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Understanding the use of T20 equipment?

Sorry about the bb thing was basing it on my knowledge of shot being various sizes and my personal use of 3 to 3 1/2 mag shells
But the uses are still relavent.

Agains sorry for possible confussion :rolleyes:

You're right on target.

In TA #1 there is also flechette ammo available for shotguns, and it says it's useless against armor. I'd have to disagree with that. Against most types of armor, flechette ammo would be "more effective". I would give flechette ammo the usual AP bonus against armor consisting primarily of ballistic cloth, and 1/2 that vs. rigid armors (round down).
TA #1 seems to be completely wrong about flechette rounds. Flechette ammo just uses small darts instead of buckshot. They are more expensive and harder to manufacture, and against unarmored targets there is no real difference in effect. Ballistic cloth armor is pretty useless against high velocity piercing weapons that don't deform on impact. Your typical arrow or crossbow bolt isn't stopped by ballistic cloth armor, and neither are flechettes. Arrows that were designed to pierce plate armor use long narrow ponts (just like flechettes). Buckshot doesn't penetrate armor very well, and should have a penalty.

sorry. an overeaction on my part too.

most Canadian Gunhead's are also safety freaks. someone saying that buckshot, designed to 'humanely kill', (ie painlessly, instantly) Animals larger than humans is not lethal got an instant visceral reaction out of me.

An overeaction since we are talking about fictional usages.

Lord Rhys:

Yeah I noticed that to. It's almost as if they got flechettes confused with rock salt.

"Flechettes are used in crowd controll"

Geez! only if your name is John Christian Falkenberg, or Alois Hammer.
Originally posted by LordRhys:

If they're dead, they're under control.


Hammer's Slammers rock!
RL example, I happened to be up early in the morning one day and saw the live CNN coverage of the INS raiding a home in Florida.

INS agents outside had the big (household fire Extinguisher size)Pepper sprayers, loaded with Federal grade Pepper spray, and where spraying down the American citizens standing outside the house (it's a vigil thing).

The talking head on CNN actually said, "They are using Pepper Spray to calm the crowd."

I kid you not! :mad:

5 steps later, I was at my PC emailing CNN, suggesting that the anchor who said that volunteer to take a face full of INS issue Pepper Spray on the air. She could then tell the viewers how it "calmed" her down.

Either way, it was more humane than opening up with shotguns loaded with flechettes. That really would have pissed off the Cuban-American voting block in Florida...
Perhaps she meant 'Quell'

although mobs... mobs almost cease being the individuals they represent. It is said that to calculate the IQ of a mob just take the highest IQ and divide by the number of people.

Anyone with military experience will tell you that formation of a 100 humans is about as bright as a catapillar and a catapiller doesn't step on its own feet. (paraphrased from Leo Frankowski - The cross time Engineer)
Originally posted by Garf:
Perhaps she meant 'Quell'

although mobs... mobs almost cease being the individuals they represent. It is said that to calculate the IQ of a mob just take the highest IQ and divide by the number of people.

Anyone with military experience will tell you that formation of a 100 humans is about as bright as a catapillar and a catapiller doesn't step on its own feet. (paraphrased from Leo Frankowski - The cross time Engineer)
She said "Calm".
My guess is that she meant calm.
It's either what she was told to say (i.e reading from copy) or she was even more clueless about the effects of pepper spray than it seemed.

The folks outside didn't qualify as a Mob.
They were holding a peaceful vigil.
The pepper spray was effective to keep them occupied while the INS shock troops did the "Snatch and Grab".

Hmmm...I smell a small adventure waiting to be written up.