You'll just find out that much of that equipment you think is essential, isn't really. US troops in particular carry a lot of gear that other armies see as 'unnecessary'. I can function in the field without my sleeping bag if necessary, although I may not like it. And a lot of gear that gets added by mech troops is stuff even less essential - stuff that can be left on the track or whatever if necessary.Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
It's very dangerous to assume that you'll always have a vehicle available. Maybe your helicopters have be grounded by bad weather, or the terrain is too difficult for your APCs to cross, or the enemy have inconsiderately sunk the ship carrying all your vehicles.
Of course, on can go too far. Consider the the Ranger's in Somalia. However, in the modern context of a superpower waging war on a smaller country, such issues aren't likely to be much of a factor. The same is probably true of Imperial forces fighting agaist local. Ever notice that in every illustration of Imperial Marines in Battle Dress, not one is show wearing a pack? Where does the guy keep his extra underwear and socks?