There are missing historical bits too. Submarines really don't exist, black globes or not. And there's nothing like resembling one hit-one kill weapons like torpedoes or anti-ship missiles. Spinals can one hit-one kill but they don't "leave" the ship carrying them.
I always thought SDBs hiding in a gas giant were reminiscent of WW2 U-boats ... except for the lack of a torpedo analogy.
Originally Posted by Orr
There are missing historical bits too. Submarines really don't exist, black globes or not. And there's nothing like resembling one hit-one kill weapons like torpedoes or anti-ship missiles. Spinals can one hit-one kill but they don't "leave" the ship carrying them.
I always thought SDBs hiding in a gas giant were reminiscent of WW2 U-boats ... except for the lack of a torpedo analogy.
I know some of you guys have considered it. Anyone able to share observations about using an ocean-navy game for space navies? Have you used triremes? Galleys and Age of Sail? WWII?
For one shot kills in Traveller, a nuclear warhead would be more than adequate, and I assume that all military missiles would be carrying them.
I suppose on a strategic level I'm influenced actual Age of Sail history than wargame rules.
One I can think of as having a positive influence on the way I think about space combat is Harpoon. It highlights the offensive and defensive weapons radius as being important. ... Flip that over to space as a 3D environment and its easy to imagine a range sphere or as it applies in T5 the range band which is centered on the ship.
Maneuver then becomes about placing the target on the edge of or within that sphere so it can be engaged.
The whole of the 3I is very much based on the need to empower local leaders to make decisions due to the extensive travel times back to the primary decision -making centre. So as in the age of sail, distant wars can drag on for a long time without someone having plenipotentiary powers to command and negotiate.
I just dusted off my copy of Harpoon this afternoon would you believe. Harpoon was a well organised system, which had a lot to offer to other games in terms of how it handled EW and missile combat. There's elements of BR that are just as well developed.
The rules for Age of Sail movement tend to be complicated, and tends to form a key part of tactics, so that rules out many pre-steam systems, though perhaps not all.
That's not a bad analogy, Piper. The differences between Age of Sail combat and Book 5 combat that I see are:The rules for vector movement in space tend to be complicated (individual tastes vary) and, if used, can form a key part of tactics. Unfortunately, more than a few people find vector movement anathema, or so it seems.
One useful paradigm from the age of sail is the whole issue of sensors and stealth. An oft repeated nubbin is there ain't no stealth in space, well, there ain't much on the open ocean either when both sides are using unaided vision and movement rates are so slow. It could easily take hours to bring two forces into combat range and stealth (during periods of good visibility) was almost impossible on the open ocean.
Combat tended to be a wearing down process and most ships are rendered unfit for combat long before they're in actual danger of sinking.
In fact, the more I think about it, the more it sounds like Book 2 combat.
That's not a bad analogy, Piper. The differences between Age of Sail combat and Book 5 combat that I see are:
1. The "one-shot-zot" capability of spinal meson guns
2. Carriers/Battle tenders with fighters/battle riders
3. The ease of tactical communications with radio/maser/meson comms