Is anyone aware of any canonical references to the Aslan and the Imperium having J5 contact across the Verge? I'm no canon expert. I have checked with the excellent travellermap route finder that this is doable and the Aslan already have a J5 route across the Riftspan Reaches.
Some possibilities, some mutually contradictory:
it does exist. The overstretched Verge fleet struggles both to contain the occasional surges of ihatei and to handle the indifference/hostility of the Ilelish archducal court*.
it does exist. Some minimal long-leg traffic e.g. urgent diplomatic couriers crosses back and forth. It just isn't very important.
Independent-minded Ariis (Verge-2439, A88AAB8-F) has kept the Imperium and the Aslan out of its subsector for centuries by balancing one against the other. Nothing has made it worthwhile for either party to upset the equilibrium.
Imperial power politics. Whoever is in power in Ilelish at any given time (Dulinor, the Ilelish homeworlds league) has blocked it for whatever reason.
Imperial fear of the Aslan.
Aslan healthy respect for the Imperium and knowledge that the Imperium won't allow ihatei to grab land in Verge.
* Verge is outside the domain structure. Source: MegaTrav referee's manual page 1 map.
I prefer the first or third possibilities (as my thread title might suggest).
How about Verge as a dangerous frontier rife with Aslan pirates and Ilelish skulduggery; the duke of Tripolis, determined to avoid selling out his realm to the megacorp-backed Ilelishians, struggles to hold things together long enough for the Emperor to hear his case, supported by the grizzled misfits of the Verge Sector Defence Fleet and the local free traders and subsector/interface lines.
I'm not much of a fan of the civil war although I suppose this might work if Verge for whatever reason defied Dulinor.
I'd probably rather set it in the aftermath of the Ilelish Revolt back in the 400s, with defeated ex-rebels (let's face it... browncoats) keeping up their defiance of Dlan... although I don't know if J5 was invented then. Even if it didn't, the Aslan might establish deep-space refuelling points.
[EDIT: Ilelish revolt was 400s, not 600s.]
Some possibilities, some mutually contradictory:
it does exist. The overstretched Verge fleet struggles both to contain the occasional surges of ihatei and to handle the indifference/hostility of the Ilelish archducal court*.
it does exist. Some minimal long-leg traffic e.g. urgent diplomatic couriers crosses back and forth. It just isn't very important.
Independent-minded Ariis (Verge-2439, A88AAB8-F) has kept the Imperium and the Aslan out of its subsector for centuries by balancing one against the other. Nothing has made it worthwhile for either party to upset the equilibrium.
Imperial power politics. Whoever is in power in Ilelish at any given time (Dulinor, the Ilelish homeworlds league) has blocked it for whatever reason.
Imperial fear of the Aslan.
Aslan healthy respect for the Imperium and knowledge that the Imperium won't allow ihatei to grab land in Verge.
* Verge is outside the domain structure. Source: MegaTrav referee's manual page 1 map.
I prefer the first or third possibilities (as my thread title might suggest).
How about Verge as a dangerous frontier rife with Aslan pirates and Ilelish skulduggery; the duke of Tripolis, determined to avoid selling out his realm to the megacorp-backed Ilelishians, struggles to hold things together long enough for the Emperor to hear his case, supported by the grizzled misfits of the Verge Sector Defence Fleet and the local free traders and subsector/interface lines.
I'm not much of a fan of the civil war although I suppose this might work if Verge for whatever reason defied Dulinor.
I'd probably rather set it in the aftermath of the Ilelish Revolt back in the 400s, with defeated ex-rebels (let's face it... browncoats) keeping up their defiance of Dlan... although I don't know if J5 was invented then. Even if it didn't, the Aslan might establish deep-space refuelling points.
[EDIT: Ilelish revolt was 400s, not 600s.]
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