To discuss the Z Drive ... BOLD = included in table, NORMAL = missing value
2000 dt x Factor 6 = 12,000 = Z Drive
3000 dt x Factor 4 = 12,000 = Z Drive
4000 dt x Factor 3 = 12,000 = Z Drive
5000 dt x Factor 2 = 10,000 (<12,000) = Z Drive
6000 dt x Factor 2 = 12,000 = Z Drive
It follows the same +200 progression with intermediate DRIVES omitted just as intermediate HULL SIZES were omitted.
EACH Drive (MD, JD, PP) has a single value associated with it. Divide the value by the tonnage of the ship to determine the FACTOR for that drive in that Hull.
A = 200
B = 400
C = 600
D = 800
E = 1000
F = 1200
G = 1400
H = 1600
J = 1800
K = 2000
L = 2200
M = 2400
N = 2600
P = 2800
Q = 3000
R = 3200
S = 3400
T = 3600
U = 3800
V = 4000
(drives omitted / progression changes to +1000)
W = 5000 [note: 800 dTon hull should be "6" not "5"]
X = 6000
(drives omitted / progression changes to +2000)
Y = 8000
(drives omitted / progression changes to +4000)
Z = 12,000
With the exception of a W drive in an 800 dTon Hull (which appears to be a typographic error), if you divide the value above for each drive by the size of any hull in the table, you will obtain the FACTOR for that drive in that hull. The progression is steady and unbroken from Drive A to V with a change in the "step" for the last few drive letters just as the change in Hull Size changed for the last few rows. However, the underlying formula still works, it is just the CONSTANT for the drive that changed.
So What?
Understanding the formula allows better than "interpolation" or "using the next row". It allows an exact LBB2 FACTOR calculation for any Standard Letter Drive in any size of hull. The "B Drive is no longer restricted to "1" or "2" or "4". You can now create a ship with a B drive and J3.
400 / 3 =133 dtons.