Outside of, say, a Jump Drive mechanic, how does a TL 12 education affect this person?It seems to me that a person educated on a TL 12 world will have an experience of TL 12, not TL 15.
If you're learning jump drive physics on a TL 12 world, do you really think they would not learn the breakthroughs in Jump theory that allowed for Jump-6. Or, perhaps, Jump-6 has always been possible, and it's simply an engineering problem the TL-15 worlds have infrastructure for and TL-12 do not.
Just like Doctor in Africa know full well about modern antibiotics, he just can't get his hands on any of them, much less make them. But if he could, he could apply the appropriately.
What other things might a TL-15 educated person know that a TL-12 person would not?