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Traveller PC/NPC Paper Miniatures


SOC-14 1K
Click on the thumbnail for a set of Aslan armoured marine miniatures.

This is the start of an ongoing project to create a whole range of 28mm paper miniatures for Traveller, starting with Aslan. For no particular reason than that's where I started. I already have templates drawn up for K'kree, Hivers, Zhodani, Vargr, Droyne and Solomani/Vilani - including Imperial marines etc. I'm also open to suggestions and discussion if you want to post them in this thread.
I'll also add each new set to this thread as and when I produce them.

This first set includes a Commander, Heavy Weapons, two riflemen and a marine brandishing a Yurletya - A pike seen frequently in the illustrations in G:T Alien Races 2.
I've designed the armour based on as many different pictures of the Aslan as I could find, though primarily the picture in the 'GURPS:Traveller' main rulebook p22. I had to use artistic license in some places.
The rifles are taken from G:T Alien Races 2 and the Commander's sword is taken from one of the old lead miniatures. The heavy weapon is made up by myself but I've made it curvy so it is in keeping with the rifle and sword.

To use the miniatures, copy/paste until you have the desired amount of each figure, print them out at 300 dpi and cut around the square outline, fold and glue them. Presto!
You might also want to stick them to a coin or a plastic miniature base or something to give them some weight.
I have taken pains to make sure they mirror as closely as possible so it is actually possible to fold them over and cut around them quite close to the figure outline. My suggestion is to cut about a millimetre from the outline of the figure and then fill the white edge in with a black felt-tip marker. This will give the figures a rather attractive bold outline.

The set is designed to be printed at 300 dpi - which is a high quality print resolution - and they are 28mm scale or 1:64 (6ft = 28mm) (though not necessarily 28mm in height). I've done them at 28mm because "25mm" tends to range anywhere from 25mm up to 32mm so I figured 28mm was a happy medium to work with other miniatures.
I've left them black and white so that you may colour them any way you so choose. I'll add a tutorial to this thread on how to colour them in Photoshop or PSP sometime soon.
To make them true '25mm' reduce them to 89.2%. Equally, to make them 15mm then reduce them to 54%.

Feel free to do whatever you want with these miniatures. Colour and customise them any way you wish, and feel free to re-post them wherever you want. If you do, please link to them from this thread so that others can enjoy. Also I'd appreciate a credit as the original artist.
I must ask, though that, whatever you do with these miniatures, that you not sell them or profit from them in any way. They are meant to be free for all.

Next up, Aslan Vacc-Suits.
Awesome! How much do these cost again?

Excellent work ... I can't wait to see what else you've got planned!
Oooh, I like. My suggestion for more would be civilians of each mentioned above, plus minor races.
The one with the eyepatch and the cutlass rocks. Arrrr!



P.S.: Just three weeks until Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Nice work when I saw the thread I thought of the origami programs for 3D models and you made somem ships with them. That might be cool too. I forgot the programs name though I can find out.
Originally posted by Madarin Dude:
Nice work when I saw the thread I thought of the origami programs for 3D models and you made somem ships with them. That might be cool too. I forgot the programs name though I can find out.
Heh, yeah, I just changed the subject title to make it a bit clearer!

I think the program you're thinking of is Pepakura and I've used it quite a bit (mostly to make my Wrath of Khan Enterprise bridge model). Some monitor-top sized Traveller paper models of some of the more common ships might be a cute idea. I'll have a think about that one =)

The Aslan Vacc-suits are done, I'll post them when I get home later. I may have some Aslan in tribal wear too. Depends if I get enough time at lunch.

Grooovy. Thank you.

Yah, I'll just "cut" them out and save them in PNG format, voila.
Okay, here's the next batch. Click on the individual images to download the sheets.

Four Aslan in Vacc-Suits. One with a scanner or tool of some description. Another in a neutral pose and the other two armed. The rifle and Pistol aren't very Aslan, though I'm afraid. Sorry.

Then a sheet of male and female Aslan in traditional tribal robes as seen commonly in G:T Alien Races 2. One neutral, one with a Dew Claw extended. One with a rifle, one with a pistol and one with a Yurletya.

That'll be it for a few days. I allready had these drawn so I've been able to post them quite quickly. Once I've got some more, I'll post them here. I'll maybe do something other than Aslan next. Maybe Imperial Marines.

Man, Crow, you do good work! I admire your drawing style greatly. Reminds me of the graphics used in the Star Trek TOS computer game (edit - that is meant as a compliment!). Excellent work, my friend!
Thanks, Ran.

Like my Star Trek mini-maker, I've kept the graphic style simple so that they are easier and therefore quicker to produce. they also tend to be more striking when reduced to 28mm on a gaming table whereas more realistic imagery tends to become lost and soupy.
I've left them black and white so that, like lead miniatures, people are free to 'paint' them any way they wish.
I just spent my lunch break drawing Imperial marines with a variety of weapons. Guess they'll be next, probably early next week.

I'd like to request a bunch of Zhodani - both military and civilians (of all ages). Then some Imperial civilians, please.
Okay, no promises but I'll see how it goes.

Zhodani, they're the really tall psionic fellas in turbans, right?

Zhodani are tall, psionic and only the psis wear turbans. If you do get to it, perhaps some non-psionic proles might go well. If you get to it.