Hi Scarecrow,
The graphics, and otherwise, created for NWN1 are obviously going to be substandard... as the NWN1 game itself is many years old. We're talking NWN2 here though.
To put something on the table here, the main reason i'm interested in NWN2, as a platform for Traveller, is because it offers us all the most important utilities including: being able to create your own modules 'easily,' allowing you to Game Master your own campaign (with the DMClient), allowing 'multiple' people to login as Game Masters on one module, allowing 'multiple' players to play simultaneously (depending on the host connection, up to 64 players), being able to host your game publicly on Gamespy (with password or without), being able to 'link' to other campaign modules online at the time (the critical piece to being able to create a multi-server persistent world), and all the community support you can think of.
Granted, for 3d ship-to-ship combat, it is not the right tool. But i'm more interested in the 3d ground activities of characters interacting with other characters.
As stated many times, "Every Adventure Begins and Ends at a Starport." That's what i would like to envision when/if we develop this project. In all my campaigning of Traveller, it's been what has happened on ground, or within a ship, that made the games memorable.
The ideal here is to create something that allows us to play with our old Traveller friends again, 'remotely' and using a utility that provides a great 3d experience, rather than just a dull 2d mapping utility. This tool allows the GM to focus on game interaction rather than rules and mechanics. With the ability to 'possess' NPCs, GMs can roleplay a thousand different characters ingame, interacting with the PCs on a truly interactive and personal level.
Let me say this... you can only truly appreciate the benefits associated with using the NWN2 engine, if you've experienced a 'roleplayed' campaign run on NWN2. It IS the perfect tool for this, even if it doesn't provide the best for ship-to-ship 3d combat, and if you're geared towards the fun of roleplay, as opposed to 'rollplay.'
Now, to address some other thoughts about specific game design: If you looked at the videos, you will see something i didn't like either, and that was people with rifles shooting at their opponents while in hand-to-hand combat. That's stupid, and it can be easily fixed. Through a very simple modification, missile weapons of such nature can be non-functional at melee range, and thus turned into clubs. And if a player tries to bypass this limitation, by shooting at someone far away while being engaged in melee combat, we could pose a very simple concentration negative (built-in to the game already, btw) and an attack of opportunity everytime they try and shoot (also, built into the game already)... so, pretty much, by trying to shoot while engaged in melee, they're taking a major risk with very little possibility of reward. Best to just focus on the person in front of you and club him with your rifle, or pull out your rapier and gut him. There's also the option (built-in) to knock your opponent down. If your character succeeds in doing so, the missile weapon can once again become functional and you can fire upon the prone character on the floor.
Just one example of how to make it so things work a little more 'realistically.'
As to the cost of NWN2, it's actually pretty dang cheap (and often you can find it at half-price)... and it's a ONE-TIME purchase, as opposed to purchasing a game and then paying every friggin' month. This, i'll tell you the truth Scarecrow, is not a reasonable argument. You can spend 'thousands of dollars' PER COPY for 3d software to develop your world, or you can spend the price of buying 'any' video game, with many of the tools built-in to develop your own world. And no monthly surcharges to play, and hundreds of other campaigns out there to interact in (even if not Traveller)... for free.
I agree with you, absolutely... you're negative, but that's okay dude. At least you present your thoughts and concerns, and i hope we can continue to discuss this. I also hope, eventually, you'll be able to expend the money to try NWN2 and play in a roleplayed campaign with me or another, even if it's not Traveller. I think you'll truly be able to appreciate what i'm striving for here, once you've had an opportunity to experience the 'gems' that NWN2 can offer.
As a whole, i still think it's a good idea and a worthwhile endeavor. I don't believe it is 'worth' it yet, because there are still some obstacles that the producers of the game need to address, but that's why i'm approaching you now... so we can continue to discuss it and address some of the concerns. I also think, if everyone here is open to this, we can start working on the planning process... as if we were going to go ahead with it.
Just to clarify, the #1 benefit this community can provide to the development of the "NWN2 Traveller Project" is their insight into Traveller. I provide insight into the limitations of NWN2, and others here can provide their insight into other aspects (3d modelling, etc), without having to provide anything other than forum discussion. Again, if you're open to this, i would like to start productive discussion (on another thread), the planning stages for "NWN2 Traveller Project."
Let me know if this community is interested in this stage of development?