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Vice-Admiral Elphinstone

The Pakkrat

SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
I'm doing some research for an online, CT, shared story. The wiki shares very little about this person. I'm looking for as much information on Vice-Admiral Elphinstone just before the Fifth Frontier War. This commander was successful against the Vargr Fleets and Corsairs and is a potential Patron to the characters who might step up to the offered mission.

What can be dug up about Vice-Admiral Elphinstone? :confused:

Thanks for your time.

On location at Regina, this is the Pakkrat
I only know what seems to be in the Wiki - very brief references were made to him in the old Traveller News Service as a naval commander in the Spinward Marches during the Fifth Frontier War, confronting Vargr forces. Interestingly, there is another reference there, obviously much, much earlier, regarding an Admiral Juhn (typo ? John ?) Elphinstone (very possibly an ancestor ??) who in minus 1777, at the outset of the Long Night, led an Imperial force that decisively defeated an Aslan incursion. If he is an ancestor, thencurrent Vice-Admiral comes from a long and distinguished naval line (and very probably would be a Imperial noble).

Below is the brief Wiki article.

The Battle of Sosa (Daibei 0436) E571564-7

During the beginning of the Long Night just as the Second Imperium was falling, the Aslan Border Wars began in earnest. In the Gaalorn Subsector of the Daibei Sector a fleet of "imperial" worlds under the direction of Nowa Sol (later known as Harp (world)) was all that stood in their way. Count Gregory Orlov commanded several squadrons which had been sent to draw attention away from their weakened home fleet which only had six Battleships left. A Terran military advisor Admiral Juhn Elphinstone, commanded one of the two squadrons. They found the invading Aslan Ihatei fleet at anchor. They were moored to a large orbital refueling station at Sosa (world). This complex was a part of the high port facilities. Uston (world) supplied elite protected forces infantry. The count's shipyards had managed to construct some asteroid ships at TL–9 from local resources to thwart the Aslan Ihatei advances. The Aslan had this point had some fleets equipped with new TL 9 ships as well, having jump drive was a recent acquisition for them and their ships had not advanced that far as yet. They did however, learn at a phenomenal rate. This defeat is ingrained in their racial memory and they have never fallen for this sort of trick again.The fleet focused their fire on each ship in turn, one at a time they overloaded their defenses. Each failed in turn. An ambitious Solomani warlord, Padishah Emperor Zade Mandal Husa of Sosa (world) had opened his facilities to the Aslan in a hope of retaining access to the stars during the long night. Eventually all these worlds ended up in Solomani hands,
The Battle of Sosa (Daibei 0436) E571564-7

A wiki entry with no source cite at all. It *could* have happened, but is anywhere from 250 to 600 years earlier than it should be, since the Aslan Border Wars are not cited prior to -1100 or so. Six years into Twilight seems a bit early for such things.
All I know is that he is a very middle-range admiral in FFW boardgame. 3-week planning factor and no great tactical nous.
Sounds like there isn't much on him in the OTU, other than the very fact that he is an Imperial admiral who fights the Vargr incursions. I would say that other than a few dim outlines he is a mostly blank canvas that you would be free to fill in.
An ambitious Solomani warlord, Padishah Emperor Zade Mandal Husa of Sosa (world)

The title "Padishah Emperor" was cribbed straight from Dune, and is unlikely to have been an official thing in Traveller, due to concern for copyright issues.

Yes, the word "padishah" is from the ancient Persian meaning "Master of Shahs" - but combining it with "emperor" is a specific Dune affectation.
Fanon wiki entry with a basic research error:
Aslan develop jump drive -1999
End of the Rule of Man era -1776
First Aslan border wars -1118

Should check if t's an agricultural world.

Padishah could be the Rice King.

Descended from Uncle Ben, brother of Sam.