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Traveller Trek

Does anyone have anything more to contribute to a Star Trek/Traveller oriented thread? If there's going to be any more OT bickering, I think one of the Mods can lock this down.

We only lock threads for being attractive nuisances (politics, religion).

he whole dean/me/3rd party comments deleted as off topic.
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I could have sworn I posted a post listing Petty Officer ranks from Third Class all the way up to Master Chief.

Anybody know what happened to it?
Nightwind: you did, but it isn't the trek ones... just remembered that I went through the auction photos from the "It's a Wrap!" auction...

Classic trek, we don't see enlisted - at least, not identified as such. We do see engineering and command personell in a jumpsuit.

Early TOS (The Cage) we DO see enlisted - officers have a single stripe, captains two (we see two of them in the Cage). Chiefs have hollow filigree stripes looking something like:

/ / / / / / / / / / / / /

I think there are some in gold and some in silver; if I'm right, this is two grades of NCO, probably PO and CPO

But in the TOS Movies, oh, do we see enlisted!
In The Motion[less] Picture...
Chiefs have a square
Petty Officers have a triangle
Specialists have a slash
Crewman have no insignia​

And in the later ones...
Specialist has a diamond; Sp2 has smooth, SP1 has texture in the corners
Petty Officer an octogon; PO2 has smooth, PO1 has texture in the corners
Chief Petty Officer has an octagon with tuft on the top
Senior Chief PO has has octagon with gold bar in the middle, and tuft on the top.
Master Chief PO 2d class has a circle with a gold textured diamond in the center​
Master Chief PO 1st Class has the same as 2nd, plus the tuft

So... Filling it out for Trek
E1 (presumed) Recruit
E2 Specialist 2C
E3 Specialist 1C
E4 Petty Officer 2C
E5 Petty Officer 1C
E6 Chief Petty Officer
E7 Senior Chief Petty Officer
E8 Master Chief Petty Officer 2C
E9 Master Chief Petty Officer 1C

And I'll note also: Paramount DID make rank insignia we never saw onscreen. They didn't make a fleet captain insignia... but DID use the rank onscreen (The Menagerie).

I need to update my ranks essays on my website.
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Oh, so a Mod can just delete a post because he doesn't like it, even if it's not breaking any of the rules?

I've been a member here on and off for years, but this is the first time anyone's deleted one of my posts for no reason.

Not sure if that's real kosher, Aramis.
Oh, so a Mod can just delete a post because he doesn't like it, even if it's not breaking any of the rules?

I've been a member here on and off for years, but this is the first time anyone's deleted one of my posts for no reason.

Not sure if that's real kosher, Aramis.

I honestly believe he deleted your post in error, as part of our OT discussion. He's generally really quite fair.
I honestly believe he deleted your post in error, as part of our OT discussion. He's generally really quite fair.

pretty much. Robject's hidden messages worked.
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Deputy Commander. Exec isn't actually 1st officer under naval terminology. (The USN deleted CV/DC (Vice Commander or Deputy Commander) positions in the late 1980's). Smaller ships often had no DC slot. The 1981 NS1 texts and the 19th ed BJM both list them.

Funny... I spent 1981-1989 in the USMC, and 1985-1987 aboard CV-61 USS Ranger, and I never heard of a "Deputy Commander" for any situation other than a dispersed command in multiple locations or when officers of equal rank (or position) from different services (or nations) were in command of a mixed unit (the "Deputy Commanders" were in command of their respective service's/nation's units, and were subordinate to the Commanding Officer of the force).

I know for a fact that Ranger (the 1980s USN equivalent of a Constitution-class starship in Starfleet) did NOT have a "DC"... we had the CO (O-6) and an XO (O-5 or O-6). I can confirm this from the cruisebooks I have, and if you look up the list of officers aboard ship that confirms it as well.

We DID have a "DC Officer"... like the USCG, the USN used/uses "DC" to denote Damage Control.
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Funny... I spent 1981-1989 in the USMC, and 1985-1987 aboard CV-61 USS Ranger, and I never heard of a "Deputy Commander" for any situation other than a dispersed command in multiple locations or when officers of equal rank (or position) from different services (or nations) were in command of a mixed unit (the "Deputy Commanders" were in command of their respective service's/nation's units, and were subordinate to the Commanding Officer of the force).

I know for a fact that Ranger (the 1980s USN equivalent of a Constitution-class starship in Starfleet) did NOT have a "DC"... we had the CO (O-6) and an XO (O-5 or O-6). I can confirm this from the cruisebooks I have, and if you look up the list of officers aboard ship that confirms it as well.

We DID have a "DC Officer"... like the USCG, the USN used/uses "DC" to denote Damage Control.

Carriers never matched the training materials send to cadets. In part because the CO of the Carrier was usually right underfoot of the RAdm in charge of the CBG. No need for a separate 1st officer. By the mid 90's, they had switched to no separate 1st officer/Exec anywhere but the major commands.
UPDATE: I recently acquired a copy of the FASA LBBs (little blue booklets ;)) for ST and am in the process of converting the material to CT. So far it is a lot of fun, and, amazingly, its chargen is more detailed -- enough to make CT chargen look simplistic. :oo: The combat and movement section I didn't neet to translate, as the CT systems should be perfectly fine. I will get it done in the next week, if RL allows. I don't yet know if I'll post it here or elsewhere when it's done. Trekkies and CT fans will, I'm sure, weigh in with their bone-breakingly severe criticism. :D