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What Alien Level would you assign?

What Alien Level would you assign to this race (if any), and why?

Suggestions and critiques welcome. I am not a biologist, geneticist, paleo-biologist, xenologist or other -ist. The race probably makes little biological sense, but that's not my primary concern.

Sendan (Minor Race)

The Sendan are an androidal, quasi-equine race apparently descended from horned plains running omnivores. They stand, on average 1.95m to 2.20m tall, weighing between 85 and 110 kg.

With long faces and limbs, they tend to look like nothing so much as humanoid colts. Despite their seeming awkwardness, they’re actually quite agile. In common with their forbears, however, they tend to lack long term stamina.

They no longer have hair over the majority of their bodies, it being limited now to their head, a mane or crest down their back, and – occasionally – ruffs of hair at their wrists or ankles. In colour, they range throughout the natural spectrum, though most common are white and tan, followed closely by black. Skin and hair are the same colour, with the hair having a higher gloss.

Males possess a straight horn (actually two horns curled together), projecting at an acute angle up from their forehead to a length of 4-8”. Females have a greater frequency of bright colours.

Mostly peaceful, the Sendan prefer to avoid trouble, and will often go out of their way to do so. They are not generally inquisitive, and lack a certain measure of what other races might call ‘common sense’. They aren’t reckless, and are very aware of danger, but they tend to be tactless and don’t always follow chains of logic very well.

Sendan culture is essentially anarchistic. They have little or no government, and seem to need or want none. This doesn’t mean that they are anti-authority, as they have little difficulty adapting to a hierarchical structure when they enter society at large, just that they don’t care for governmental authority. The pressures of evolution still tell, however, as females will tend to congregate around – and mate with – the Sendan with the largest horn, even if other Sendan are more successful otherwise. Aside from this, females are completely liberated, and the two genders mix freely in the job market.

Sendan are possessed of a long lifespan, which is partially balanced by a longer than normal childhood. A Sendan is not considered to be even a young adult any earlier than 25 years old. Full adulthood isn’t reached until 30. Middle age, however, does not come until 60. They begin showing signs of Old age at 90, and are Venerable at 120. The oldest Sendan ever is known to have made it to 165.

Due to the nature of the light that reaces Sendan, they are able to see in a modified spectra from Humaniti. While the acuity is roughly equal, their visual spectrum is shifted up three places. A Sendan, therefore, sees as Red what a Human would call Green, and can see into three UV spectra as Blue, Indigo and Violet.

Racial Abilities:

+4 Dex; -2 Con; -2 Wis; -2 Soc; -2 Edu

UV Vision – The Sendan visual spectrum is shifted from ‘norm’, allowing them to see into the UV range (3 spectra) at the cost of the three lowest ranges that Humans can see.

Horn – Male Sendan possess a horn which runs 4-8” in length. (Horn length is based on Str or Cha Bonus, whichever is higher. +0=4”; +1=5”; +2=6”; +3=7”; +4 (or more)=8” The Horn can do 1d10 damage, but Sendan culture forbids use of the horn to harm anyone. (And I’ve got a Vargr Poodle to sell you, too.  )

Speed: 11m – Sendan can be fast on a sprint, but lack the stamina to continue for long.

Y. Adult 26-30
Adult 31-60
Middle Age 61-90
Old Age 91-120
Venerable 121+
Max Age 121 + 7d10
Max Terms 11
You know... these guys have no special abilities to speak of, their abilities ballance out (actually, slightly more to the negative than anything else), and they have no natural armor to speak of. I'm not so sure that they should have alien levels. The plus 4 dex is a rather strong advantage though.

If they get any alien levels at all, I'd probably go with +1 at the most.
Originally posted by Darth Sillyus:
You know... these guys have no special abilities to speak of, their abilities ballance out (actually, slightly more to the negative than anything else), and they have no natural armor to speak of. I'm not so sure that they should have alien levels. The plus 4 dex is a rather strong advantage though.

If they get any alien levels at all, I'd probably go with +1 at the most.
Well, they have a very long period of viability, and the possibility of loads of terms. I tried to balance the Dex with the negatives to stats. I believe I probably put more negatives than are needed to balance it.

Still, that was part of the question - although implied, not explicit - whether or not they even need an alien level.

If anyone knows Horse/Deer capabilities better, and can suggest abilities that might be more in keeping with their general evolution, I'll be glad to hear them.
They would see the colours as they are (green is green). They would see ones they cannot see as black but with odd undertones.
Where are their eyes? If set to the front, they are more carnivore than herbivore and vice versa
If they have that much UV in their system, I would let them keep the body hair or develop thicker skin (armour value of no more than 1). Otherwise cancer will take them

d10 seems a bit nasty considering that is what an axe does. Maybe make it like a dagger (1d4), 1d8 if they can charge

Maybe they should have greater endurance. Most ungulates can go pretty far pretty fast
I just love the idea of one sitting on a warship bridge and looking confused as everyone starts running arround - because the red emergency light is flashing.

And they have no idea.

Filter glasses won;t help - equipment may have to be totally redesigned for them.

And vice versa if a human is trying to use Sendan equipment.
Originally posted by MT++:
They would see the colours as they are (green is green). They would see ones they cannot see as black but with odd undertones.
Where are their eyes? If set to the front, they are more carnivore than herbivore and vice versa
If they have that much UV in their system, I would let them keep the body hair or develop thicker skin (armour value of no more than 1). Otherwise cancer will take them

d10 seems a bit nasty considering that is what an axe does. Maybe make it like a dagger (1d4), 1d8 if they can charge

Maybe they should have greater endurance. Most ungulates can go pretty far pretty fast
Thanks for the info on the spectra - I've never been too sure how that should work. From what I recall, though, most herbivores have limited stamina compared to pure carnivores. Although omnivorous, I figured that their diet was primarily herbivorous. As for eyes, they've moved mostly over to provide binocular vision.

1 point Armour for the skin seems doable. I put the damage on the horn to where it is because they have no choice but to put their entire body weight behind it, given its position. I suppose they could conceivably slash with it, but that wouldn't have much effect at all. A dagger rarely has 85 kilos of body weight and muscle behind it.
Originally posted by The Mink:
I just love the idea of one sitting on a warship bridge and looking confused as everyone starts running arround - because the red emergency light is flashing.

And they have no idea.

Filter glasses won;t help - equipment may have to be totally redesigned for them.

And vice versa if a human is trying to use Sendan equipment.
That's one of the things I liked about them, too.

For reference, I originally created the race for Star Wars. Being Fantastic as it is, I defined them as Humanoid Unicorns.

I wanted to be a little closer to hard science-fiction to port them over to Traveller.

FWIW, this is what they were like in SW. (WEG version)

4-16" long horn.
Force Sensitive (Almost Every Sendan - A non-Force Sensitive Sendan is rarer than a FS human)

Max Dex 5d6
Max Str 5d6
Max Kno 2d6+2
Max Tec 2d6+1
Max Per 4d6
Max Mec 2d6+2
If I might throw in my two creds here, I'd probably add a few more things to your racial description, just for completeness's sake:

* Sendans are medium-sized.
* Alien Level: Sendans have a +1 alien level (1000xp).

My sole reason for including the Alien Level would be because of the +4 Dex, which is a strong benefit, combat-wise, in T20.

YMMV, though, so no worries if you decide not to go with the alien level. Playtest it with a human of the same base stats and class, and see how it works out.

Hope this helps,
Okay - here's the latest revision of the Sendan.

Sendan (Minor Race)

Size: Medium

A humanoid (androidal) race which evolved from a plains-running horned ungulate. The Sendan were originally herbivorous entirely, but various climactic pressures forced them to become omnivorous.

Description: Sendan have long, slender faces and limbs, making them look very much like humanoid colts or deer. Despite this seeming awkwardness, they're actually incredibly fast and agile. Their body hair, while short, is thick and strong, granting them protection against the high UV light from their sun, and a small measure of protection against injury. In colour, they range throughout the natural spectrum, although tending mostly towards white and tan. Males possess a straight horn (actually two horns curled together - occasionally a Sendan will be born whose horns do not curl together) projecting at an acute angle up from their forehead to a length of 8-12". Females have no horn, but have a greater frequency of bright colouration.

As stated, the Sendan sun sends out a prodigious amount of UV radiation, and their atmosphere does not filter it well. A dust 'shell' around their planet - origins unknown - absorbs visible red, orange and yellow light, so the Sendan visual spectrum has shifted so that they start at Green and go up seven steps. (G B I V UVA UVB UVC)

While ungulants are not usually long-lived, Sendan are known to possess a long lifespan, although that is partially balanced by a long childhood and adolescence. A Sendan does not reach adolescence until age 18 or so, and will not be considered even Young Adult until 25. Full adulthood - physically as well as socially - is achieved at age 30. Middle age does not come until 75. They begin showing signs of old age at 120, and are
generally considered venerable at 150. The oldest Sendan ever, is known to have reached 165.

Racial Abilities:
+4 Dex; +2 Con; -2 Wis, -2 Cha, -2 Soc, -2 Edu

UV Vision - The Sendan visual spectrum is shifted from 'norm', allowing them to see into the UV range (3 spectra) at the cost of the three lowest ranges that humans can see.

Horn - Male Sendan possess a horn which runs 8-12" in length. (Horn length is based on Str or Unmodified Cha bonus, whichever is higher. 7" + 1" per 'plus' of bonus. If both bonuses are equal, the horn is 1" longer than it would otherwise be.) This horn, due to its location and shape, can be used almost exclusively for piercing, and does 1d8 damage, due to having the full weight of the Sendan behind it. If the Sendan can slash with the horn, it only does 1d6.

Medium Sized.

+1 Natural AC bonus

Sendan are fairly fast, having a walking speed of 9m

All Sendan begin as 2nd level characters with 1,000 XP. (1 Alien Level + their first class level.)

Random Height and Weight:
Sendan Male Base Height 190 Height Mod: +1d6 (x5) Base Weight: 80 Kg Modifier: x1d6
Sendan Female Base Height 185 Height Mod: +1d6 (x5) Base Weight: 77 Kg Modifier: x1d4

Young Adult Adult Middle Age Old Age Venerable Max Age Max Terms
25 30-74 75-119 120-149 150+ 120+2d10 15

Sendan culture is essentially anarchistic, in that they have no rulers or government to speak of, although they do tend towards a herd mentality, such that a strong or charismatic male will tend to be deferred to. It's generally only the 'herd master' who will tend to be inquisitive or curious in these situations, although solo Sendan do tend to be somewhat more inquisitive. Sendan don't tend to have a lot of what other races might call 'common sense'. They aren't reckless, and are very aware of danger, but they tend not to follow chains of logic all that well. Sendan culture is truly free, and any Sendan is free to enter any profession available. They place no restrictions on weaponry, intoxicants or just about anything else, although they do draw the line at crimes of force or violence. Should such occur in the presence of a Sendan herd, it can get very dangerous for the criminal.
Originally posted by The Mink:
I just love the idea of one sitting on a warship bridge and looking confused as everyone starts running arround - because the red emergency light is flashing.

And they have no idea.

Filter glasses won;t help - equipment may have to be totally redesigned for them.

And vice versa if a human is trying to use Sendan equipment.
Reasonable assumption, I'm an amateur photographer, and have used film on the other end of the spectrum, in the near infrared range, mostly as a black and white print film. To give an idea, blue skies and water quite often comes out pitch black, but yellows and reds come out in normal tones for the most part. (as in this photo, one of my own, note the sky, this was taken about two in the afternoon in August in Idaho:



So, going the other direction, a being that sees in the near uv would probably have problems as The Mink suggested with Reds and Oranges, and might see yellows as a dark gray at best, even with otherwise color vision.

As an aside, didn't an Imperial emperor change the official color of the Imperial Sunburst symbol from yellow to having no color due to a situation like this, a race that couldn't see yellow, and thus coudln't see the Imperial symbol too well?

Anyway, I guess this is a long winded way of saying that I agree with The Minks assessment of how they might see.
Oh, I was also going to comment on your alien directly. IMHO the being is fairly playable, the only things I might consider is if you want to make any restrictions on them being nobles (mind you, with a -2 SOC one is going to have to roll a natural 18 to get one at 1st level anyway, so perhaps this is moot...no pun intended. ;) ), and POSSIBLY, if this makes sense to you, allow strength bonus for damage for a charge, but possibly not a slash, the charge has all that weight of the critter plus whatever momentum the beast has picked up, the slash would probably only have the neck muscles behind it, I'm presuming.

Otherwise, it seems balanced and playable, really I'd be basically at this point if I were you deciding what sort of homeworld they are from (I kind of see a Rich or Agricultural medium pop world, possibly fairly low tech but not too low, let's say TL 5 to 8? Not saying that can't be TL 14 and Hi-Pop industrial though, or Lo-Pop TL 1 to 3 either). Only concern I have is the long age span, even longer then a Vilani, but then again there is no penalty to playing a Vilani rules wise, so perhaps not worry about it. Might even use these critters one of these days, if you wouldn't mind.
Originally posted by Cleon the Mad:
Oh, I was also going to comment on your alien directly. IMHO the being is fairly playable, the only things I might consider is if you want to make any restrictions on them being nobles (mind you, with a -2 SOC one is going to have to roll a natural 18 to get one at 1st level anyway, so perhaps this is moot...no pun intended. ;) ), and POSSIBLY, if this makes sense to you, allow strength bonus for damage for a charge, but possibly not a slash, the charge has all that weight of the critter plus whatever momentum the beast has picked up, the slash would probably only have the neck muscles behind it, I'm presuming.

Otherwise, it seems balanced and playable, really I'd be basically at this point if I were you deciding what sort of homeworld they are from (I kind of see a Rich or Agricultural medium pop world, possibly fairly low tech but not too low, let's say TL 5 to 8? Not saying that can't be TL 14 and Hi-Pop industrial though, or Lo-Pop TL 1 to 3 either). Only concern I have is the long age span, even longer then a Vilani, but then again there is no penalty to playing a Vilani rules wise, so perhaps not worry about it. Might even use these critters one of these days, if you wouldn't mind.
I can easily see your point with the horn charge damage, and I agree. That would help keep the horn from being overused, I think, knowing that a slash wouldn't really be a great option.

As for homeworld, I'm still trying to suss out UWPs, but the Sendan are definitely from an Ag world. As for TL, they are a minor race, but they're not wimps technologically, either. I'd actually put them at around TL 10.

And true, Sendan can't really be Imperial Nobles, but that's not to say they can't achieve a certain similar level of prestige amongst their own kind. Though, as you point out, that would require a truly unique Sendan, it can be done. They may not slavishly obey the 'noble' Sendan, but they do tend towards herd-like behaviour sometimes, especially around truly impressive specimens.

The long lifespan was a holdover from the original, and I seriously considered dropping it, to be honest. Especially given the max number of Terms they can engage in. Nonetheless, I decided to keep it because, as GM, it would fall to me to determine how many terms and what level I wanted my players to start with anyway.

And feel free to use them, if you like. I'd love to see how other people play them.
A few general comments:

* I don't mind the long life span. As a general rule, creatures with long life spans have fewer children. One thought would be the Sendan females would be pregnant for long periods (two or three years) while the child gestates slowly. Or only the alpha female in a herd can get pregnant (pheremones affect ability to become pregnant).

* I still don't have a good enough grasp of their culture to understand how the maintain a technological society. Advanced civilizations (like ours) require a whole lot of people doing a number of really boring and undesireable tasks. So how does the hirearchy work to ensure these things get done?
What happens when a really charismatic leader comes along? Can he unite all the herds under him (or her)? Or is there some critical mass of followers beyond which some individuals begin to say "I'm not following (Great Leader) because my (Other Great Leader) is better". And what happens at that point?

* As herbivores, the Sendan would have a digestive system which was used to more roughage in their diet than you or I. If you're going to borrow the cow or horse as an example, you might want to note they need to eat 2x or more as much as a human, mostly as grass, leaves or other roughage, just to keep their digestive system running smoothly. Usually not a problem, until the PCs are left on a world with nothing but concentrated rations to eat.

* The Sendan's world is probably (from the human perspective) a tainted atmosphere. Our sun puts out copious amounts of UV light as well but, as you noted, our atmosphere filters most of it (the Ozone layer primarly). The sun doesn't need to be a huge UV producer (it may be an A or F star), but there is no ozone layer. Ahha. The Sendan world has a higher concentration of clorine. The plant life clenses this from the atmosphere and soil and releases it into the air as clorine compounds. Clorine compounds which destroy what would normally be the ozone layer in the atmosphere. The Sendan can survive without the taint in the atmosphere just fine.
The reason we see the range of light we do is because the atmosphere is most transparent to those wavelengths of light. Change the atmosphere composition slight and the available light changes as well.

* Other details. World probably has low water (20%-40%), but large size (6-8). The brigher sun ensures water is spread widely (through more active atmosphere). Low tectonic activity, makes for more plains.

* I really don't see the horn being that useful in combat. You have to be inside of grappling range to use it. Think about what happens if a Sendan stabs an enemy in the chest and the horn gets stuck.

* If you would like to keep the force sensitive idea, you may want to give them a bonus to their PSI roll or access to the Natural Talent feat.

Other than that I'd agree with Mr. Sillyus, +1 Alien level is more than enough. To your concen about making the Sendan more hard science fiction, just remember that social sciences like geography, economics and psychology are all sciences too.
Originally posted by tjoneslo:
A few general comments:

* I still don't have a good enough grasp of their culture to understand how the maintain a technological society. Advanced civilizations (like ours) require a whole lot of people doing a number of really boring and undesireable tasks. So how does the hirearchy work to ensure these things get done?
What happens when a really charismatic leader comes along? Can he unite all the herds under him (or her)? Or is there some critical mass of followers beyond which some individuals begin to say "I'm not following (Great Leader) because my (Other Great Leader) is better". And what happens at that point?

* As herbivores, the Sendan would have a digestive system which was used to more roughage in their diet than you or I. If you're going to borrow the cow or horse as an example, you might want to note they need to eat 2x or more as much as a human, mostly as grass, leaves or other roughage, just to keep their digestive system running smoothly. Usually not a problem, until the PCs are left on a world with nothing but concentrated rations to eat.

* I really don't see the horn being that useful in combat. You have to be inside of grappling range to use it. Think about what happens if a Sendan stabs an enemy in the chest and the horn gets stuck.

* If you would like to keep the force sensitive idea, you may want to give them a bonus to their PSI roll or access to the Natural Talent feat.

Other than that I'd agree with Mr. Sillyus, +1 Alien level is more than enough. To your concen about making the Sendan more hard science fiction, just remember that social sciences like geography, economics and psychology are all sciences too.
Point one: Just because it's boring doesn't mean you can't find folks willing to do it. Chartered accountancy comes to mind.
But seriously, if a job gives a person (or Sendan) something they want, they'll do it.

There is the legend of the Aalinoor, a sort of Uber-Herd leader. Supposedly, the Aalinoor's presence and power will be sufficient to sway the entire population of Sendan.

Realistically, it's more of a pheremonal thing, so isn't likely to be able to happen on a broad scale.

One of the evolutionary pressures which made them into omnivores was population and a change in vegetation. So they can get the additional energy from proteins normally found in meat. Sendan tend to view meat eating as a survival thing only, though, and will usually go with concentrated plant proteins when they can.

The Horn isn't useful outside of close combat. It's more of a genetic holdover than anything else. Societal pressures tend to keep it from being used outside of ritualised combat anyway, but even with a distinct lack of 'common sense', few Sendan will charge with the horn if another option presents itself.

I thought about giving them Natural Talent automatically, with a requirement that their talent be in Clairvoyance. But then, since IMTU I'm rewriting the Psionics rules, I decided against it.

If I did use Psionics as written, that's what I'd do, and probably add another Alien Level.