For those wanting to install this software, please bear the following in mind:
1. Installing these scripts is a complex undertaking, NOT for novices. If you don't already know the basics of unix, BASH / SH shell scripting, perl, etc., you will likely find this impossible to install. I know it's frustrating, etc. - imagine how frustrating it was for me, a non-programmer, when I started thinking up the idea in the first place
2. This is OBVIOUSLY NOT 'finalware'... it is a collection of scripts that work under Mac and unix when all the requirement software has been properly installed. It's software I wrote, for me, which I have posted here to share with my CotI friends.
3. AGAIN, Installing this software requires advanced skill. It is NOT designed as a standalone, 'finalware' script, I am sharing it for the group's use. That having been said, if the requirement software (most notably, pdftk) is present, installing the software should take no more than 5-10 minutes.
4. In the past few years, a number of people have been able to install it on Mac and Linux, and they are reachable via PM if their posts here raise questions for novice users or experts alike who are apparently having problems or are otherwise frustrated.
5. I'll sum up again by saying I'm hopeful this software is useful - I am NOT a programmer, I learned these skills by writing this software - but I'm providing it purely on a 'best efforts' basis, because the output looks so damn good, and because I like sharing. If you are having trouble with it, please share your experiences here and I'm sure you'll get some insight from friendly people like robject and others. I'm available for help with specific questions, etc. but unfortunately I'm not going to be able to teach the basics of Unix and shell scripting.
Actually, I find it very amusing that whatever the state of the software one posts, one always encounters BOTH those who are frustrated by its complexity AND those who are frustrated by its feature limitations (as well as those who have complaints but no alternatives).

These scripts were provided here for everyone to do with as they are able (like the impressive and successful Ubuntu port by 'forthekill', for example), and I've decided against doing a Windows version at this time pretty much because of the incredible increase in gripes/requests for simplification/complexification/installation improvements/etc. etc. - I designed this not to be some 'expert programmer', but because it was fun, and because there's nothing that generates canon-style pdf sectors that are this 'eye candy'-licious.
Most of all, thanks - I'm glad you like the output!