Right now I would settle for a copy of Universe to run on my current win7 machine....
I have a copy just it won't run on my machine.
Right now I would settle for a copy of Universe to run on my current win7 machine....
I think we're done here.
Relax, Hemdian posted about UPP analysis and generation just a few months ago. He's working on it. Developing an app like universe on your own is a herculean task, it takes a lot of patience, a lot of thought and a lot of hard work.
I am giving serious consideration to dropping the 'big bang' approach and just recreating the original TU program in a form that will work on Windows 7/8/10, and then trickle feed new features (system generation, etc), one feature at a time (as incremental patches) as and when they are done.
In pure selfishness, go for it. Universe was a program that did it what it said on the tin. Frills and all the other stuff are neat... but, right now, there is no major competition for a modern Trav-based system/sector builder.
I'd love to see all the other stuff. But the market for the basic app is wide open right now...
I am giving serious consideration to dropping the 'big bang' approach and just recreating the original TU program in a form that will work on Windows 7/8/10, and then trickle feed new features (system generation, etc), one feature at a time (as incremental patches) as and when they are done.
I am giving serious consideration to dropping the 'big bang' approach and just recreating the original TU program in a form that will work on Windows 7/8/10, and then trickle feed new features (system generation, etc), one feature at a time (as incremental patches) as and when they are done.
If you do, Might I suggest going with a more multi-platform approach?
A lot of us use tablets (iOS or Android, mostly, and an app that could be cross-compiled would be very very appreciated.
Especially if Windows Mobile is included as well. Don't listen to the "not enough market share" claims.
If you do, Might I suggest going with a more multi-platform approach?
A lot of us use tablets (iOS or Android, mostly, and an app that could be cross-compiled would be very very appreciated.
However, mobile would necessitate some sort of cloud-based data repository.