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Web-based Automatic Sector Data / Map pdf Generator

I do like the idea of having a 'hard science' or 'canon rules' option for the generator. It could be easily addressed by referencing two separate table arrays with the same basic code structure, and clever conditionals.

I'll get right to work on it after my Zero-G Gravball practice.
I have indeed seen the system and its real good. and Mal and I have even fought over it in the past. I think it a good logical step, but I disagree at redoing "the big map" unless we are talking about a major overhaul of the entire thing, IE "Setting" it by getting rid of inconsistencies, conflicting data, and omission of materials based on defunct publishers (The Beyond, etc.) but I am reluctant to reinvent the wheel. It would be a LARGE project.

Trav needs a "Big Map" where only the Starport and Last four UWP numbers change over time/with setting.

I would definitly dig on an anomaly system of some sort. Traveller lacks Nebulas. PLanetary Nebulas. There is also no provision made for young star systems, even forming ones.

Book 6 is uncomplicated to you and I because we are familiar with it, but to the neophyte, I can see it as being rather daunting in its presentation. I do not suggest dumbing it down to ("Yay! It's an Ice Planet") but a move could be made to make it a bit more accessible. There are a lot of funky decimals in play in that book. At least a choice in data inclusion/thouroughness.

I look at an average layout of a moon, say, and there is a lot of data there that more often than not is unimportant to the scope of playability, and almost never impacts PCs. It's pretty cool as a ref to have that onhand, but it is stuff rarely touched on.
While the system can indeed be pointed inwards, towards the known sectors, such probabilistic methodology is far more successful when conducted against distant sectors.

I love the Book 3 rules, which seem well-targeted for most campaigns. The Book 6 rules/revised Thomas rules, while really fun and interesting, are more detailed, and seem a little top heavy for gaming.

Modifying my program to incorporate Book 6 depth is definitely canon, and something I want to do. And I like the idea of providing a 'real science' option to adjust for what to me appears an unintentional oversight of GDW's (the massive skew in the distribution curve of possible generated stellar types and worlds).

However, for a space opera setting, a mainworld alone, plus a good imagination, will usually do

I'll see what I come up with.
Hey folks.

I found the updated, modified version of SW4 on the web

that has been updated for the 'richer' (Megatraveller-compatible) stats (you can choose version 1 or 2). In addition, you can specify rough tech level maturity - whether a sector is backwater/frontier/mature/cluster - and it generates the planetoid and gas giant codes. What's missing is the star information, and system information, which I can now begin work on far more easily due to the updated version of the software generating a system with specs compatible with the continuation rules.

Here's a black-and-white subsector page:


Rock on!
You know, all these different programs, maps, UWPs look great and I'm sure they would be very, very useful........

Except to a complete compu-dunce like me, who cannot make head nor tail of it all (except that it all looks great!).


How would a complete computer-cabbage like me go about setting up one of these programs and get it to work?

Answers on the back of used £ 50 sterling notes to the usual address......
It really depends on your use. I make heavy use of open-source software and the BSD unix platform, on a Mac.

As an example of a straightforward install and usage, you can install James Parkins' SW4 (the underlying generator used here) to generate sectors and subsectors in text file, or pdf format. It's unix software, so you'll need a Mac or a PC running a flavor of unix/linux, or you'll need to compile it on windows (and possibly need to edit the source).

Most of the programs I've selected are C programs and can be downloaded and then compiled with a single line. Others are perl or java - and I code in php for quick formatted output. Each can be used with the other on the command line.

I've customized a few tools, and combined their function into one system that generates whole sectors and then renders subsector maps and data (along with optional world descriptions) in a canon-formatted pdf. The same program can be run on the command line as a unix shell script or triggered as a .cgi file.

I can integrate other tools too... so, for example, I could grab the randomly generated UPP of a world and, in addition to pumping it into the description engine, there can be automatically-generated trade tables and routes, animal and npc encounters, etc. published as well.

I'd like to combine the tools into one executable file - and that is another goal - which I'd like to address after a few of the projects still underway.

But in short - grab the tools. Install 'em. Ask questions and play. Use 'em.
Originally posted by mickazoid:
You can install James Parkins' SW4...<snip>...It's unix software, so you'll need a Mac or a PC running a flavor of unix/linux, or you'll need to compile it on windows (and possibly need to edit the source).

Most of the programs I've selected are C programs and can be downloaded and then compiled with a single line. Others are perl or java - and I code in php for quick formatted output. Each can be used with the other on the command line.
:( I have no idea what this means. Sorry. I'm not a programmer or anything like that - I don't even know what this "perl" thingy is :(
Perl is... the Frankenstein of programming languages.

It takes a half dozen different UNIX scripting languages and mixes them all together. And somehow... the sum is greater than the parts.

Perl is this vast other-worldly vista that Windows programmers gaze at uncomprehendingly. They wonder how something so hacked and so ugly (and with so little marketing) can be so useful. Its strange and unkempt... but somehow Perl hackers seem to be able to work magic effortlessly.

People joke that Perl is a "write once read never" language. It is the preferred language of UNIX administrators.

That's all I know about it. I wish I could have gotten a job where I could get paid to master things like Perl and EMACS.... But alas... I settled for too many Access VBA gigs.
Gruffty - don't be glum ( :( ). You can learn whatever you set your mind to. There are many choices and they can be daunting... so follow my original advice and grab a copy of a program that does what you're looking for, and start tweaking it.

'command line' = that's the blinking prompt on windows and unix. It's where it all comes together. The other kind of program, one with a GUI, (or Graphical User Interface) has a complicated front end to the software that, while making it easier for human users, can make integration difficult between programs. The command line, in essence, allows you to pipe outputs from one program into another, etc... allowing some great things

If I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to send me an x-boat message and I'll do my best!
I'm with Gruff,

I don't know nuffin 'bout no damn pro-gro langs.

I just wanna download it, install it, run it, look at it, and print from it on my Windows machine.

This looks like some cool stuff, but I think me and my Windows XP is SOL.
When I get this really tight and low-profile, I'll be glad to work with a windows-savvy coder and get a binary for you TL8, but oh-so-lovable, travellers.

I've fixed the base mappings as well, with two additions:
The solid black square in the upper left of a system hex, which is used to indicate 'Naval Depot' installations, is currently set to indicate 'Military bases' placed in those systems. There are usually between 4-8 of them in a generated sector. Naval Depots (which are more rare) are being displayed by an outlined square (white fille, black line). Naval Depots are recommended only 1-per-sector, so I've made rules that generate (at most) roughly 1-2 of them in each sector (sometimes more - and those sectors could be fun to play so what the heck!) I've used the following rule for 'military base', 'scout way station' and 'naval depot' placement in the raw 'C' code:

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
mil = (cla < 'D' && (D2 + DM(pop > 8, -1) + DM((atm > 1 && atm < 6 && hyd < 4), -20)) > 11);
dep = (cla < 'B' && gov > 9);
way = (cla < 'B' && (hyd > 4));
</pre>[/QUOTE]Please let me know what you think of the rules (cla='starport class'). The base codes generated (and displayed) are:

A - Naval Base, Scout Base
B - Naval Base, Scout Way Station
S - Scout Base
W - Scout Way Station
N - Naval Base
D - Naval Depot
M - Military Base
Displayed on the map, they look like this:

And the relevant UWP data is here:

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Scouts-n-Navy 0307 C7A4300-A A Lo Ni 103 Im
Scout's Honor 0308 CA79689-6 S Ni Fl 403 Im
Dangerville 0309 C765689-9 Ni 403 Im R
Home Depot 0407 E658434-8 D Ni 900 Im
Wayward 0408 C638458-9 W Ni 703 Im
Milly Terry 0507 E410595-5 M Ni 104 Im A
Way-n-Navy 0508 C550844-6 B Po De 000 Im
Navy Based 0509 C000AB9-E N Hi Na As 914 Im </pre>[/QUOTE]In the meantime, my next step (besides hosting this free on the web) is trade tables, animal gen, continuation rules for planetary systems generation, borders and x-boat routes.
Hi folks.

I added the interactive, automated cover page with sector name, table of contents and page numbers, and a back cover with a user-definable quote, or as a default one of my favorites - very appropriate:

A brief update - I've refactored the generator to one script (it used to be 3). I've updated the original post and the updated script is available at the same link: http://micki001.cnc.net/trav/SectorMakerScripts.zip . I included my modified versions of SW4 and full-upp.

The outputted pdf's are also compressed now - down to about half the original size - 400-600k for a pdf without descriptions, 800k-1mb for ons with descriptions.

I've begun to arrange for hosting, and for integrating, into a number of possible Traveller online sites and software - everything from animal gen to trading tables, routes and borders. And of course, planetary systems generation. Stay tuned!
Originally posted by Berg:
Far Future should hire this guy... Well done Mr Mickazoid, I'll be watching
Ms or such actually Berg ;) this guy is of that rare rpg find, he's a she

But I do agree, hiring her and a few others here to do some of the new work needed would be good.

By the way - until this sucker is hosted, if anyone would like a random or pre-existing sector generated as a LBB, let me know and I'll be glad to create one for you!

Another, very loaded and open question:

1. Should I include 'research station' bases as per book 6? I have fond memories of that backwards 'r' symbol from early CT.
2. Which set of base codes and symbols (beyond the Classic ones I've mentioned) should the system support?