The jump idea works when you have to longer than 5 days out + 100D travel time. So this like an airplane is for the orbit to moon or near planet astroids and 4 or less day trips.
Those trips past 24 hours are unlikely to be like airplane travel. More like train travel, perhaps, but not like planes. Anything past 2 days, you can reasonably expect staterooms.
Planes: You board, you take your seat, you stay there until journey end.
Ships: you board, you stow your stuff, you try to avoid being in the way of the crew while fighting boredom. Entertainment is often provided. On tramps, some passengers get a bit stir crazy, and some crews have been known to let them push a mop or clean the brightwork just to keep them busy. You hae assigned quarters, but are not usually required to be in them. Common spaces are provided (on tramps, the wardroom, and sometimes a section of the deck; on liners, casinos, gymnasia, theaters, etc.)
Train, short term: you board, take a seat, much like an airplane. You can go to the dining car, but you're expected to be in either your seat or the diner or the head.
Train, mid term (several days): you board, find your compartment, and alternate between the compartment, the head, and the dining and observation cars. Entertainment isn't provided on many, but some luxury runs have an entertainment car - a narrow but decent performance venue. Passengers are allowed to associate with other passengers, including joining them in their compartments if invited.