Meanwhile on a large rocky Earthlike world orbiting a distant O V star.
"Captain's log. After two years in space, searching, losing the merc platoon to get into the building, losing the rest of the crew, save the science officer and myself, to several hideous creatures in this labyrinth we have finally made to the door of the chamber that holds the ultimate Ancient artifact."
"Captain Archer, I think I've found out how to open this door."
"Do it, T'pau."
"Captian, I have scanned the room and what we seek is on this pedestal in the middle of the room."
"Does it match the description?"
"Yes, it is an jointed object 14cm long, 4cm wide and 8mm deep atop a 6cm long post, 3cm in diameter on a pyramid 4cm to each side of it's base."
"Does it have an activation button?"
"Press it."
pregnant pause>
"Did you activate it?"
"Yes, Captain."
"Well, it's not....ah, now I see it's moving slightly."
"Yes, Captain, it's frequency is increasing."
"I'll say, it's flopping around like a fish out of water now."
"Captain, I can say we have found the greatest Ancient artifact."
"Yes, It is ..... The Handwavium."
Seriously, I think that Earthlike worlds are going to be rare. There are alot of variables that have to be just right for an Earthlike world to develop. Our Moon being, IMO, one of the biggest. I think it has played a crucial part in making the planet "Earthlike". I think there will be a considerable number of planets with life on them but the life will be very primitive, like what Earth had 3 billion years ago. Of course a gaming universe where 999 out of 1000 planets have to have domes on them to live in with realitively speaking low populations would be dull to most players.
"Ah, what's the name of this world?"
"Hell, let's just call it 'Dome 337'."
"Now, now, no snide remarks. Ya'll wanted to play in a more realistic universe."