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General UWP population 1 coded worlds


So the Scout crew were doing a survey of this pop 1 world that had experienced a plague in the past(200+ years ago), and had been subsidized by a couple of polities to do a survey. The planet is a 'choke point' for shipping due to the void surrounding it.

They were going about their duties, and someone looks up and sees an old man watching them. He wasn't frightened of the crew, just interested in their activities.

How do you communicate with humans who have never had anyone to communicate with. How do you communicate with 'Alley Oop'?
Also pop 1 means at least 10 (to as many as 99) people, they would talk.
But if it’s pop 0 digit 1 ie (only one person alive)….. well that person was born somewhere, and unless their parents died before they were 1-3 yr old and they were raised by space wolves, they would talk.

If they Were raised by space wolves, then you have a pretty big problem, because they aren’t socialized to deal with humans.
Ok. But what if the person in question has never spoken before?
If it is a human they already have the capacity for language due to the foxp2 gene, so we could essentially create a common language, it would take some time though. Culture and language are essentially adaptations to our environment, higher concepts would likely be more difficult, rather than more basic ones.
If it is a human they already have the capacity for language due to the foxp2 gene, so we could essentially create a common language, it would take some time though. Culture and language are essentially adaptations to our environment, higher concepts would likely be more difficult, rather than more basic ones.
Not quite….if you aren’t exposed to language in your first few years you can’t learn language later (you can learn A language as an adult, but you can’t learn Language as an adult)
Not quite….if you aren’t exposed to language in your first few years you can’t learn language later (you can learn A language as an adult, but you can’t learn Language as an adult)
Interesting. I wonder how they are using their internal dialog?
Also pop 1 means at least 10 (to as many as 99) people, they would talk.
But if it’s pop 0 digit 1 ie (only one person alive)….. well that person was born somewhere, and unless their parents died before they were 1-3 yr old and they were raised by space wolves, they would talk.
I kind of figured that 50(+/-) people on a whole planet, might be a tad difficult to localize using civilian sensors.

They found the old man near the abandoned starport. He seemed healthy, and they did try charades, and actually got his name, Awwb, The player was ready to start pulling his hair out.
They also found an old woman, who was dying, and she had a name, Ava.