Proposing a new ship design...
(the current version)
The ship consists of two large spheres connected by a bridge, which is also the bridge. It has both passenger/yacht functions and cargo functions - the port sphere is mostly cargo, the starboard sphere mostly passenger. Each sphere has five decks. There are three turrets (or hardpoints, I'm not sure what the difference is) (shown as "Weaponry"), and the fuel tank covers one deck in the port sphere.
Layout (just simple as of now):
Port sphere:
Top deck: Cargo
Upper-middle deck: Cargo, Cryo Storage (low berths), Bio/Hazardous Storage
Middle deck: Passageway, J-Drive, M-Drive, Engineering
Lower-middle deck: Fuel tanks
Bottom deck: Weaponry
Upper-middle deck: Weaponry
Middle deck: Main Bridge
Lower-middle deck: Passageway, Captain's quarters, mess room
Starboard sphere:
Top deck: "Panorama suite", Restaurant
Upper-middle deck: Passenger quarters
Middle deck: Passageway, J-Drive, M-Drive, Engineering
Lower-middle deck: Crew quarters, Main AI, sick bay
Bottom deck: Weaponry
Obviously there's still a lot to be invented... but pass comment, if you feel inclined to.
(the current version)
The ship consists of two large spheres connected by a bridge, which is also the bridge. It has both passenger/yacht functions and cargo functions - the port sphere is mostly cargo, the starboard sphere mostly passenger. Each sphere has five decks. There are three turrets (or hardpoints, I'm not sure what the difference is) (shown as "Weaponry"), and the fuel tank covers one deck in the port sphere.
Layout (just simple as of now):
Port sphere:
Top deck: Cargo
Upper-middle deck: Cargo, Cryo Storage (low berths), Bio/Hazardous Storage
Middle deck: Passageway, J-Drive, M-Drive, Engineering
Lower-middle deck: Fuel tanks
Bottom deck: Weaponry
Upper-middle deck: Weaponry
Middle deck: Main Bridge
Lower-middle deck: Passageway, Captain's quarters, mess room
Starboard sphere:
Top deck: "Panorama suite", Restaurant
Upper-middle deck: Passenger quarters
Middle deck: Passageway, J-Drive, M-Drive, Engineering
Lower-middle deck: Crew quarters, Main AI, sick bay
Bottom deck: Weaponry
Obviously there's still a lot to be invented... but pass comment, if you feel inclined to.