No time to install special accomodations in the Far Trader as I mentioned above.
Not even some seats akin of those on a cinema?
If you could, by installing cramped seats they would amount (according to MT) at 2 kl per seat, being tempotary seats (and so not as well distributed, I'd say about 2.5 kl/seat, so about 4-5 per ton without any comfort, but not too packed. As the trip would be about 2 hours (you said 70 minutes, but I'll allow time for landings, loading and unloading), you could do about 7 trips a standard day average (counting some time lost for many reasons, othrwise you could do 8).
If they're using a free trader, with 82 tons of cargo, it could carry about 330 people per trip, so about 2300 people per standard day.
Another way to count it would be (also thinking on cinema-style seats) you could cramp about 4 persons per 1.5 side d square. As one ton is about 2 squares, you could cramp up to 8 people per ton. Allowing about 10% of space for corridor space, you could cramp up to about 600 people per trip (about 4000 per standard day).
I'd take the supplies in separate flights, so that you can make better use of the cargo bay. being a hospitable world, I guess the 1.5 ton per colonist could be reduced somewhat. After all, for the first months (while the colony is being built), they could be supplied from the home city if needed, so not all supplies must be taken along the colonists. I guess the 1.5 ton per colonist allows for any emergency equipment as they don't know what kind of planet will they colonize and they will be out of contact for months. After all, the 82 dton worth of one trip hold is more than 1100 kl, so quite a lot of supplies.
As the seccurity issues, they could be arranged by some guards accompaining the flights (in the staterooms, that, after all will be empty for the same seccurity reasons), by drugging the "passengers" (after all you only need to have them calm for about 2-3 hours) or by threats as deprezurizing the hold or releasing tranquilizer gas on it.
EDIT: Stupid me, I forgot about the return trips, so the number of trips/standard day should be just about 4, modifying the numbers acordingly to about 1300 people/standard day in the first case and to 2400 people/standard day in the seccond.
Sorry about that