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Traveller Miniatures

A little late in posting, but I have been using Infinity miniatures as well, the low tech Adriana faction minis are great, I plan on posting some pictures once I move to the wilds of Missouri. Also for Robots, Bluemoon miniatures have a build you own robots sets that looks promising.
Mega Minis did a small range and then dropped it. It's funny to me because the Vargr sold out very fast and the Newts and Kkree sold out slower. I wish I'd grabbed more of them but as always money was tight. I suspect if he'd done more Vargr or some Aslan or imperial battledress they'd have sold better. Not that I'm complaining, I've got some nice Droyne, Vargr, Newts, and K'Kree out of it. Really if he'd only held on to do Aslan and Vegans I'd be content.

So what would people want? I love miniatures and I sculpt at a middling fair level of ability. I don't have a liscence for Traveller but dog guys and cat guys at least are pretty generic.

25 mm = 1/64 or 28mm = 1 / 56, I lean to 1/64 myself though I sculpt better at 1/56 really pretty much everyone does.

Ideally I'd like to see, half a dozen civilians, half a dozen light infantry, half a dozen combat armored infantry and a light vehicle for each major race and decent treatments for the minor races.

In my personal fantasy they're plastic and there's plastic ships and a Trepedia / Astrin kit with multipart imperial marines and a matching Zhodani kit with a Z-80.
15mm for wargaming to be sure but 54mm for us old guys eyes from the far end of the table.

54mm's are heavy, expensive, and take WAY too much space for many of us. Plus, maps for 54mm use are BIG... typically 2" per grid, making even scoutship plans 4' long or bigger...
54mm's are heavy, expensive, and take WAY too much space for many of us. Plus, maps for 54mm use are BIG... typically 2" per grid, making even scoutship plans 4' long or bigger...

Oh, I know :D

I've got boxes and boxes of the stuff I've picked up over the years. My grand dream is to run GURPS in the scale its maps are in. I've got WWII Troops and tanks and lots of modern cars and semi trucks, a few small buildings in plastic, and a diesel train with tracks and four cars. Not to mention all the Mutant Chronicles stuff I picked up when FFG was blowing them out.

I saw an M1 Abrams at the farm supply store the other day, it's New Ray so it's probably a bit smaller than the Forces of Valor one but on the other hand, half the price. Compared to gaming miniatures the 1/32 stuff is a steal. The whole train set cost me $33 when the farm supply store was blowing out their Christmas toys.

54mm is actually what got me sculpting seriously. While it's a decently supported scale for military vehicles (not to be confused with the smaller 1/35) and very well supported with cars, big trucks, and construction equipment (though those are really expensive)
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There are plenty of minis out there.......Reaper, em4,GZG, Denizen,Shadowforge,RAFM........I could go on. The thing is, PLAY WITH WHAT YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS LIKE.:D:D:D

All well and good but there's a sad shortage of 28mm and 54mm Vargr, Aslan, Droyne, Hivers, Ithklur, Newts, Stalkers, and K'kree out there. Not to mention the shameful scarcity of proper Imperial Marines and Trepdia grav tanks. Never mind the odd ball stuff like a lighter than air radio controlled Free Trader in 1/56!
Great, now you've made me discover something else I want but didn't realize it. ;)

RC flying Free Trader...I wonder if the guy at the kiosk in the mall can set me up with one of those...

As to 54mm SF minis, plunk a helmet on this guy and he's almost Traveller:
Dark Nova-Sgt. Connor

Here's another that could be made to work, plus elgreco has some Star Wars minis if you want to adapt those:
Navy Seal
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40k style Space Marines are Traveller?

Ah well, he's not a Vargr or Hiver by a long shot. ;)

And sorry about the RC free trader, I've been wanting one for years. It sucks when you want things that could exist but don't eh?
Have you looked at the Battle Dress illos in CT and MT? It is that bulky.
Yeah, usually the problem is the suits on minis look more like Vacc Suit than BD. I'd probably fill the jet exhausts on the suit with putty and make a helmet, the rest is just paint.
I have been trying to source decent SF figures to use for the campaign I am running.

You can get a smattering from;

Chronosphere range

Good range of adventurers and ships crew but be warned, these are true 25mm not the more common "heroic" 25mm or 28mm scale, so they are smaller.

Some pickings there.

The problem is the Warhammer 40K style of bulky powered armoured figures with huge shoulder plates is very common.

Love to be able to source a range of ships crew, adventurers etc rather than troops etc. If there were 25mm Traveller ranges available like the older 15mm range from the 80's all would be good in the RPG world!

I dragged out my older and not as nicely painted Inquisition, Warzone and Mutant Chronicles figures to use at current.

Got plenty of "ok" stuff from the sources above to paint this year.
I have been trying to source decent SF figures to use for the campaign I am running.

Love to be able to source a range of ships crew, adventurers etc rather than troops etc. If there were 25mm Traveller ranges available like the older 15mm range from the 80's all would be good in the RPG world!

Try Ground Zero Games, UK. They have some ship crew types, but I'm not sure of the scale. I believe tey have a good delivery rep, even overseas.