That's true enough, but it's also something that has been consistently ignored by every Traveller rulebook and adventure of which I'm aware. AFAIK the only adventure that actually mentions it is my own Cry "Egherz!" and Let Loose the Humans of War! (he said modestly), and sadly that was invalidated when MGT:The Spinward Marches ignored the information about Walston in TD15.And for those who argue days, the 100d limit of the star in the Risek System(Rhylanor/Spinward Marches) is 48 hours transit from the main world at M-3. This is because the star is a red star, and the habitable zone is .2 AU out. So the star's jump shadow is much greater than the 100d limit of just the planet itself. So you would have to deal with the 20d limit of the star...~10 hours...
It could be a hidden trade impediment imposed on outsystem ships. Local ships carry someone with a pilot's license aboard and thus don't have to wait. That would only work for really powerful worlds and only if the notion didn't spread enough for the Imperium to clamp down on it.Does your Traveller Universe really have so huge an economic profit from shipping that it can afford a 20 hour round trip for a space craft(at M-3) for each craft that enters the system????
IMTU I figure shipping and passenger rates by calculating how much the yearly expenses (including a modest profit) are, how many units the ship can carry in a year (which depends on how long each trip takes), and divide the latter up into the former. I may impose a random die roll to account for price fluctuations, but only if it makes the setting or the adventure more interesting.
Another thing that gets totally ignored is seasonal fluctuations. With jump masking a trip takes longer if the two worlds are on the far sides of their suns with respect to each other than when they're on the same side of their suns. Logically ships should charge more during one situation than during the other, leading to seasons and off seasons that would have all sorts of ramifications.