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Traveller Trading Cards

They're 1.4:1 -- playing cards, baseball cards, that size. At 300dpi they're 3.5" x 2.5".

If you've got Paint Shop Pro, you can load up the 'real' files, which are layered.
Originally posted by Lackey:
[Armor] Aquatic Suit
[Armor] Battle Dress
[Armor] Chameleon Suit
[Armor] Cloth Armor
[Armor] Combat Armor
[Armor] Combat Environment Suit
[Armor] Flak Jacket
[Armor] Hostile Environment Suit
[Armor] Powered Suit
[Armor] Reflec
[Armor] Vac Suit

[Decorations] Digest Touring Award
[Decorations] Foundation Fellowship
[Decorations] Imperial Citizenship
[Decorations] IISS Card
[Decorations] IA Card
[Decorations] IN Card
[Decorations] IM Card
[Decorations] MCG
[Decorations] MCUF
[Decorations] Mercenary License
[Decorations] Patent of Nobility (Baron)
[Decorations] Patent of Nobility (Knight)
[Decorations] PhD Certificate
[Decorations] Professional License
[Decorations] Prospecting License
[Decorations] Salvage License
[Decorations] SEH
[Decorations] Science Academy
[Decorations] TAS Membership
[Decorations] TAS Reporter Credentials
[Decorations] Trade Guild Membership
[Decorations] Zhunastu Prize

[Drugs] Antibiotics
[Drugs] Antitoxins
[Drugs] Combat
[Drugs] Fast
[Drugs] Metaboloics
[Drugs] Slow
[Drugs] Truth
[Drugs] Vaccines

[Equipment] Atmospheric Reentry Pack
[Equipment] Binoculars, Electronic
[Equipment] Binoculars, Optical
[Equipment] Breathing Mask, Atmospheric
[Equipment] Breathing Mask, Aquatic
[Equipment] Communicator, Portable
[Equipment] Flashlight
[Equipment] Goggles, Night Vision
[Equipment] Goggles, Protective
[Equipment] Hand Computer
[Equipment] Medical Kit
[Equipment] Medical Scanner, Portable
[Equipment] Ore Assay Kit
[Equipment] Parachute
[Equipment] Psi Shield Helm
[Equipment] Recorder, Audio
[Equipment] Recorder, Video
[Equipment] Zero-G Maneuver Pack

[Spacecraft] Fighter
[Spacecraft] Gig
[Spacecraft] Launch
[Spacecraft] Ship's Boat
[Spacecraft] Slow Boat
[Spacecraft] Pinnace
[Spacecraft] Slow Pinnace
[Spacecraft] Modular Cutter Frame
[Spacecraft] Modular Cutter Module
[Spacecraft] Shuttle

[Starship] A Free-Trader
[Starship] _ Far-Trader
[Starship] C Mercenary
[Starship] E Escort
[Starship] J Seeker
[Starship] K Safari
[Starship] L Laboratory
[Starship] M Liner
[Starship] P Privateer
[Starship] R Merchant
[Starship] S Scout
[Starship] T Patrol
[Starship] Y Yacht

[Vehicle] ATV
[Vehicle] Air Craft
[Vehicle] Air/Raft
[Vehicle] Cargo Loader
[Vehicle] GCarrier
[Vehicle] Grav Belt
[Vehicle] Grav Bike
[Vehicle] Ground Vehicle
[Vehicle] Speeder
[Vehicle] Water Craft

[Weapon] ACR
[Weapon] Carbine
[Weapon] Cutlass
[Weapon] FGMP
[Weapon] Foil
[Weapon] Gauss
[Weapon] Grenade
[Weapon] Gyrojet
[Weapon] Laser
[Weapon] PGMP
[Weapon] Pistol
[Weapon] Revolver
[Weapon] Rifle
[Weapon] SMG
[Weapon] Shotgun
[Weapon] Survival Knife
[Weapon] Weapon Sight, Electronic
[Weapon] Weapon Sight, Optical

oops, almost forgot,

[Race] Aslan
[Race] Darrian
[Race] Droyne
[Race] Hiver
[Race] K'kree
[Race] Luriani
[Race] Solomani
[Race] Sydite
[Race] Ursa
[Race] Vargr
[Race] Vilani
[Race] Virushi
[Race] Zhodani
My Suggestions are:
MK II Drop Capsule
TAS High Passage
K Bar Knife
Merc Unit Insignia (CAMC, Blood Fists, Tiger Battalion, ETC.)
Assault Fighter (TL 12)
Assault Carrier (TL 12)
Murka Class Combat Shuttle (TL 12)
Barlax III Class Assault Lander (TL 12)
Body Pistol
Claymore Mine
Utility Vest
Utility Belt

Security Bot
Emergency Shelter
Pilots License
Engineering License
Navigators License
Gunnery Score Sheet
BTW, I kinda like the ammo boxes. But, even if these were self-print, would you want to write and erase a bunch on these things? Though it's not terribly expensive, the business card stock isn't exctly cheap, either.
Baron, Body Pistol is included with Pistol - they're very similar, except a few stats.

And, um, "Utility Belt"? I think the Hero conversion is on another thread... :D

rob, I see the aspect ratio, now that I'm playing with them. It won't work on business cards at that size. Business cards are 2x3.5. A print shop should be able to cut the card stock to our preferred size. Or, you can invest in one of those paper choppers. (BTW, be careful with those - by some of the typing on these boards, y'all can't afford to lose any more fingers.
) I'll keep looking at options on printing material.
BINGO! I love Google... I have found three sources for playing cards that you can print from your computer. Now, I don't know the precise layout of any of these sheets, so can't play with them just yet, but here goes:

Proto Parts - Playing Card Sheets - Perforated Poker Sized
6 to a sheet, $.34/sheet, $8/25, shipping &lt$4 for up to 75 sheets.
(They have blank 6-sided dice, as well!)

Newt's Playing Cards - DESIGN-A-CARD-100
6 to a sheet, pack of 20 sheets, $9, &lt$7 shipping to me in Virginia.

PlainCards - Blank Playing Cards with Printed Backs
8 to a sheet, 18 sheets, plus a can of shellac to coat the cards after printing and 2 plastic boxes for card decks, $19.95 (just the cards is $11.75), $8.55 shipping to VA.

The first listed is cheapest per card. All these will supposedly work in inkjets. Some have fancy software you have to buy, others have templates. I could build my own MS Word template pretty easily once I had a sheet in hand - for free.
Excellent hunting Fritz!

Yeah, business cards would be a bit small to use. As for using the ammo boxes or other write on, well if you drop the finished cards in a cheap-o plastic sleeve (if we do it in the right size) then you can just use an eraseable on the sleeve and the card stays pristine.
Originally posted by Fritz88:

And, um, "Utility Belt"? I think the Hero conversion is on another thread... :D
You are correct sir

I should have specified Web style Utility Belt with suspenders. Used for strapping other pouches and items to. Much Like the US Military has beed using for generations. ;)
NOT a CCG! ;) Despite the perhaps now misleading title. That particular thread was months (years?) ago

This is more a play-aid and imagination spark. At least I think that's the point.
Not a CCG, more of a resource. A picture and bare data sheet, a la DGP's Equipment Sheets, condensed onto a baseball card.

Would it be useful? Handy? Nifty?
Originally posted by lackey:
Not a CCG, more of a resource. A picture and bare data sheet, a la DGP's Equipment Sheets, condensed onto a baseball card.

Would it be useful? Handy? Nifty?
I would use them today (tonight?) if I had a set.

They spark imagination just thinking about a character walking through the Starport security screen area and flashing his IN card (with his SEH and MCG) at the Vid Camera. :D

Are they "Trading Cards" or "Playing Aids"?
Depends how many people make their own (using BeRKA's soon-to-be-released Generic Trading Card Generation CGI Utility of course!).

By the way, what's an IN card look like? And TAS, for that matter...
Originally posted by lackey:
Depends how many people make their own (using BeRKA's soon-to-be-released Generic Trading Card Generation CGI Utility of course!).
Have you caught him? I was going to mention it subtly earlier (you know, something like... "BeRKA! We have you surrounded! Make this happen and we'll forgive and forget!"), but well subtlety only gets you so far ;)

Originally posted by lackey:
By the way, what's an IN card look like? And TAS, for that matter...
I have some MT era membership cards that might be a starting point. Have to see if I can turn them up this weekend and maybe add some of my own graphics to the thread.
OK, thanks for the clarification

I guess I will put away the CCG thinking cap ;)

(Still in the mind set of my last job as Director of Gaming Initiatives and Entertainment Licenses.

Hey, don't stop thinking CCG just because I'm not there. Especially if you're currently geared that way. And especially if BeRKA's neat little gadget will let you churn out custom cards however you like them.
Originally posted by far-trader:
Originally posted by lackey:
By the way, what's an IN card look like? And TAS, for that matter...
Originally posted by far-trader:
I have some MT era membership cards that might be a starting point. Have to see if I can turn them up this weekend and maybe add some of my own graphics to the thread.
I was thinking they look something like US Military ID cards (with a blank in the center for a passport picture).
Originally posted by Baron W. The PreacherMan:
Next we need some Imperial Credits (kind of like our own Monopoly money)
Someone already made some, IIRC, for their own game. They posted a link on the boards sometime, in the distant past.
I made some, and they were horrible. Well, not very good, anyway.

But, someone crafted a Cr10 note that is absolutely beautiful.