chance that anyone is going to come out with a line of Traveller miniatures again? I'm not talking about the 15mm space fleas, I mean the 25mm ones that you can get a paw around.


There has been some talk that SJG may some at some point. Not hi on their agenda but they are thinking about it.
Peter V.
I've been using Geo-Hex's "Star Grunts" line for humans and some fantasy ratmen with guns as serviceable Vargr. I got some kind of lion-man for the one Aslan character we have (I think the pack was called "seductresses or something).

Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PVernon:
There has been some talk that SJG may some at some point. Not hi on their agenda but they are thinking about it.
Peter V.

I just found this link to Ground Zero Games http://www.geohex.com/sgii11.htm
take a look at the UNSC Marines they look like the old Grenadier Imp. Marines
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vargr Breath:

With an absence of Traveller minatures now, what miniatures are you using for your Traveller games?

Lego people.

Available in a wide spectrum of Tech Levels and equipment load outs (they even have some nifty aliens) and scenery is easily re-configurable.

David Shayne

I am increasingly of the opinion that RPGs are by the nature of their creation subjective phenomenon. due to the interaction between game designers, game masters, and game players all definitions, rules, settings, and adventures are mutable in acordance with the uncertainty principle as expounded by Heisenburg. This is of course merely my point of view.

David Shayne
Have you considered H.D.I.'s Fading suns "Known worlders"? They come in a set of 10 miniatures, in 25mm and they are already painted. Another source you should consider?Citidel Minitures for Warhamer 40,000. You can get spacemarines and aliens in a variety of sets. They're 30mm -so you can get a grip on them. They're available anywhere figures are sold. Tyranid Genestealers make FANTASTIC ALEINS!
If you want cheap figures in bulk (both troops and space ships) check out this site:

I got huge pile (hundreds?) of troops, spaceships and "gun platforms" for less than $20. They are apparently the game pieces to an old TSR "Buck Rogers" board game, but are great for mass numbers of NPCs

Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrSkull:
I've been using Geo-Hex's "Star Grunts" line for humans and some fantasy ratmen with guns as serviceable Vargr. I got some kind of lion-man for the one Aslan character we have (I think the pack was called "seductresses or something).


I must have found the site about the same time that you were posting.The "Star Grunts" are a keeper, I'm going to order some of the Marines today, they look too much like Imp. Marines to pass up.
But using ratmen to replace the noble uplifted canines,I'm not sure?,I'll have to take a look at them.
Battledress marines are easy to find. Figures suitable for characters in CE suits, cloth, or ships crew are a lot harder to find.
Denizen miniatures from the UK. also their K'hiff are good, even if they don't match any major races of the Cannon.
(their own website isn't loading, but try http://www.ainsty.co.uk/index.htm)
Copplestone Casting’s Future Wars line has some usable figures, I especially like the Citizen Militia for free trader crew http://www.geocities.com/gisby.geo/copplestone.htm
New Wave markets several series. Star wars http://www.newwave.org/gw.html
Ground zero games has several useful lines, especially the Stargrunt line http://www.gtns.net/gzg/ Eureka and Geo-Hex also sell GZG and have pictures
Eureka games in Australia also has their own Science Fiction line http://www.eurekamin.com.au/
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DaveShayne:
Lego people.

Available in a wide spectrum of Tech Levels and equipment load outs (they even have some nifty aliens) and scenery is easily re-configurable.

David Shayne

Lego is great for gaming. The main problem I'm finding is the cost of it! I'm running some occasional Star Wars, and trying to get hold of about 8 Stormtroopers and Trade Federation droids is difficult. Unless I also want a like number of Lukes, Ewoks and Imperial Officers!

RE: Legos

Have you tried the website?

They have a replacement service that is pretty cool. You just tell them the piece you are missing, and they will send it to you. While they didn't charge me when I got some pieces to put my kids' Bionicles back together, they do reserve the right to charge.

The reason I mention it, is that you might want to ask them if they will send you your 8 storm troopers and droids, and what it would cost.

(I am not suggesting that you pretend these are replacements, just use that service as a mechanism for a special order.)
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Takei:
Lego is great for gaming. The main problem I'm finding is the cost of it! I'm running some occasional Star Wars, and trying to get hold of about 8 Stormtroopers and Trade Federation droids is difficult. Unless I also want a like number of Lukes, Ewoks and Imperial Officers!


That can be a problem. Luckily my tastes are a bit more flexible. I prefer figures that differ from each other to some degree.

I am increasingly of the opinion that RPGs are by the nature of their creation subjective phenomenon. due to the interaction between game designers, game masters, and game players all definitions, rules, settings, and adventures are mutable in acordance with the uncertainty principle as expounded by Heisenburg. This is of course merely my point of view.

David Shayne
I'm currently converting a group of Reaper Nova Corp minis to be my Imperial Marines.

I'm a Traveller man to the bone! I will post pics here when I'm done. I bought Hasslefree CAD guns #9 to use as either Gauss rifles, Laser Rifles, or Fusion guns.

I'm happy with the prototype and am moving forward with the finished result. Stay tuned!
I'm toying with going to 3.75 inch or 12 inch "minis", here. If I make the right haul at a garage sale, I'm guessing I can get started inexpensively. Plus the sizes make it easy to add your own props.
Thread Necromancy - is that something from the Dragon Riders of Pern series? :D

Perhaps we should come up with something less D&D sounding? Thread Misjump or something related to Low Births...

As to 12" 'mini's, that sounds cool. 'Course you could also just go the full 9 yards (would that be 3 range bands or 3?, LOL) and look for a deal on used manikins!
Thread Necromancy - is that something from the Dragon Riders of Pern series? :D

Perhaps we should come up with something less D&D sounding? Thread Misjump or something related to Low Births...

Thread Anagathics? Thread Misjump sounds more like off-topic comments or something, to me.
As to 12" 'mini's, that sounds cool. 'Course you could also just go the full 9 yards (would that be 3 range bands or 3?, LOL) and look for a deal on used manikins!

Hehe, as soon as my oldest moves out I'll refit her bedroom as a Type S cockpit...

Nah, I'll stick with GI Joes, and use the Mercury Capsule as an escape pod...