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Traveller Miniatures?


Throughout my (very) long Traveller career, I have been depressed by the lack of good Traveller miniatures. I know that Traveller is something of a niche game, but I'd *really* like to see some form of "official" Traveller miniatures.

Ideally, something like the D&D prepainted plastic minis would be great. It would not have to be anything as elaborate as the D&D line, of course...I'm thinking a set of 20 prepainted plastic figures, covering the main bases: serveral Human adventurers (hit the main T20 classes, like an Academic, a Merc, a Scout, etc), a couple of Vargr, a Droyne, etc. Things like an Imperial customs official, a starport cop, a noble, a techie/engineer, an Imperial Marine in battle dress, etc. If you add in a few of vehicles like an air/raft, groundcar, and speeder, it gets even better.

I'd easily pay $50 for a set of twenty minis like that, and I bet many others would as well. Or you could randomize them like Wizards of the Coast does.

If it works out and does well, you could release additional sets and get more into the fringes of the Traveller universe with prestige classes, unusual races, etc.

Am I just pissing in the wind here? Does anybody think there is ever a chance of something like this happening? How can Traveller have been around for SO long and have such poor merchandising?
There are some very old lead Traveller minatures out there. I think it was a Citadel line. And there's also some Space Opera ones...

Checking eBay....yep, there's a group of Aliens and Adventurers (Traveller Set 1) and one of Traveller Set 2 (The Military)...currently up.

I'd look for someone selling their old gaming stuff...
Originally posted by princelian:
There are some very old lead Traveller minatures out there. I think it was a Citadel line.
There was indeed a Citadel line, and a very cool one at that. I don't have any of the minis, but I do have an old magazine that shows illustrations of them - I still flip to them from time-to-time for some "visual inspiration."
MrMorden, are you looking more for character figures or ship miniatures?

MegaMinis has some new figures, like the Beowulf, the Scout, the Pinnance and some Droyne. But I completely agree there is no marketing mainly, IMO because GDW folded.

Granted, there are other people carrying the flame, but that doesn't necessarily translate into miniature companies wanting to spend the time and money to make these things.
I think I have a box of those buried somewhere in a box at home. I will look for them tonight and see what I have.

I will never use them again, maybe we can work something out (if I have them). More tomorrow.
Ideally, I'd like to see 3-4 bodies/legs, 3-4 arm sets, and 3-4 heads for each of the following, preferably in plastic or resin rather than metal (easier to assemble and modify)

Human(Imperial), Zhodani, Vargr, Aslan, Newt, Virush: Male, Female, VaccSuit, CbtArmor, BDress for each

Hiver, Hiver Vaccsuit

K'Kree Male, Female, Male Warrior, Male Noble

Droyne: each caste, plus Vacc Suit, BDress.

One other nicety about plastic/resin: less weight, less mail postage!
I have many of the Citadel minis, lovingly painted many years ago. And those are great, but I'm really looking for something like the renaissance we have had in D&D minis recently. The advent of inexpensive, prepainted plastic miniatures has been a real boon.

The plastic ones are lighter, easier to store (they don't bend or chip when you throw them all in a box together), and just generally more convenient.

I am aware of all the past options for Traveller minis, and have or have tried most of them...what I'm looking for is something that will bring Traveller miniature gaming in line with more modern miniature lines. Is there any hope?
well, IMO, probably not - Travellr has always been a dwindling market of very loyal fans, but given the startup cost of pewters ( several thpousands of dollars as a rule for properly done in a volume worth the effort) and MUCH more expensive for plastics, I wouldn't hold your breath.

Pessimistic it may be, but its also cold market reality.

On the other hand, there are all sorts of minis out there that fill the bill nicely, if you look around - stargrunt, some grendel stuff, and various others - all in varying degrees of fineness.

Thats where I'd look, my self.
While I would like someone else to invest the money to get the rights, develop and manufacture a line of Traveller figures (yes, I have bought the latest offerings from Mega Miniatures) I really do not see this niche “taking the market by storm”. To the people at Mega Miniatures: I am ready for you next Traveller offering, and the next one and the next one…

The plastic Star Wars figures are quite nice for someone starting to put together a collection of sci-fi or even Traveller-specific characters. EBay has them individually available, but you then have to deal with PayPal and shipping costs. If you are fortunate enough to have a gaming and/or comic book store in your area, you may find these figures for sale individually as well. But they just do not have that Traveller look and feel.

Scarecrow's paper figures are excellent, words alone can not describe them. Go to his site and see for yourself...right now!

I search EBay about once a month or so and see Traveller figures go for reasonable to outrageous prices. Currently, a set of four Grenadier Adventures and a set of three Droyne (both unpainted) were ignored at about $10.00 US (each set)and were re-posted for bidding.

Look around, set aside some money and you can create a really decent collection.
Originally posted by Plankowner:
I think I have a box of those buried somewhere in a box at home. I will look for them tonight and see what I have.

I will never use them again, maybe we can work something out (if I have them). More tomorrow.
Wow, quoting myself! Do I get double post credit for this?

Well, I didn't find the box of mini's last night, but I know I have them. I will keep digging and advise here what I have.

I am willing to sell/trade any/all of them.
Originally posted by Plankowner:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Plankowner:
I think I have a box of those buried somewhere in a box at home. I will look for them tonight and see what I have.

I will never use them again, maybe we can work something out (if I have them). More tomorrow.
Wow, quoting myself! Do I get double post credit for this?

Well, I didn't find the box of mini's last night, but I know I have them. I will keep digging and advise here what I have.

I am willing to sell/trade any/all of them.
</font>[/QUOTE]I'd be interested, but it depends on (a.) how much and (b.) if they're painted. Plus what they are. When you find 'em PM me.
There is an important fact that nobody has pointed out. i.e. Scale. Traveller is the only game I know of where specific miniatures were made in different scales. The boxed sets from Citadel are 15mm scale and contain 20 figures per box. These were later re-released in blister packs. I have also found some other 15mm miniatures that look like they were made for traveller. Someone also made some excellent 25mm scale figures at one time. Question is, which do you want?

15mm is great if you want to use deckplans without taking up several tables of space, but 25mm is much nicer for almost everything else.

As Burocrate pointed out, many of the Star Wars Miniatures are pretty good for use with Traveller. See this link for some photographs:
Star Wars Miniatures

A bit of repainting can also go a long way. I painted a group of Star Wars stormtroopers green and brown and use them as marines in heavy armour. There is also some kind of open top flyer that, after cutting the wings off, makes a great air raft.
The nice thing about these is that they are readily available as singles from most games stores.
As to scale, I think 25/28mm is the way to go for any future sets. The 15mm thing was great for Striker or any other large scale tactical game, but the larger detail of the 25/28mm stuff is better for RPGing, I think.

Other opinions can and do exist, of course.
Originally posted by MrMorden:
Other opinions can and do exist, of course.
I like 15mm for anything involving modern (or future) firearms - 25/28mm is fine if you're dealing primarily with swords and bows, but modern/future firearms open up the range of engagements considerably, requiring bigger battlefields. The 15mm minis work better on larger grids with smaller squares in my humble experience.
Originally posted by MrMorden:
As to scale, I think 25/28mm is the way to go for any future sets. The 15mm thing was great for Striker or any other large scale tactical game, but the larger detail of the 25/28mm stuff is better for RPGing, I think.

Other opinions can and do exist, of course.
Personally, I can't stand the current crop of 28/30mm figures. Too big. Focus on details. Highly stylized. Blech!

I use 15mm whenever possible. Not just space on the table, but also less detail expected (Painting details is rough for me; neuromotor disorder), easier to pack and tote, and cheaper to get. Also, the micromachines figures were about 15mm...

Heck, 10mm is readily available for sci-fi vehicles...
I have a question about miniatures scales. CT and MT used a square grid where 0.5 inches represented 1.5 meters ... this was called "15mm scale". Later (TNE ?), this was replaced with a square grid where 1 inch represented 2 meters ... this was calledc "25mm scale". If you had a square grid where 1 inch represented 1.5 meters ... what would this be called? "30mm scale"? And are generic miniatures and accessories made for this scale?

Regards PLST
Originally posted by Hemdian:
I have a question about miniatures scales. CT and MT used a square grid where 0.5 inches represented 1.5 meters ... this was called "15mm scale". Later (TNE ?), this was replaced with a square grid where 1 inch represented 2 meters ... this was calledc "25mm scale". If you had a square grid where 1 inch represented 1.5 meters ... what would this be called? "30mm scale"? And are generic miniatures and accessories made for this scale?

Regards PLST
You bring up a good point. First off, it's beside the point I know, but I find the whole mixture of units in 1 inch = 1.5 meters pretty weird anyhow. :confused:

To answer your question, using the same logic 1 inch = 1.5 meters would be about 38mm scale.

I sometimes use 15mm miniatures (shipboard actions) but usually use 25mm miniatures. I use either 0.5" = 1.5m or 1" = 1.5m. Basically I try and use whatever fits. For outside actions I use a hex battlmat with 15mm hexes. That's about 0.75 inches so I cheat and use it for both scales. :D

Let's not mention the GURPS Traveller ship plans with 1" = 1m, that doesn't fit any miniatures and requires half my floor for a Scout Ship.
Scale in minis is either mm from deck of base to eyes or deck of base to top of head, depending upon manufacture and time frame. Men are assumed to be 5'10" tall for scaling purposes. 25mm, btw, are 1/70th scale...

ground scale is USUALLY different from figure scale.

For example, 25mm=70" (1:71), 28mm=70" (1:63.5) and 30mm=70" (1:59.3) all routinely use 1"=60" (1:60) or 1"=120" (1"=10', 1:120) for ground scale in RPG's. (Thank-you D&D. 5' or 10' squares)

15mm is roughly 1:120th (right about 1:118, by my calcs, really). At 15mm, ground scale is just about the same as figure scale for traveller's "Large Deck Plans" (Snapshot, AHL, and the FASA Plans) at 12.52mm=1.5m. (1:119.8)

Oh, and 0.5"=5' is 1:120, and just perfect for 15mm....

Model railroad stuff is usually matched figure and ground scale.

In case you want to use it, here are the ratios:
1:48 O scale
1:64 S scale
1:87.1 HO scale
1:120 TT scale
1:160 N scale
1:220 Z scale

TT is 15mm... but is not in use by terribly many manufacturers.

N-Scale is darned close to 10mm (1:177)... close enough for use.