Still waiting, 3.5 months later, for unpainted, resin spaceships that Ken listed as "shipping" on the D20 Entertainment website, when I paid for them last June, and where he showed photos of them finally being available, a couple of months ago.
He posted a note here on CotI, under the "Spinward Traveller" heading, saying the Scout/Courier, Beowulf, and Gazelle Close Escort were shipping out that week, in early August, to customers that paid for them.
I haven't received mine, almost two months later, and it seems that few, if any others have received their ships either.
It appears the issue is no longer that they haven't been produced, since he's shown us photos of them, in what appears to be his home. Apparently, he's just really slow at packing.
There are lots of others still waiting for their minis as well, from as far back as a year, or more ago, and early this year, too. See here, and some of the other messages about this issue, in the TAS News section:
No one seems to be receiving replies to e-mail inquiries about their orders either. He's never replied to any I've sent, to the e-mail address he's provided.
Due to all the negative feedback, he's also locked the feedback section on the Spinward Traveller Kickstarter site, as well, to backers only. Reading some of those might be enlightening for you.
He's also pulled the Spaceship listings from the D20 Entertainment website too, which doesn't bode well for his customers.
So, if you are considering ordering anything from D20 Entertainment, I suggest you do a little research on the net about Ken Whitman first, before sending him any money. Seems he owes an awful lot of products to a great number of people, and many are unhappy with the performance of the six Kickstarters he's run, or been involved with recently too.
It's so bad, there are several blogs dedicated solely to the man, and his failed, or mismanaged projects:
Hopefully, this posting will help goad him into doing right by his customers, and people who have contributed financially to his projects.
I'd be happy to accept an apology for the overly long delay, and total lack of communication, here, or via e-mail, if he'd make good on his promises to ship items out to people that have paid for them.
I'd loved to be proved wrong, but given the current vector, and his past history, I won't hold my breath.