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What Space Explorers look for?

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
So your player's Space Explorer is out in the galaxy. And you just can't come up with an idea of what they can find on the next moon or world. Now, you can roll a d20 and here's an idea that you can use to generate what the Space Explorer finds or does at their destination. You can also combine several ideas to make things more interesting.

1.) Eternal Life (the quest for immortality)
2.) Base Languages
3.) Usable and Exploitable Resources
4.) Better Medicines
5.) Illicit Euphorics
6.) Interesting Creatures and/or Plants
7.) Tasty Food
8.) Natural Wonders
9.) Alien Civilizations
10.) Relics and/or Artifacts that pre-date current era
11.) Ancient Ruins from past civilizations
12.) Anything from outside the Galaxy
13.) Anything that predates the Universe
14.) Astrographic Survey Data
15.) Unusual Stellar Phenomena
16.) Premium Real Estate
17.) Holo-Pics for Galactic Astrographic
18.) Essays for the Encyclopedia Galactica
19.) Traveling to the darkest depths of space
20.) Looking for the meaning of Life
First and foremost, they are looking for a place where they can refuel. No refueling, no return to civilization, or whatever base they are operating from.

After that, they are looking for inhabitable real estate. If they find that, everything else is a bonus.

After that, it gets a bit complicated, as that involves what the ship was sent out to do.
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First and foremost, they are looking for a place where they can refuel. No refueling, no return to civilization, or whatever base they are operating from.

After that, they are looking for inhabitable real estate If they find that, everything else is a bonus.

After that, it gets a bit complicated, as that involves what the ship was sent out to do.

The 1st point, 100% agree - need fuel to get back to where they came from
The 2nd point, maybe not: they may be there simply for science (in space!), or resources, or tactical information (aka resources as well as orbital bodies) in the event of wars.
The 3rd point to me should actually be the 2nd point and the 2nd point, unless that WAS the point, not matter.

It all depends on where they are coming from and why.
A whole planet where you can produce Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and Kona Coffee. That would be a planet to search most assiduously for.
Are there shares in the company?

A whole planet where you can produce Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and Kona Coffee. That would be a planet to search most assiduously for.
Yeah, that right there! I hear ya, brother. Oh the glory, and the coffee. Yum. Excellent taste in coffee, sir, excellent taste. :coffeesip:
Dumarest was looking for Earth, but along the way he was happy with food, rest, peace and quiet from bad guys, good drink and a woman. Sounds like a life I'd like.

What is "base languages"???
13.) Anything that predates the Universe

Uhhh... that would be quite a trick.
Maybe you meant something a little different?
What is "base languages"???

A language that other languages are based on. May or may not exist in the Traveller Universe.

13.)Uhhh... that would be quite a trick.
Maybe you meant something a little different?

Do you thank the Big Bang destroyed any remnants of a universe that could have come before? The passage of Time is a relative concept. We could be in a cycle that's repeated trillions of times. From Big Bang to Big Crunch and back again.
Do you thank the Big Bang destroyed any remnants of a universe that could have come before? The passage of Time is a relative concept. We could be in a cycle that's repeated trillions of times. From Big Bang to Big Crunch and back again.
The big bang is calculated to have reached such temperatures that baryons can't exist, only loose quarks. Nothing can survive that except quarks even if there is a quintillion-year cycle Bang-to-Crunch cycle.

Current speculation is that particles (including a small percentage of nucleosynthesized helium and light metals) are completely ionized for almost 50k years, and another 300k+ years before neutral (non-ionized) atoms dominate and the universe become transparent.

Pretty sure nothing apart from naked nuclei can withstand near stellar core temperatures for thousands of years and solar chromosphere temperatures for several hundred thousand years.
Do you thank the Big Bang destroyed any remnants of a universe that could have come before?

well the latest theory is that this universe is in fact a near-horizon event from a black hole in a five-dimensional super-universe. so instead of a big crunch it's gonna be a big suck.
Pretty sure nothing apart from naked nuclei can withstand near stellar core temperatures for thousands of years and solar chromosphere temperatures for several hundred thousand years.

Except those remnants that didn't get caught in a Big Crunch/Suck would still be around.

well the latest theory is that this universe is in fact a near-horizon event from a black hole in a five-dimensional super-universe. so instead of a big crunch it's gonna be a big suck.

I'd never heard that. What would the 5th dimension be?

YMMV, but cosmology has found some fundamental problems with the big bang theory.

YouTube has various "lectures", including such as:
"The Real Crisis in Cosmology - The Big Bang Never Happened" by LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner.

Sounds like fictional books in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

What Is The Big Bang Anyway?
More Reasons Why The Big Bang Sucks!
Varnilarminous Frunk

But, this is why this site is great. I learn new stuff all the time on here.