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Traveller Versions - T-what???

I used to play traveller.

Humans were fairly common, as were three other alien races, non of which were canon.

Religion was a dominating factor in the Empire (Notice not the imperium)

Initially we used the CT rules, eventually we played a game where some of the names were similair (a totally skill based system).

Much of the Tech was familiar to traveller fans - some subtle differences (Jump was instant, hand energy weapons fired slow balls of plasma)

So it had neither rules nor background in common with OTU - but it was still traveller.

Traveller - It's what I point to when I say the word.
May I...?

Thanks. Awhile ago (see my Became a Citizen date) I found this board while looking for anyone who got the TNE from GWD (I started buying/playing Traveller through Challenge magazine and from Twilight: 2000) licence and from that second I bombarded this forum with the same questions that most people ask (at least those that didnt follow the game "shadow"). I think it would be nice that the FAQ could be updated by MJD/Hunter to account for a small explanation (sp?) for each setting that Traveller has (or even a short essay telling the "public" story of each one).

Now allow me to express my opinions: I love the TNE setting and like D20 rules (I liked the old GWD rules because they were the same ones used in T:2000 which I played several times so it was easy for me to introduce new players to the rules - this can happen again with T20).
As for new Traveller editions (like T5) I dont know if I´m willing to support them (at least in the near future - the money doesnt stretch, it would take time to learn a new rules system, etc...) so, for now, I´ll use T20 (I own D&D FR and Star Wars) to get new players in Traveller.
Well I have no hankering.
T20 has just started.

If Hit another Hiatus in my gaming, and t5 is coming out just as I get back into it...

Who knows? when it comes to traveller, the little part of my brain that says. Hey... this could be expensive... shuts down.
Originally posted by Andrewmv:
Which of the following is "Playing Traveller"?

1) A game set in the 3rd Imperium universe using CT, MT, TNE, T4 or T5

2) A game set in the 3rd Imperium universe using T20 or GT

3) A game set in the 3rd Imperium universe using some other game mechanics

4) A game set in a umpire created universe using CT, MT, TNE, T4 or T5

5) A game set in a umpire created universe using T20 or GT

6) A game set in a umpire created universe using some other game mechanics

Its an interesting question.
As the Evil Dr pointed out, if I could only chose from your list, I would take 3b) 3I in *any* rules set.

However, none of those are what really define "Traveller" for me. For me, Traveller is jump drive; Air/Rafts; Vacc Suits; FGMPs; Guass weapons; 1 turret per 100 dton; 4 dton "staterooms"; gas giant refueling; etc.

It is ordinary characters doing heroic things. It is NOT supermen (e.g. "Jedi"). It is gritty, working in the margins. It is not "Enterprise", but more "Serindipity". It is well used with a 40 year mortgage, not shiny and gleeming and always hyperclean. It is SF with aliens, but the best and strangest aliens are still humans.

To me, Traveller is that unique "atmosphere" that was created with the 3 LBB that has been continued through all successive generations of the game, even through GT and T20. You know, it is a bit difficult to describe, but, somehow, it is also instantly recognizable.

That "essence" or "atmosphere" or "character" or whatever; *that* is what "Traveller" means to me.
Originally posted by daryen:
However, none of those are what really define "Traveller" for me. For me, Traveller is jump drive; Air/Rafts; Vacc Suits; FGMPs; Guass weapons; 1 turret per 100 dton; 4 dton "staterooms"; gas giant refueling; etc.

It is ordinary characters doing heroic things. It is NOT supermen (e.g. "Jedi"). It is gritty, working in the margins. It is not "Enterprise", but more "Serindipity". It is well used with a 40 year mortgage, not shiny and gleeming and always hyperclean. It is SF with aliens, but the best and strangest aliens are still humans.

To me, Traveller is that unique "atmosphere" that was created with the 3 LBB that has been continued through all successive generations of the game, even through GT and T20. You know, it is a bit difficult to describe, but, somehow, it is also instantly recognizable.

That "essence" or "atmosphere" or "character" or whatever; *that* is what "Traveller" means to me.[/QB]
I agree with all of the above, but I would add one thing; Prior service character generation. The ability to develop characters with a history and a skill set is what a lot of us really enjoyed when Traveller came out. I started playing in the late 70s in high school. I ran a game in half a subsector using the FanTac games Space Marines rules for a background (the background that became Space Opera). I think what we all enjoyed and set it apart from other games at the time was the chance to have characters that were adults and established with a history and skills. The combination of chance and choice in the CG process is a key element. Most old time Traveller players can remember game sessions where everyone just spent time rolling up characters, and never got around to playing, but had fun anyway. I think that’s part of it all, when your rolling up characters, you’re still playing Traveller, even if your not adventuring.

Just my 2 cents worth,

Originally posted by Evil Dr Ganymede:
Yes, it is an interesting question...! You missed one important option though:

3b) A game set in the 3rd Imperium universe using *any* game mechanics. (not any other game mechanics)[/QB]
Its not an exclusive question

Am I playing Traveller using Greater Magellanic Clouds setting (its entirely my own creation owing nothing to the 3rd Imperium) when I run it using T4?

If I decide that I don't like T4 and change to T20, am I still playing Traveller?

If I later decide that T20 isn't for me after all and convert to BRP, am I still playing Traveller?

Thats an even more interesting question.
Originally posted by Evil Dr Ganymede:
Still, I can't really believe that *none* of the systems presented so far for Traveller have worked. I get the impression here (that may be mistaken, granted) that some people flat-out refuse to try T20 or GT simply because they're not evolutions of the GDW system (if they don't like them for other reasons, then that's fair enough. But not to even look at them just because they're not GDW is somewhat unbelievable to me.)
I don't think you're getting the point. I have played several systems, including other d20 games and GURPS, many of them I still play. However, I prefer using Traveller as a set of rules to space based campaigns. Notice that I am not saying it is perfect. It isn't and I would like to see it improved.

Originally posted by Evil Dr Ganymede:
And as a matter of fact, I do think GURPS 3/e is getting overburdened by all the extra bits that have accumulated over the years...
Well, at least we agree with that. When I first tried GURPS, in 1990, if I recall correctly, I love it, as it fits nicely in my style of not much powerful characters in an epic campaign. However, GURPS evolved in a such detailed game that I lost my interest. I look forward the upcoming new edition, although I don't see much future in games designed to be simulations by process

Originally posted by Evil Dr Ganymede:
OK - does your mix of T4/CT/house rules work though? I'd imagine it does, or you wouldn't be using it. In which case, why would you want a T5?
Although I enjoy most of T4 rules, there are points really needing improvement. Some were covered in a playtest file, usually called T4.1. Another thing that bothered me was the use of half dices. However, Marc Miller have stated in this boards that he will drop half-dices in the T5. Perhaps he will not address all my criticism, but I believe that I may replace the T4 rules I current use by a new set from T5. Perhaps I could even start playing with T5 rules alone. That would be a plus.
Originally posted by Andrewmv:
Which of the following is "Playing Traveller"?

1) A game set in the 3rd Imperium universe using CT, MT, TNE, T4 or T5

2) A game set in the 3rd Imperium universe using T20 or GT

3) A game set in the 3rd Imperium universe using some other game mechanics

4) A game set in a umpire created universe using CT, MT, TNE, T4 or T5

5) A game set in a umpire created universe using T20 or GT

6) A game set in a umpire created universe using some other game mechanics

Its an interesting question.
Easy one. The first four are Traveller, which is both a rules set and a campaign set. Number 5 is something inspired by Traveller, as both T20 and GT share with Traveller most of its equipment list and, in the case of T20 some of its rules. Number six is anything but Traveller.
Originally posted by Evil Dr Ganymede:
Still, I can't really believe that *none* of the systems presented so far for Traveller have worked.
. . .

OK - does your mix of T4/CT/house rules work though? I'd imagine it does, or you wouldn't be using it. In which case, why would you want a T5?
So, if you had a beat-up '73 Ford Pinto that still ran (if barely), you'd have absolutely no interest in an '03 Taurus with a five-year warranty? There's little question that at least some of the rules sets to date work. I don't think anyone believes that any of them work perfectly, though; there's always room for improvement.
Tell you what guys.....i just read a rough draft
copy of ...... T-9 ...WOW...been inthe works for 11 years!!!...puts everthing else to shame!!!....smooth playable....all new mechanics....great stuff!!!....678 pages long!!!!
only cost $13.95!!!!.... dont know when they are going to publish it....might have to wait a while....darn....o well..... ;) :D
I own every version of traveller made (well, except Gurps -- gurps isn't traveller, it's crap, so I never even touched it). In fact, found my T4 rules book the other day while trying to find the box that has my LBBs in it (still haven't....)

But, know what version I played the most, the version that I played last time I ran a traveller game?

It was my own house-rules version of CT.

It wasn't in the official universe and it wasn't cannon. We had missile rules and I modified ship construction so it had to use rockets instead of the magical impulese engine.

But, for the first time, I'm reading the rules to T20 and am planning on running a game as the rules are written.....

dunno, but I think that says something...just not sure what it is
I have a small black box stuffed full of aging Traveller modules... and that for me will always be Traveller. The original. For me, at least.

I've enjoyed looking through other versions - T2300, TNE, the Millar revised version, Mega - but have always felt that Traveller belongs in little black covered books with coloured bands... and, more importantly, in my imagination. Traveller is pulp scifi as a pure level with slightly bemusing rules that will always, in my mind, be classic.

Love it!

to Traveller and its future!
Kenegan - you are an OUTSTANDING fellow Traveller!!! Classic and LITTLE BLACK BOOKS....al the rest is.....

heres a few stars for the new guy...keep posting!!
;) :cool:
Originally posted by plop101:
There is also GRIP Traveller, but where it fits in the scheme of things I dunno.
GRIP is a software that facilitate online roleplaying. GRIP Traveller also contains an edition of books 1-3, so it is basically a repackage of Classic Traveller.
if i where asked to create or find a system for traveller i would go talk to the guys at decipher Inc, thier star Trek is nice and so is Lord of the rings. stat +skill +2d6 open ended. though in terms and the services and you got a damn good game , i mean . . . what where is my Star Trek Book , lets see fix . . . uhm excuse me i have work to do
Originally posted by traveller -447:
if i where asked to create or find a system for traveller i would go talk to the guys at decipher Inc, thier star Trek is nice and so is Lord of the rings. stat +skill +2d6 open ended. though in terms and the services and you got a damn good game , i mean . . . what where is my Star Trek Book , lets see fix . . . uhm excuse me i have work to do
Yeah that's a nice task system - it's also essentially MegaTraveller...


That's why some of us would prefer an errata and milieu free version of it as T5.
