I would like two types of adventures, since you are going non-3I or Zho or Sol...
1. Off the beaten path system, star empire not specified, but a usable sparsely populated word with something playable. Twlight's Peak or Bright Face or Charmax type, but different plots/hooks. Only with more detail and maybe smaller scale of possible places to go.
2. Traveller city/star town adventures. Mysteries, security work, escort, all with the world/local culture being important, but the issues too local for imperial entanglements.
In fact, you know what? Something like Ravenloft, as a concept. Not on rails, but small enough for details everywhere and the players have to do 'it' sooner or later. Rich detail in a given area, rather than sparse for a whole world. Shadows, only with more detail and a village and more ruins and surrounded by desert for too many miles.
Then the same idea, only in a startown or factory complex.