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Using other miniatures for traveller...

Then the guys sues the official for abuse of force and false arrest and makes a megacred. ;)
Perhaps as well as imaginary rebellions, they also have citizens who put their religion down as "Jedi" like in the UK census...

Or maybe the "rebels" are Dulinor's supporters...
One big issue with miniatures for traveller is that you can gets all sorts of military/armed combatant figs, but traveller has lots of non combatant roles in it, like, I think for example that traveller was one of the first games to make "journalist" a character type.

Finding minis for non combat charcters can be a challenge, and again I recommend the infinity panoceania figures for this as they make some nice machinist, hacker and medic figs.
Martian Metals and/or Citadel Miniatures did a 15mm pack of "Patrons" for Traveller. I've seen it crop up on Ebay this year.
Rebel Minis ( www.rebelminis.com ) has some nice figures in their Earthforce mins plus their werewolves make nice (if large) vargyrs.

Ground Zero Games (www.groundzerogames.net ) has excellent minis for figures (they have a really nice not-Serenity Free Traders ) & vehicles (their grav vehicles actually look like grav vehicles instead of the usually modern AFV/APC without treads).

Old Crow Models ( www.oldcrowmodels.co.uk ) has some nice resin vehicles especially their Hammers Slammers vehicles.

RAFM ( www.rafm.com) until 8/30/2009 reissued the old MM Traveller vehicles & have reissued some of the old Traveller droyne, vargyr & aslan (can't remember if they were Citadel or Games Workshop).

Khurasan ( http:// khurasanminiatures.tripod.com ) has some felids that make nice combat armor/battledress female aslans.

www.15mm.co.uk./ Has Laserburn & other minis which are nice designs (if a little crude)especially for civilian figures & vehicles. They have some nice not-Judge Dredd police minis.

Critical Mass Games ( www.criticalmassgames.com ) has some nice interesting figures. They have upcoming miniatures from their Protolene Khanates that would make nice vargyr.
I've put those on my Christmas wishlist.

These are all in 15mm. Unfortunately since most of these minis are slated towards wargaming rather than RPGing, there is a dearth of civilian exception from Ground Zero Games & 15mmUK. I've used minis from all these (except Critical Mass) in my campaigns.
I've also used Space Opera minis also.
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I have bought 15mm minis from Old Crow Models & have been very satisfied with company & its products.

I second this in my preferred 25mm. They have some excellent and original resin vehicles that I've asked and received permission to base my Terran Dawn vehicles upon because I loved the rugged look and detail. Another upside is that almost all of their vehicles are available in both 15mm and 25mm and in various configurations (command vehicle, tank gun, gatling gun, missiles, hover, grav, wheeled, tracked, etc).
For those of us with leanings toward 15mm, RAFM has released even more of the old Traveller Citadel line! Among the new minis are space vixens!
Space pirates!
And crewmen!

Also, why limit yourself? Next time I run Traveller, I may very well use 1" figures for some scenes, and 15s for situations that require large deck plans or suit long range weapons or vehicles.
I also should add the following, the price of 15s makes them very affordable. For less than the price of one individual 1" figure, you can get between eight and ten 15s. That alone makes them worth the price of admission.
I have always been a fan of GZG's minis and vehicles, though I going to go get a few of the rebel minis Earth Force marines for large scale battles as they are what I always pictured as Traveller marines.