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Vargr ... by request.

Contemplating the Interstellar Wars, when did the 1st Vargr reach the Solomani Rim?
Contemplating the Interstellar Wars, when did the 1st Vargr reach the Solomani Rim?
During the Interstellar Wars 0%. With confidence on my part.

The Mongoose 1e Alien Modules regarding Vargr go into detail during this period. The Vargr discovered/invented Jump around -3810. The Vilani were still doing the Consolidation Wars at this time. Distance to the Vilani and the barrier that is the Windhorn Rift saved the Vargr from being discovered and taken over. Grandfather help them if they had been found and had Jump 2. They Vargr grew and expanded coreward and Spinward, but did not encounter the Vilani until around -2400 when Vargr found the end of the Rift in Corridor Sector, around the same time the Terrans appeared. From there, the raiding of Vilani worlds began.

At Jump 2, GURPS: IW said Imperial fleets took about 2 years to go from Vland to the Terrans. Since pirates and raiders were generally the first Vargr encountered, It's likely the Vilani did not let them pass. Despite the decline of the imperium, the Vilani still had enough strength to keep them from advancing fast. So if your Vargr made it past hostile Vilani navies, you still had a 2 year journey to get to Terra, longer if you only had Jump 1. Thru uncharted territory, which included even more Vilani bases.

Though there is no canon statement that says "There were no Vargr in the Rim", it just does not seem likely. Just like the Aslan. There were no Aslan in the Rim until at least -1999, when the Terran Cruiser crashed on their homeworld and they reverse engineered Jump Drive from it.

Sublight colonies? Not likely either. For comparison, look at how long the pre-Interstellar Wars Terran generation ships took to get to Reft Sector.
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It isn't 0%, but is likely very close to it :)

Long before the Ziru Sirka encountered the Terrans the Vargr were raiding Imperial worlds. It is even possible that the Vargr achieved jump 3 before the Terrans managed it. That is by the by.
The Vargr raiders were often paid off by Imperial bureaucrats, and in some cases were hired as mercenaries.

So it is conceivable that a band of Vargr mercs made it to the conflict between Terra and the Ziru Sirka before the triumphant Terran victory.
It is even possible that the Vargr achieved jump 3 before the Terrans managed it.

According the Adventure in CT:AM3 Vargr, the Vargr achieved J3 about -2480.

The Terrans achieved it about -2240 so, about 240 years after the Vargr...

And don't forget that, again according AM3, he Vargr obtained it from the Zhodani, so they achieved it even before...
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