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Wanted: 12 grognards to sift for canon


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
I'm sifting the classic material for canon elements. Things that are normative for what we know of the OTU.

I started with Double Adventure 1, and sought out elements which are not superseded or present in later material. For example, library data in DA1 appears later (in TTB), so I note that and move on. T5 defines elements of the ANNIC NOVA's design, so I simply note that and move on. In the end, the only unique canon here is data on Keng, Yorbund, and possibly the construction date of the Empress Nicholle (1055).

So much for DA1. DA2 is next.

If there are any grognards out there (you know who you are) who dig looking for this sort of stuff, I'd much appreciate someone taking one of the classic adventures or supplements and figuring out what canon elements are there, which aren't superseded.

That's one guiding rule: if it's the not the latest mention within CT, then don't note it, just move on. That's where being a grognard is so valuable: you'll know if it's mentioned in a later supplement, adventure, module, whatever.

The other guiding rule is: don't get bogged down. If there are issues -- and there are -- just note them, and move on.

I appreciate any help you might offer.
NEVER MIND, but thank you for reading anyway. Grognards have already worked hard on compiling this information; I think all that's left to do is dress it up a bit, put it in a box, and tie things up in a pretty bow.