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Travelling in The Fringe - A Near Space interpretation


“”How’d we get here?” You’re asking me to sum up a century of observations, all in the space of a beer. Besides, I haven’t taught a history class since ’58, and that was just as a favor. But, seeing as you’re buying, I’ll do my best...

Two hundred years ago it seemed there were just two predictions about mankind’s future in space. We’d either all be one big, happy family, journeying to the stars under a unified government, facing as one the challenges ahead. Or, it would be all empires and plots, misery and rebellion.

Ends up, we’re somewhere in the middle, same as always.

Sure, the “United Earth Alliance” (UEA) is somewhat of a representative government, composing the majority of the Earth nations, as well as most of the colonies. But, the Interstellar Commercial Commission (ICC), run by the leading multinationals, as well as their subsidiaries from other planets, says “frog” and the UEA jumps. Then you’ve got the French - on the one hand, still part of the UEA, on the other, not afraid to start a colony or three of their own as part of their “sovereign right.” Plus, you’ve got the Mandarin Hegemony splitting off and saying they’re done, and half of the Russian Tsarists doing who knows what down in the “Trading Syndicates”. That’s not even counting what’s going on with different colonial administrations, associations of space traders, and independent stations orbiting some world - we’re definitely far from unified.

Empires and war? Well, the “Empire” bit not so much - but, yeah, wars still happen, no matter what planet you’re on. Someone’s always upset about a bit of land, or money, or religion, and using that as the excuse. Only real difference is these days most of them are fought with drones, or a small “pacification action” using deniable mercenaries rather than massed battles with thousands of troops. Sometimes it’s quiet and clean, others folks get caught in the middle. Either way, seems violence is an easy answer to a lot of problems, even for all our “technology”.

Rebellion? Got that too. Ten years back the folks in the Proxima system thought they were big enough to go their own way. Made a stink about “independence” and “equality” and “self-determination under the UEA Charter.” Turns out, those words didn’t think quite what they meant - especially with the UEA looking at losing a whole chunk of mineral wealth, along with the best shipyards in the systems. Took four years to beat some sense into them, but at the end of the day Proxima is still part of the UEA, and those that rebelled were exiled to The Fringe.

The Fringe. Some call it “Mankind’s next hope” - the doorway to new stars, and new systems beyond Earth’s reach. Sure enough, planets like Chara and Circe have done well enough. And, there’s money to be made - whether it’s in raw materials, alien artifacts, or just knowing who’s buying and selling what and where. Plus you aren’t crowded in, smothered in regulations, and fighting everyone for that one crumb on the plate like folks do back on Earth. But, never forget - we’re stuck out here. No soul can get back to Sol but with UEA approval, and that triple-parsec barrier locks us in far side as well. Ask me, it might be gilded, but it’s a cage, all the same.

“Aliens?” yeah, that’s always the fun question, but you gotta choose your flavor. On the one hand, we found plenty - way more than we expected. It’s not like there’s an Earth in every system, but we’ve run into enough planets that ain’t far off; and far more that have some sort of life, even if it isn’t always pretty to our eyes. Ain’t none of them *smart* though - least, not in ways we understand. Sure, it’s out there somewhere, but we ain’t found it yet.

Except for those that went before. Talk about throwing a wrench in the works and farting in church. Depending on who you talk with, we’ve got solid evidence of three, maybe four, groups of folks that was here long before we stopped swinging from trees. Hell, I spent three semesters on Cotter’s talking about that, and you want me to sum it up here?

Martians - yeah, we all call them that, even though we know they definitely didn’t originate there. Pretty much accepted fact by now that we wouldn’t have achieved jump drives without what was found at Cydonia, much less rumors of more that the government has hid away. That, and we know they sure seemed interested in Earth as humans developed civilization - even found artifacts showing they’d visited our planet and taken home souvenirs. Funny thing is, two centuries on, we still don’t even know what they looked like or found any of their ships. One of those great mysteries still, I suppose.

Then you’ve got those they’re calling “Forerunners” - on account of the age of their ships being at least a million years, best we can tell. Not that we know all that much. Three ships found in deep space, sealed tight and us with no way to get in, and a crashed smaller vessel out on Wolf 359. All of them look as shiny as new-made, and not a tool we got can open them. It’s more that we know they had a habit of showing up in systems which had pretty Terrestrial-like planets. Lots of folks have theories on that, but no real proof one way or another.

Only other one we know for sure we got even less. The Mandarin’s call them “The Enigma,” and instead of being somewhat recognizable, it seems they were some sort of crystalline-electric creatures. Since the Hegemony has popped some interesting new tech out in the past couple of years, some of which goes in strange new directions, lots of folks are curious if there’s a connection.

Course there’s a couple other “maybes” out there too - planets with ruins might be one of the above, or someone we haven’t sorted out yet. Species that do some funny stuff that just *might* be signs of sentience, or maybe we’re reading into it wrong. One way or the other, it’s safe to say we aren’t alone out there.

End of the day way I see it, space is mighty big, but humans remain the same. Most of ‘em just want to raise a family and live a secure life; but, always some that want a bit more. Maybe that’s why The Fringe calls to us. Got danger enough out there, but fortunes to be made as well - and, either way, you’ll learn your worth. I like too think that’s how it was near a thousand years back, when folks first started the “Age of Exploration” back on Earth - and that we’re on the cusp of the same sort of wonders. Maybe a few centuries from now they’ll be reading about something we found, and how it changed our understanding.

Anyway, thanks for the drink, Traveller. Good luck to you.”
Rules and Setting Conceits:

Rather than setting down a “house rules” document, or saying what system I think is best for this setting, I simply offer the few mental assumptions I built this write up from:

This is the early era of mankind colonizing space from Terra/Sol (approximately 2276 CE). There is no vast Imperium, no other races, no grand history of other empires or knowledge we are not alone. No one government or organization controls everything, and players would have to adjust accordingly. Mix up Outland, Alien(s), Firefly, Blade Runner (both), Altered Carbon, and other assorted near-future bits, shake well, and extrapolate.

Much like the original 3 books, this is intended to offer multiple options for a campaign - be it exploration, trade, small military actions, intrigue or the like. The lack of a unified government and stable system provides for friction and dynamics - which means opportunities for adventure.

Space travel is still risky, expensive, slow and special. Jump 1 is the most common drive by a huge factor, and the few Jump 2 vessels are controlled by governments. There is no regular x-boat route, no landing in empty hexes, and no presumption that another ship will be along any minute now. It is far easier (and cheaper) to transport a small band of troops or troubleshooters to attack or influence a pivotal node than to build and ship an army across worlds. Not to mention the costs of upkeep, occupation, and the like.

Same thing when it comes to a colony; transporting the DNA codes, embryos, and cloning a bunch of cattle and horses for the first few years is a whole lot less work than shipping in tractors and combines. That’s how you end up with the funny mix of your star port being right next to the stock yard some places. Terraforming exists in early stages, but is a decades-long process.

Jump travel as per Cepheus Engine/Traveller, with the addition that one cannot jump into an empty hex - there must be a sufficient mass present for the gravity well interface into jump space to correlate (roughly that of a brown dwarf star - asteroids and comets are not dense enough, nor are Oort-cloud planetoids). Should a ship mis-jump, it would follow the normal random table, but if that results in an empty space then the nearest appropriate stellar mass would be the actual point of exit. Similarly, each jump point to another system is “unique”, carefully plotted, and subject to slow change over time. Some systems may have multiple points possible, others only a few or one. Thus, the location and cataloging of these jump points in a navigational directory (or “Jump Rutter”) is a prized possession by any government or organization.

Earth is far away. Even at Jump-2, it’s a six-week journey back to any centralized government, and then another six weeks to return with information or instructions. Thus, local administrators and military are given a great deal of latitude in making decisions, and expected to act accordingly.

Just because two systems are adjacent to each other does not presume the presence of a jump route. Whether based on the LBB 77 type rolls, the use of Navigation skill, or some other referee-driven element, space has a topography which matters when traveling between hexes.

Ships are typically small (think LBB style). While it may be “cheaper” to build a 10,000-ton battleship than ten 1,000-ton cruisers, those ten cruisers can be more cost-effective means of presence and force projection in multiple places. There are also few “fighter” type small craft, either in space or air defense forces. Drone/UAV technology is cheaper, doesn’t end with dead pilots, and provides for easier logistics. However, very large vessels do exist as used for mining, major resource transportation and such. These can be thought of more as “tugs and barges” rather than huge, self-mobile starships.

Things are generally on a similar tech level, with exceptions based more on population/manufacturing capabilities rather than culture. The tech required to transport settlers to a new world, perform a few minor terraforming/DNA tweaks, and establish a colony require major resources and investment, and at least some amount of regular follow-up to remain viable and successful. In general, the Tech Level is 9-10 on colony worlds, and an 11 at certain high-tech areas. Fusion power plants are common. No plasma/fusion weapons or battledress exist. Artificial gravity for starships and stations exists, but grav vehicles are NOT in use. Genetic engineering and cybernetics can effectively prevent many defects or replace damaged limbs, but “supermen” or true cyborgs to date have proven an elusive experiment. Additionally, such medical techniques require the highest tech facilities not found on most frontier worlds.

Military affairs are similarly constrained. While the threat and potential of nuclear weapons, orbital strikes and other mass destruction exist, it is generally far more cost-effective, and more rewarding to the victor, to resolve matters using the same infantry and ground occupation methods which have won wars for centuries. While laser weapons are available, the power and maintenance requirements mean that traditional slug-throwers are cheaper and easier to produce for most worlds. Given the risk of hull ruptures onboard ships and stations, common sense has retained the use and carry of blade weapons which would be recognizable throughout the tech-levels.

Computers and robotics are primarily more advanced representations of today’s systems. While some remarkable robotics exist for use in repetitive tasks, artificial intelligence has remained elusive preventing true advances. The handheld computer/data pad is capable of processing great amounts of information and storing data, however the limitations of FTL travel have kept networks to local planetary use. Shipboard computers handle the majority of life support and engineering needs, but are also required to use nearly-unfathomable amounts of processing capability for astrogation and jump computations.

Crime still pays. Sometimes it’s out and out piracy, theft and violence. Others it’s just paying a little extra to get the good stuff, or slipping something past the customs office to make an extra buck. Sure, it’s not the nicest thing, but it’s just business.

There are two types of trade. Large vessels traveling established, regular routes carry foodstuffs and raw materials back to Earth, and hi-tech products or new colonists to the outer worlds. Smaller libertine or free-traders carry products world-to-world within the Fringe and other regions; either because it’s more economical on that scale, or because there is less interference from outside sources. Fortunately there is enough opportunity for both sides that the megacorps don’t try to strangle out the independents.


The Near Space map shows *known* stars and brown dwarfs - there is always the potential for new discoveries. In fact, a great deal of government and corporate scouting effort is put into efforts to find new routes to shorten travel times.


Following the conflicts, revolutions and crisis of the early 21st century, mankind began serious solar system exploration and development in search of new resources and opportunities. During the 2130’s the Jump Drive was developed nearly simultaneously by scientists in Europe and China; while this allowed faster than light travel, the distance is limited to about one parsec (3LY) per Jump, and requires the presence of a stellar mass as an exit point. Despite this limitation, the opening of stars led to a new age of exploration and development, as the nations of Earth moved their conflicts and efforts to newly discovered worlds. Over a century has passed since this time, during which the Earth has become semi-unified under United Earth Alliance control, while various colonies are chafing seeking some measures of independence from their home rule. While humans have encountered the ruins and remnants of at least three intelligent alien civilizations which are now extinct, to date no living species have been found which show true sentience.

The past 20 years have seen several significant changes. Jump-2 capable ships have been developed, but they remain tightly under government control. The ability to transport populations, even if only one-way, to previously unreachable stars has resulted in the opening of several new sectors of activity and terraforming. Although early supporters of the joint UEA government, in recent years France has taken more and more of a separatist role, with rumors of a referendum to secede raising fears of government collapse. Mandarin Chinese governments on both Earth and the colonies have chosen to withdraw from UEA membership and oversight, and a new “bamboo curtain” has risen between the Chinese and other nations. Finally, ten years ago a group of rebels in the Proxima system region attempted to revolt against rule by the UEA - some argue with direct French support. The conflict, while relatively short, was bloody and cruel; and following the defeat large groups of rebels, suspected sympathizers, or just those deemed too “bothersome” were exiled to the Fringe.

This is your current location. Perhaps you are a descendent of one of the first colonist families to the Fringe. Or a rebel exile hoping to make a new life, far from Earth’s interference. Maybe you’re one of hundreds of spacefaring libertine families, living cargo to cargo in a ship older than your grandparents. Some government functionary, far from home and trying to make a career. However you ended up here, there’s really no going back.

The campaign begins 2d6 months after your discharge from service. You have your skills, your mustering out benefits, and nothing but opportunity…
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Rumors/Secrets/Plot Hooks:

Intriguing signals have been received from the area beyond The Fringe, and are so strong they could only have originated from a nearby source. Is the government covering up our first true alien contact?

A generational ship has been located in the UV Ceti system, one launched from the days before the UEA and current governments. Although over a century has passed for Earth and the other systems, due to the time dilation the passengers (in cold sleep) have only experienced a few decades. Worse, they are from an extremely fundamental and violent religious sect, which tolerates no unbelievers and condones horrible acts in the name of their faith.

Rumors speak of the discovery of a brown dwarf allowing Mafiya-rogues and smugglers to shorten the travel times from the Mandarin Hegemony to The Fringe. If so, not only does this allow for faster travel to and from Earth, it opens a potential back door in United Earth Alliance borders.

More new tech has come out of the Hegemony which seems unbelievable. Have the Chinese found an alien source for these advances, or is something else at work?

Two of the major corporations have selected the Eta Cassiopea system for their next resource conquest. Although their actions so far have been relatively covert and low key, both sides are seeking mercenaries in order to improve their chances of victory in the trade war.

Six ships have disappeared making the jump from Canis Minoris to Procyon in the last month. Is this pirate activity, an issue with the jump route, or something new? What is known is that UEA leaders are concerned and shifting forces to the region.

Major political entities:
(Note - the map just shows areas of major control, but it is not absolute. Saturn and her moons in the Sol system is a Hegemony-controlled outpost, and while the Trading Syndicate has no large self-sufficient colonies, the ties of the organization are found throughout known space.)

United Earth Alliance (UEA): While nominally a representative government, the UEA is more accurately described as an entrenched bureaucracy more dedicated towards maintaining the status quo and the safety of the whole than in worrying about individual liberties or freedoms. The *haves* find a system which works to ensure the good of the order, while the *have-nots* see the UEA as a boot controlled by corporations and the oligarchy. The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

The Mandarin Hegemony: Almost three decades ago the Mandarin government on Earth unexpectedly withdrew from EUA membership, closed their borders, and limited trade and contact to designated cities and systems. What is known by outsiders is that they current Hegemony government is extremely totalitarian, centered on the good of the whole, and focused on “traditional” Chinese values (as interpreted by the current government). While there has been no open conflict to date with UEA or Syndicate governments, free traders who attempt to violate Hegemony borders tend to disappear with little explanation.

Trading Syndicate: A nominally-independent collective of mercantile worlds and stations. Everybody knows the real power is controlled by old-world Mafiya and Eastern European crime families who have branched into the stars. Syndicate tech tends to be rough, but reliable.

“The Fringe” - refers to that area Trailing of the United Earth Alliance, and composed of mixed newer government-sponsored colonies and corporate interests. Generally considered to be frontier-like, uncultured and wild by those back on Earth. Despite this, keep in mind even the smaller colonies will be at least a TL-9 base, due to the requirements of setting up a viable community on an alien world. However, this may be equally mixed with more “primitive” elements such as the use of livestock and family farms, wood and stone buildings as opposed to concrete and metal, and similar juxtapositions. The Fringe has no one, unified government or military organization - some planets
Although not under any one government, the UEA nominally claims control of The Fringe, and will infrequently patrol the region with military or law enforcement resources. However, keep in mind that even getting word to and from the UEA base at Procyon is a matter of weeks; and anything to or from Earth that of months, The Fringe is effectively a separate entity.
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Individual Star System Notes

0413 WX Ursae Majoris M2V M6V C210313-B 3 belts 1 planets, binary beyond outer planet
The system has a high-tech research station orbiting the sole rocky planet, working on genetic and other advanced sciences. Supported mainly by corporate interests, but there are rumors of government involvement.

0415 SFT 1321 M0V 1 belt D898316-9 9 planets
This system has a small, corporate run mining station on the sixth world, specializing in rare Earth metals which have been produced through heavy volcanic activity. Rumors of indentured servitude and other cruelties abound, but as long as the product flows few ask questions. UEA-flagged vessels are generally not welcomed here. (SECRET - The Trading Syndicate worlds have been using SFT 1321 as a corporate-run prison for dissidents and troublemakers, with many human rights abuses occurring).

0418 HSC 0718 BD D5133D9-9 10 rocky non-habitable planets; gas giant (8th from star)
The fifth planet in the system (Sanctuary) has a non-breathable thin atmosphere and is frozen. A primitive alien race exists (non-sentient). Additionally, a human colony occupies four domed cities; this is a group of religious zealots who have little contact with outsiders save through the local starport and small naval base. Speculation exists as to how a brown dwarf star system developed so many planets, with no answers found yet.

0515 El Canceri M5V x000000-0 1 belt 2 gas giants 6 rocky planets
This system has no habitable planets, but is frequented by belt miners and pirates. The inner-most gas giant has a non-sentient methane breathing race resembling flying manta rays, and creatures resembling house-sized jellyfish with hydrogen-filled gas bladders.

0612 Lalande 21185 M2V D300312-A 1 belt 1 gas giant, 6 rocky planets
Vorle Station, on the sixth planet, is nominally French-controlled, but has a reputation as a pirate and outlaw base; or at least as one that is openly hostile to UEA aligned forces.

0711 Proxima Centauri A667764-B M6V 1 belt 2 gas giants 5 rocky planets
No one really believed the closest system to our own would be so similar - but, there you are. Sure, it’s a triple-star technically. But - breathable atmosphere, liquid oceans, even the proteins were close enough to eat. It’s enough to make some folks talk about intelligent design. Whatever the case, Proxima (the fourth planet from Proxima Centauri) is now the largest group of humans outside of Earth, as well as a center for technological innovation. After the revolt 10 years ago, the UEA made sure the “new” government was one sure to follow approved views. Thus, the current regime is effectively a military/industrial dictatorship, more concerned with production quotas and proper behaviors than with social needs. Given the great profit margins many corporations are achieving through this system, so far there hasn’t been much grumbling (out loud).

0716 WZ Canis Minoris M4V E656342-A cold 1 belt 3 gas giants 3 rocky planets
Cotter’s World is a smaller colony located on the second world, primarily involved in researching the extinct alien civilization whose ruins dot the planet. It stands out as the only Australian-sponsored colony to date, a fact of great national pride. Although technologically equal with other colonies, Cotter’s World residents pride themselves on their independence, frontier spirit, and rugged outlook. (SECRET - rumors of some form of mutant/altered humanity with increased psionic powers continually leaks into government intelligence agencies, and is subject of much speculation). (SECRET - a cell of fighters from the Proxima rebellion has been in hiding since the war, slowly building a network of sympathizers and dreaming of a new attempt).

0808 Ross 154 M3V C5666F9-A (all information questionable) 1 belt 11 rocky planets
Vidi is a Mandarin Chinese colony, limited contact and information are thus currently available.

0810 HSC1110 M5V C660315-A 3 belt 2 gas giants 1 rocky planet
In a rare display of international cooperation which has been respected by all parties, the system at HSC1110 was designated an “internationally recognized travel gateway” in the early days of space flight, due to it being the sole-known Jump-1 route in or out of the Sol-system. No nation or government can maintain a permanent military force of any size, and the rights of all transiting vessels are universally observed. Even pirates avoid activity in this system, knowing the harshness of response that would rapidly result. “Gateway” as it is colloquially known remains a busy hub to this day, with ships transiting to and from Sol and the varied colonies. An extensive station has grown around the second gas giant, offering refined fuel, supplies and low-level maintenance for transiting vessels - all at a premium price, of course.

0911 Sol G2V A867A77-B
The Sol system remains the most populated of mankind’s holdings, despite over a century of interstellar colonization. Despite the label of “United Earth Alliance,” the varied governments and polities are far from unified or cooperative. From the nations and corporations of old Earth, to the Martian colonies, to the Mandarin Hegemony fuel farms of Saturn, Sol still manages to represent the best and worst humanity has to offer.
Earth’s main export is people, the overpopulation problem persisting despite an almost constant flow of colonists offworld. Similarly, centuries of use have depleted many of the planet’s resources, and there is no viable way for Earth to survive on it’s own. Thus, for every ship outbound carrying people to a new world, two more jump in carrying food or refined materials to keep the masses satisfied. This drives the continued push for new colonies and growth, as well as the UEA interest in maintaining the effective flow of trade.

0915 Procyon F51V WD BA87586-A 1 belt 2 gas giants 8 rocky planets
Procyon is used by the UEA as their contact point (or chokehold) on the Fringe colonies. Additionally, the Headquarters for the 3rd Space Defense Fleet is located here, primarily tasked with controlling piracy, smuggling and possible alien threats - as well as maintaining the border with the Syndicate worlds. The station includes extensive maintenance and fuel reserves.

1013 Wolf 359 M6V E576217-9 3 gas giants 7 rocky planets
ChKullou, the fifth planet, was the home of a now-extinct race. Warfare and high-tech environmental damage have rendered their homeworld uninhabitable. One megacorp has secured the rights to research and development of the site, in hopes of learning more (and discovering resources for profit,) but little information has leaked out. (SECRET - the fourth planet has extensive supplies of rare mineral elements vital for jump travel, but these are undiscovered to date).

1014 Luyten's Star M3V E7A0200-9 1 gas giant (closest orbit), 6 rocky planets
This system is less of a colony, and more a fuel depot - famed for free traders, as well as smugglers, using it as a unmonitored and untaxed resource to avoid notice. All human occupation is centered around the fuel processing and transfer station orbiting the gas giant. It is rumored that old-Earth criminal elements hold a controlling interest in activities here.

1213 Teegarden's Star M7V C500302-9 2 belts 3 gas giants (one in orbit 1), 1 rocky planet
Tee-Gee Station is a free-trading site, which is bound to no government or single corporate interest. Think 1930‘s Shanghai, Mos Eisley, or similar free-trade sites. The station provides fuel, supplies, maintenance, and “resale” opportunities for goods, vessels and other items. Periodically the UEA will conduct an enforcement sweep of the station, but business typically returns to normal within a few days.

1114 Kapteyn's Star M1V B668645-A belt no gas giants, 8 rocky planets; 4th from star habitable, 3 moons 1 w thin atmosphere Hot planet (tropical jungles etc)
Chara, the fourth planet from this star, is the closest thing to a “capital” the Fringe has. Early exploration found a relatively Earth-like planetary analog, and the initial colony was opened in the early part of the 22nd century. Chara is a planetary republic, the primary cultures are American, Japanese, Brazilian, and Indian. Chara has the highest population, most technical and manufacturing skill base, and other benefits of an urban planet of any in the Fringe. The planet itself has 3 moons, one with a thin atmosphere. Climate is hot and tropical, with many jungles and swamps covering the single large continent. Two permanent hurricanes (Scylla, Category 4, and Charybdis, Category 6) exist in the ocean at almost opposite hemispherical locations - much like Jupiter’s Great Red Spot storm does in Sol System. A race of raptor-like reptilians found in the deep jungles show signs of intelligence on par with that of dolphins or chimpanzees of Earth. Additionally the extensive sea creatures which resemble a cross between plesiosaurs and sharks have become a popular trophy hunting prize for outworlders.
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1309 Epsilon Indi K5V BD BD E566213-9 1 belt 2 gas giants 4 rocky planets
The fourth planet from the star, Mirai is another world involved in the research of an extinct civilization, this one of an unknown but high-tech nature - some argue it to be an intact Forerunner site. Evidence exists that the belt occupying orbit 3 was a once a world destroyed by extensive nuclear and antimatter bombardment. Rumors of some sort of epidemic have recently been heard, and ships transporting medical aid have been sought.

1311 Groombridge 34 M1V M4V x410000-0 1 belt 2 gas giants, 1 rocky planet
Although undiscovered to date, this system has the remnants of a ring structure around the metal-poor dwarf planet, as well as ancient ruins (unknown if from the same race), in a crater on one gas-giant moon.

1312 Tau Ceti G8.5V C89A314-A 1 belt 4 gas giants 9 rocky planets
Ebal Station is a large consortium of mining, fuel refineries, ship maintenance and other zero-gravity enterprises for the spinward reaches of the Fringe, and orbits the inner-most gas giant. The station was founded and is still controlled by the African Union. The Koron Mining Keiretsu also maintains significant financial interests in the station, and representatives hold almost governmental authority.

1313 Epsilon Eridani K2V C563535-9 1 belt 2 gas giants, 9 rocky planets
Circe is another early colonies within the Fringe, with a population second only to that of Chara. Formed from a mixture of French, German and Eastern European nations, the current regime is a rather strict almost-feudal arrangement of landowners and tenants, along with corporate servitude contracts in return for immigration assistance. The system thrives on import/export tariffs as a central jump location, as well as developing technology research. Hostile local fauna thrives on a Terran-life diet, and includes the “rolling fang” an armored wolverine-sized pack hunter.

1512 Eta Cassiopea G0V K7V x000000-0 1 belt 2 gas giants 1 in orbit 0, 10 rocky planets
This system has a small station primarily involved in mining operations. Corporate interests have grown in the system over the past six months for some, unknown reason.

Credits: Inspiration, concepts, and some general thoughts in no particular order, were drawn from:

The “original” 2D6 Traveller LBB set, which first intrigued me almost 40 years ago…
Cepheus Engine by Samardan Press
Near Space by Stellagama Publishing
Orbital 2100, Hostile, Zaibatsu and The Universal World Profile by Zozer Games
Outer Veil by Spica Publishing
Citizens of the Imperium Traveller RPG board, to include (but certainly not limited to!) posts/replies by: Enoki, Golan 2072, Orr, and Mike Wightman
I’m sure there are others I left out - no slight intended, and thanks everyone for the ideas, contributions from your own games, and feedback.
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I love this! Reminds me of my own Outer Veil setting (was it part of your inspiration, by the way, like HOSTILE was?). This is more or less what I would look for in a near-future, near-Earth setting.
I love this! Reminds me of my own Outer Veil setting (was it part of your inspiration, by the way, like HOSTILE was?). This is more or less what I would look for in a near-future, near-Earth setting.

UGH - My abject apologies sir. Outer Veil was also another of my inspirations. I shall edit to include that - so hard to remember all the good ideas and different sources. Slikha.

A brief request for those who care to share:

- Constructive criticism is welcome. If you liked it, why? If you think it sucks, what could I have done better?

- If I were to expand on this (without trying to turn it into a huge setting book), what ideas or additions would you like me to post?

Thanks in advance.
So is this kind of a dawning of age of sail space exploitation on a budget without galactic wars sort of milieu?
I like it! Near space-near future has nearly always been my preferred basis for my homegrown settings, there's somrthing far more redolent about 'jumping to Epsilon Eridani' than to the unknown 'Barram's World' (or whatever). I don't know if you have seen The Expanse, but your political and social set up really reminds me of that in the TV show ... that is a good thing!

Not sure I like the use of the word Mandarin, I'd think of something else personally - the image is of a language, or an English description. Try Far East, Cathay (still the name of an airline), Chinese, or if you want to send shivers.., Co-Prosperity (although that has Japanese overtones). Just my two cents, names of things are crucial, you're stuck with them in the long run, so they have ti sound just right.
Great minds think alike - I think that Near Space creates a certain kind of creative juices. Such as for my Hard Space setting idea (which used the draft Near Space map before its release). Between OV, HOSTILE, and your setting, the near future looks "bright" - brimming with adventure potential!

Subscribed to this thread, of course :)
Proxima Centauri is 4.24 LY (1.3 parsecs) from Earth. If people only have jump-1 and can't jump to an empty hex, how did people get to other stars?
They jump using a speculated (fictional for the time being) very dim brown dwarf located between Terra and Proxima, as proposed by Near Space.
Alternatively spend a lot of time building an Oort cloud outpost, use it to locate the biggest object in the Proxima Oort cloud.

Collect as much data as you can, plot the jump and then wish your all volunteer crew good luck :)

After a few years you build an outpost in the Proxima Oort cloud.

So you have jump 1 travel from earth to the Sol Station, jump 1 to the Proxima Station, jump1 to travel within the centauri cluster.

Think of the fun you can have at those stations, which are effectively bottlenecks of scum and villainy for civilian ethically challenged merchants travelling beyond the solar system or back to the solar system.
But Proxima Centauri isn't within 1 parsec of any other stars, either. It's 1.9 pc from Ross 248, its closest neighbor after Sol (1.3 pc), then Sirius at 2 pc.

I took my data off the List of nearest stars and brown dwarfs (wikipedia) and converted right ascension, declination, and distance to X,Y,Z coordinates, then computed distances between every pair of stars.

Barnard's Star is 1.8 pc from Sol, but 0.8 pc from Lalande 21185. Its next neighbor is WISE 0855−0714 (1.2 pc).

I'd recommend that you redefine jump-1 as 2 parsecs for this setting.

That gets you jump paths like:

Sol -- Proxima Centauri -- Ross 248 -- Tau Ceti -- Epsilon Indi -- Groombridge 34

Sol -- Barnard's Star -- Lalande 21185 -- Lacaille 8760

Sol -- Barnard's Star -- Lalande 21185 -- Luyten 726-8 -- Wolf 359 -- Ross 154 -- YZ Ceti

Pretty quickly, though, you're gonna run out of stars that are not connected to Sol via 2-parsec jumps.
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My proposal on the original thread is to allow jump 1 to go as far as 1.49 parsecs - gives you a range of 4.86 light years.

Combine that with building Oort cloud system stations until the invention of jump 2 (which would have a range of 2.49 parsecs or 8.12 light years).