I am looking for some advice/insight to help me alter the CT combat rules slightly. I own both CT and T4. I prefer the simplicity of CT but I really like the selection of weapons in the Emperor’s Arsenal T4 book. Now of course T4 takes a slightly different approach to armor and ranged weapon attacks. Therefore I am curious if anyone has altered CT to incorporate the weapons directly from T4? T4 damage does not concern me since I will be using T4 armor rules. However I am confounded as to how to integrate T4 range bands with CT range bands. They are of course very close in approximation, but CT weapons seem to have arbitrary range difficulty modifiers for each weapon. My initial idea is to scrap CT range bands and use T4 range bands instead; the T4 weapons listed “range” is the default to hit score of 8+. For each range band beyond the listed weapon range there would be a -2 to hit. Weapons would not be able to hit any targets beyond two range bands. Another option would be to extrapolate the T4 weapon range modifiers from existing CT modifiers (a pistol is a pistol, rifle a rifle, ect). Has anyone attempted this?