As for Field Programmable gate arrays: that is a valid tech that could be used to bridge a
major part of the gap for virus. However, why would 11000 worlds *all* or *Nearly all* use
that as the primary basis for all their technologies, and NOT put in a safeguard against
remore reconfiguring of the primary components of the most dangerous hardware in existance? (to wit, any starship with thruster plates...)
Why would they all be running compatable OS's and/or processors?
O.k., to put IT forward another 1000 years.
If we extrapolate IT to the future we might discover a - perhaps frightening -
independence of functionality from the technologic levels below. Its like a working kind
of a actual hype MDA (Model Driven Architecture).
We might have damnd complex adaptable software / hardware, which a already trained in running on a diversity of rapidly changing "plattforms", even on "alien" technology if information about this is somehow "mineable".
Think of programs writing their own emulation software in order to "run" on a alien system.
That isnt a matter of AI, its just heavy algo-rithming.
As functionality is the primary force and requirements on functionality will be quite similar for starfaring races, their engineers and scientists there might be a certain level of common abilities/concepts.
So, OSses and processors, whatever are not compliant, but the software is able to adapt
itself and reconfigurable hardware.
Regarding the "safeguards": I strongly believe there are safeguards, but these simply are not sophisticated enough or they do not shield from a very special kind of attack.
At least the ultimate safeguard against Virus are hardwired computers....
Why would they even connect the main ops computers to comm gear?
This damnd computer is connected to nearly every item in ship, vehicle, whatever in order to control function, to update firmware, to allow a centralized maintainance.
Just take a look to newer models of BMW or Mercedes. You need a special laptop to connect
yourself to the vehicles bus-system in order to find out the cause of any problem.
Over 50% of the problems with these vehicles are software related, already.
How is sensor data being used to rewrite the FPGA's?
Hmmm, really hard to find anything reasonable...
Perhaps special sensor data is able to move the sensor computer into another mode of operation, such as restart or re-calibration, resulting in an additional mode of communication, which again could be engaged by Virus ?
At least, that would be a real major design flaw.
I prefer the idea, that Virus systems are capable of simulating friendly systems quite perfectly, in order to build up communication links and proceed in getting contact to further systems.....