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Unit Symbology of the Imperium

This is split from the "Attn: Historians of the Rebellion Era (1116-1248)" thread.

Would depend on relevance.

Specialized units would need to be differentiated, since you would need to know their capabilities. Beyond a black and white, they could also be colour coded to represent different branches, or different factions.

Add on or limited use capabilities could be stacked on.


So as current an infantry unit equipped for Zero-G assault and an infantry unit equipped for drop from space on water worlds for underwater assault and an infantry unit equipped for air-drop for similar underwater assault are all infantry. But they have (new) Vacuum Environment, Maritime Troops, Underwater Environment, Air Drop and/or Re-entry modifiers...I can see this in the current approach but the elements are complex because of the immense range of technology and environment.

Colours are tricky with multiple races who view different parts of the spectra.
We have a specific set of symbols in FFW, SMC, MT-RSB, and at least one TNE pub.

Click to open enlarged in new tab:

I'll upload the ones in TNE: Striker II later; there are a lot, and some are overloaded.
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Note that I didn't organize them...

I just put them all in a chart. I may revise it later to organize it.

It is as I feared...standard within each iteration and not consistent over time. Not too surprised. The NATO symbology has changed over time too.

Some things seem consistent:
The symbol in the box represents ground troops type (Per NATO usage)
The symbol beneath the box represents the transport type (Different to NATO usage) except that Armour symbol implies tracked unless superseded by something else, and all others imply legged unless superseded by something else

But the meaning of the symbols is varied as time progressed - and may be duplicated in a given set!

I'll just make sure I use an internally consistent set and annotate accordingly!
Essentially, it's consistent between CT/MT, and TNE/T2K2

The NATO mobility goes inside the box; Traveller has it below. But the symbols are the same. Traveller simply has ignored the air.

Note that the bar for mobility is derived from the wheeled codes... It's "No wheels"

I missed the symbols in MT:FSotSI. So, here they are:

I'd make a case that escorts, transports & auxiliaries should have a central circle.
Spacecraft are easy: capabilities tend to be fixed.

Transport can be organic or attached for ground forces, sub units can be detached; keeping track of everything probably ensured the evolution of triangular formations as optimal.