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Travellercon/USA 2009 - IMPORTANT

Hi everyone...

This is a 'repost' from our Traveller Yahoo Group...I know there had been talk by some COTI posters of attending this year's con, and I just wanted to make sure as many people would be notified as I could reach...

Travellercon has been cancelled until next year. We've received personal emails from many Travellercon attendees showing support and understanding for circumstances which were not under our control. We really appreciate your support :) As we've said before, we had no reason to believe the hotel would not honor the contract we had setup with them a year ago. We had still been moving forward expecting the hotel would be open as promised (including buying the con shirts and booklets) all the while calling the hotel on a daily basis (since August) to try to reach someone there. Additionally, the hotel is still taking reservations...

At this point I am in the process of emailing everyone who registered individually about the current status and con fee refund. Unfortunately there is one individual who is intent on stirring up trouble with misinformation about Keith and I 'stealing' your money. Rest assured this is NEVER the case.

Unfortunately I am not at my home computer right now (and haven't been since mid-Friday) so I have not been able to update the website. Rest assurred that I will be posting an immediate update once I return home this evening.

I (personally) appreciate everyone's patience and understanding. I look forward to Travellercon not only for the games, but I also (primarily) look forward to having fun with the wonderful group of individuals who join us every year...which is why I consider most of you to be more than just 'customers' :)

Thank you all :)
You have my deepest sympathy & prayers. I understand what you are going through. I was an attendee at the 1977 Worldcon in Orlando-the one that wound up in Miami because of the same situation.
Thank you!

Thank you Darkhstarr :)

We're going to hold the con next year...our attendees have been great (save one) and have been very understanding...and like Worldcon, we will be back next year! :)

Thank you again!

You have my deepest sympathy & prayers. I understand what you are going through. I was an attendee at the 1977 Worldcon in Orlando-the one that wound up in Miami because of the same situation.
Megan: Given your experience this year... are you planning on holding it in the same place next year, or are you looking for another venue? I've been reading these threads, and if I'm understanding what happened, it seems that the hotel was taking congoer's reservations even after they knew that it wouldn't be happening - and that the hotel wouldn't even be open. That smacks of out-and-out fraud on the hotel's part - and their failure to be up-front with you probably shouldn't inspire confidence.

If I'm mistaken in my impressions, correction would be appreciated.
Reading the local news' reports on the hotel, it looks like they were planning on reopening, but apparently the local government keeps on finding new things "wrong" that need to get fixed before they reopen.

It might or might not have something to do with the new hotel that opened up a block away, connected to the convention center that they just opened up, which charges a higher room rate.
Travellercon/USA at Hotel Brunswick for 2010

At first we thought they had been completely neglegent...but (like Mario said) there maybe some intervention on the part of the local government...

Be sure to read the comments at the end - there's local Lancastrians tieing the closing of the Brunswick to the opening of the Lancaster Convention Center http://www.wgal.com/news/20003583/detail.html

Whether we go back there for one final year is still up in the air. If they don't open before the end of the year then we can't wait to see if they will open or not. Keith and I will be looking for a different locale in and around Lancanster.

Wherever we do end up, Travellercon/USA 2010 WILL be running next year!

You can check the site in the next couple months for a location update...and thank you for asking :0)
Someone from the Lancaster (PA) area suggested York (also PA) about 30 minutes west.

So we'll be taking a look at York as well. We need to keep Travellercon-USA central to at least the Ohio-New York-D.C. corridor, as that's where our foundation demograph is.

Best regards,
Keith F.

Don't forget, Celesticon/GZG-WCC is being held in California on the weekend of 24/25 October. They are also a Traveller-focussed convention.
Return to Beneath the Planet of the Hotel Brunswick?

Hi Jeff,

First, let me say that I adore Freelance Traveller. When do you think we'll see more of Robert Range's "Road to Glory" serial?

On the topic of the Brunswick - much depends on them overcoming the issues caused by the city (if that's actually what's happening). I'm fairly concerned with doing the right thing, so if the Brunswick isn't the villain in this, I could be persuaded to go back.

Up to this year, the Hotel Brunswick treated us pretty well - they didn't try to jack up prices for the convention space, they gave us the option of staying in un-renovated rooms (at about $15 less per night - you know gamers, we'd rather spend $15 on dice than a quiet room heater), and gave us a reasonable rate (under $100 per night) for renovated rooms, and offered free rollaways when participants suddenly needed sleeping space.

Do deal with, they were, in a word, casual. When you're a small time operation, casual can be your friend.

So, while we're looking for alternate venues, we'll keep the door open if the Brunswick offers us some compensation. It would be easier than fighting them for our deposits back.

Keep the Flame,
First, let me say that I adore Freelance Traveller. When do you think we'll see more of Robert Range's "Road to Glory" serial?
On behalf of my author/contributors, thank you! I'm in the process of a bit of a rethink; nothing will be lost, but I'm looking to go to a magazine-style PDF publication, which I hope people will like as much as they've liked the existing website. Sample issue this month; regular publication hopefully starting with the January 2010 issue being released shortly before Christmas 2009.

More Road to Glory... I'll see if I can find an email address and poke him to write more. I should also poke a couple of other authors as well.

Wanna try your hand at writing for Freelance Traveller? :)

On the topic of the Brunswick ...
OK, this is quite the fair position to take. I've read up on some of the situation, and it's not unreasonable to cut them some slack on this, since there's what the legal system calls 'reasonable doubt' involved. A free pass it's not, though; I'd suggest not letting your willingness to consider further dealings with them turn into letting them pull the wool over your eyes. But you know that already...

When will you know the dates for 2010? I have to pick vacation weeks well in advance, and getting extra single days off - especially adjacent to weekends - is ... not easy.
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We'll probably stay around the same weekend...October 15, 16, and 17, 2010...hope you'll be able to join us! :D

When will you know the dates for 2010? I have to pick vacation weeks well in advance, and getting extra single days off - especially adjacent to weekends - is ... not easy.
I understand there's usually a good Traveller presence at BayCon. TravellerCon is really the only Traveller presence in the Eastern US.
What about having it in Champaign, IL?

You could always have TravellerCon in the town where Traveller started. Champaign, IL already has a convention called Winter War in January.


I'll bet the hotel would be easy to set up if someone tried to put in another convention in October. And hey - Marc Miller and DonM are from around there. I was at that convention for a few hours last year. The hotel is really nice.

Just a thought.

Okay, please don't space me...

There IS a west-coast Traveller-themed convention - Celesticon. It combines with Ground Zero Games fans to present a pretty-cool sounding convention:


It was held this past weekend.

Sorry gents, I missed these posts until today.
