At TL20, I think you are getting towards the level in books by Iain M Banks. By that level there is some radical revolution in propulsion technology. It's never really explained but 90 mile long ships with FTL drives sure don't run on liquid hydrogen.
If anyone's read 'Excession', the alien ship in that book exists in 2 parallel universes/dimension and draws almost infinite power from the polarity between the two. (Which explains how the Tardis works
Or how about some kind of dark matter/dark energy drive? The farther you are from a gravity well, the faster you go.
If anyone's read 'Excession', the alien ship in that book exists in 2 parallel universes/dimension and draws almost infinite power from the polarity between the two. (Which explains how the Tardis works

Or how about some kind of dark matter/dark energy drive? The farther you are from a gravity well, the faster you go.