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Traveller Players and RL Military Background

Did you serve in a military or law enforcement force?

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Retired for me as well. USMC during the '70s and 80s. Marine Infantry, in the mud, sand, snow but never in the rear with the gear.
Did 4 in the Navy.

Enlisted to see the world, and all I got was Memphis for 6 months, and San Diego for 3 1/2 years.

Still, San Diego in the late 70's was nice. ;)
Well I did 8 in the Navy (Submarines). I got to see San Diego in July, Chicago in December, Jacksonville and Orlando FLA (left the day Epcot opened :mad: ), Idaho Falls ID for 3 years, Seattle for 2 years with 2 trips to Hawaii.

Not TOO bad for the travel.
Originally posted by Plankowner:
Well I did 8 in the Navy (Submarines). I got to see San Diego in July, Chicago in December, Jacksonville and Orlando FLA (left the day Epcot opened :mad: ), Idaho Falls ID for 3 years, Seattle for 2 years with 2 trips to Hawaii.

Not TOO bad for the travel.
So you were stalf being harrassed by IBO huh? Do they still play the "What obscure overlooked rule can we inforce this week?" game?
A. Fralix, others:

Sorry, I was away during Hurricane Katrina and missed this thread (Aug30 2005-Feb 28 2006). 6-years to go for the 22-get yer letter mark after 9.25 active duty.

Navy Brat turned Army Ground pounder, Infantry. A Lifer for Coffee-juice, most things traveller, and the SCA...

I must say, this part-timing it sure has changed since I started that "1-weekend a month/ 2 weeks a year" vacation time ;)

plays hell on keeping up with posts though!
Originally posted by Andy Fralix:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Plankowner:
Well I did 8 in the Navy (Submarines). I got to see San Diego in July, Chicago in December, Jacksonville and Orlando FLA (left the day Epcot opened :mad: ), Idaho Falls ID for 3 years, Seattle for 2 years with 2 trips to Hawaii.

Not TOO bad for the travel.
So you were stalf being harrassed by IBO huh? Do they still play the "What obscure overlooked rule can we inforce this week?" game? </font>[/QUOTE]Yes they did. I bet they still do that today. I was ELT Staff on the S5G Prototype (Catsup Bottle in a Pool). I was there through most of the refueling in 1982-83. What about you?
Just a trainee. Can't even remember the name, but for surface craft. I put in 8 years and got out in Jan 1977. Went to Enterprise then Precommissioning crew for Nimitz. Got out shortly before the made the movie on Nimitz. BTW, does the phrase "Wilber xxxxx" mean anything to any of you ex-nukes anymore?
Originally posted by Plankowner:
I was ELT Staff on the S5G Prototype (Catsup Bottle in a Pool). I was there through most of the refueling in 1982-83. What about you?

Good Sweet Rickover! I was in Idaho during that period too!

I was in Class 8202, got stuck at S1W when the refueling outage ran too long and we all qualified late. Our classmates in New York and at S5G all qualified on time and scooped up the good billets. Nearly everyone in '02 at First to Glow, First to Blow got shitcanned to the surface navy thanks to the outage overrun and the subsequent late quals. Most ended up on VINSON and the rest got parceled out between the CGNs.

A buddy of mine stayed behind at S1W as a staff scrape-up, recieved sub pay (!!!) the whole time, and came walking up the brow of my cruiser two years later. I laughed so hard I hurt myself, he'd really rubbed it in when we'd all been shitcanned surface side two years before. Making matters worse, he'd re-upped while on staff and was looking at an 8 and 2 sea/shore rotation! LOL! I made sure to wave to him when I ran down the brow the day of my discharge.

Have fun,
Bill, I spent some time over at the S1W site during part of the refueling. Several of us came over to help with some additional RadCon work. Maybe we met and didn't realize it. But then again, I would NEVER have associated with a Frackinig Non-Qual!

I spent 3 1/2 years on the USS Alabama SSBN 731 Blue Crew. The movie Crimson Tide was made about that sub several years after I left it.
Well, I did a medivac once, related to a leak at the nuclear weapons storage area at Loring AFB, ME. And, we talked a lot about what we would do after we flew our refueling sorties for the long-range bombers and whether we would have enough gas to get to Fiji....
I'm going to try to get into the Army, eventually. But I'm going to get fit first (and am working on that).
I'm from a military family (Dad and Grand-dad were Army), and considered a career in intel, but I'm actually a pretty strong-minded pacifist and never enlisted. I fully support our troops, and our military families.

I guess in short, I believe that in an age of such devastating weapons as ours, violence can no longer be considered a reasonable means of resolving our differences.
My mother was in the Israeli Army (in the "Noar Halutzi Lohem" - "Fighting Pioneering Youth" - that is, two-month intensive bootcamp and then two years working in agriculture in a then-frontier Kibbutz) between 1965 and 1967; she came out a Private; I guess not so many people outside of Israel or USA in the very recent years or Russia in some cases and some eras (my mother's aunt missed being conscripted into the Red Army in WWII as a combat-medic by being a few months too young) could say that their mother had combat training and certification in both semi-auto rifles (something czech-made never referred to in Israel by the model number, just as "Czech Rifle") and in automatics (old-version Uzi SMG).

My father was a medic in the Israeli Air Force (medic of the flight school and then a medic in several airbases) between 1962 and 1965. He missed the 1967 war since he was studying medicine in Switzerland (he came to Israel in the fourth day of the war but was no longer nescery as the war went very good for Israel) and then treated injured military personnel when he worked at a hospital at the 1973 war. Later on he missed one big military operation and the disastrous 1982 invasion of Lebanon (my parents moved to the US to study), but when he was back he had to do reserve duty ("military-intensive" country it is) as a mental-health officer (he's a psychiatrist in civvie life) and ended up released at the age of 52 and at the rank of Major (IIRC this is the translation of "Rav Seren").

I wasn't conscripted due to medical issues (allergies), though there was at a time the possibility of me getting into an Atuda (i.e. university in technical subjects paid by the military followed by 4-6 years of service) was considered (and ruled out due to that damn allergy - certain very common natural weeds cause me VERY BAD rashes when they contact my skin).