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Tree of Life: Altrants in Clement Sector

Independence Games

SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Altrants are defined as groups of humans which, from birth, have been altered thanks to advanced genetic manipulation, to have abilities different than a baseline human. These changes were most often made to allow humans to be able to perform tasks or live in environments which would be difficult or impossible for baseline humans.

Created for ground combat by India and China during their war in the late 2190s, “Achilles” altrants are humans which have been altered at birth to be more effective and efficient soldiers. While India and China were the first to use such soldiers, the United States made more extensive use of a similar program in the early 2200s. The name of the US program was “Achilles” and this name has since been applied to any altrant created for use in ground combat.

Achilles are often feared by baseline humans and, among all of the altrants, are often the most maltreated. Even on worlds where attitudes toward altrants are more accepting, Achilles are often seen as a danger and a threat.

The Achilles and several other altrant types are detailed in Gypsy Knights Games' Tree of Life: Altrants in Clement Sector which will be available soon in PDF.

Art seen here by Bradley Warnes.

shorter might be an advantage too. maximum height for a soviet army tanker was 5'6".

Well, if you felt that you needed a shorter altrant, you could use an Oskar or simply order your Achilles to be shorter (of course, you'd have to wait on them to mature).
shorter might be an advantage too. maximum height for a soviet army tanker was 5'6".

Yeah, I've got to say that for person of normal height (6'4") trying to squeeze into a T72 was beyond me. Even a T55 was easier to get into.

I have a vague recollection of the Clansmen in Battletech having different sized personnel depending on their assigned role - fighter pilot (the smallest), mech pilot or ground trooper (the largest)
Altrants are defined as groups of humans which, from birth, have been altered thanks to advanced genetic manipulation, to have abilities different than a baseline human. These changes were most often made to allow humans to be able to perform tasks or live in environments which would be difficult or impossible for baseline humans.

Aquans are altrants who were designed to be amphibious in order to better colonize water worlds. These were first designed by a French science team working on the colonization of Océania (Mazu 0802) in Earth Sector as part of France’s first colonization efforts.

Aquans have gills which allow them to breathe underwater as well as webbed hands and feet which increase their swimming abilities. Aquans have often been used in concert with uplifted Dolphins and the two groups continue to have a close working relationship on some worlds.

Tree of Life: Altrants in Clement Sector will be available from Gypsy Knights Games on September 8 in PDF form and in print shortly thereafter. Art seen here by Bradley Warnes.

... but you don't see a lot of 5'6" NFL Linemen or Sumo Wrestlers, so size may offer some advantages. :coffeesip:

The reason that Soviet tank crewmen was short was that Soviet tanks were designed with a low silhouette and limited internal space, so small crewmen were needed.
The reason that Soviet tank crewmen was short was that Soviet tanks were designed with a low silhouette and limited internal space, so small crewmen were needed.

Not so.

Soviet armour is low profile to reduce it's silhouette. Further, during the 1950's autoloaders were introduced allowing the turret height to be further reduced. Bonus was that the crew requirement could be reduced to three.

Most militaries prefer shorter tank crew but most do not have set crew height restrictions. Even modern armour fighting compartments are pretty cramped.